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Request a reading

Post by passionatepainter » Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:50 am

I need a new career. I'm 62 and have been disabled, but I'm beginning to feel better thanks to all my research of alternative health options (mostly herbal) Anyway I'm thinking I need a new career and was hoping someone would give me a reading. Thanks, Passionate Painter

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Post by cedars » Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:50 pm

Hi Passionate painter

I would like to respond to your reading request by using the Rider Waite Original deck.

I am not a pro and I am learning the tarot and been taking part in this form for some months now.

I have picked five cards for you in the following sequence:

YOU: Judgement card.
This is a major Arcana card and is the twentieth card of its suit.
As its name suggests, this card signifies the day of the judgement with the angel waking the dead from the graves. Rewards being given for our deeds during our lifetime on earth. I sense that you are being rewarded for your good deeds. I cannot help sense that you are a kind person; brought no harm to your fellow humans and you are being given a chance and a new lease of life. Perhaps these are the fruits of your herbal treatment that you have been following of late and hence being blessed with a state of health and well-being. Please accept your rewards regardless of your disability and whatever else that reward means to you in other aspects of your life.

POSITIVE INFLUENCES: The Sun (reversed).
You may not be feeling 100% healthy and able, but you still have this sense of the newborn under the sun and feeling its warmth and the hopes this state brings you for the future. Had the card not been reversed, I dare say you would have enjoyed fully its beneficial and medicinal influence, but please do perceiver with whatever treatment regimen you have been following, and as the sunflowers depicted on this card, you will be facing the sun for more strength and vitality.

There is some negative energy of some kind of squabbles, verbal arguments and discord surrounding your life but nothing of major significance to alter the path that you wish to follow. If that path regards your new career direction, the blockages are not so major and can be overcome with a little effort.

MESSAGE FROM THE TAROT (or Universe): The Empress.
Another Major Arcana card signifying female instinct, Mother Earth, Fertility and motherhood. This is the card of external female beauty, being in touch with mother earth, reproduction and abundance. If this were the message to you from the Universe regarding your new career path, I would think in terms of the earth and things that can come from life-giving earth – plants, herbs, organics, life, fertility and fertile land. I am so tempted to say that the way you have benefited from your herbal treatment for your own well-being, might you perhaps consider taking that line as a career to help others? Could it be worth a consideration knowing what you have been through and what did actually help you?

OUTCOME: The High Priestess.
Another Major Arcana card signifying the esoteric side of the Empress. The priestess is more inwardly drawn, non-active, spiritual and intuitive. She is the female pope. She may harbour secrets, mystical and mysterious aspects of one’s earthly existence. With these last two cards here, I tend to surmise that your path may be two-fold: one on the earthly realm to help others by way of a new career, and the other for your own soul to bring you closer to your inner self and self-discovery. Your path could not have been easy thus far and by the first (Judgement) and the last (The Priestess) cards I sense you are being blessed by the universe to follow a path that will be shown to you soon.

I hope this makes sense to you.

Blessings to you.

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Hello Passionate Painter

Post by khepher » Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:26 am

I drew 3 cards regarding career opportunities for you. Here they are: Ace of Cups, Knight of Wands, Two of Swords .

Congratulations on your health improvement. This time looks like a great opportunity for personal fulfillment. An opportunity to get mobile again and leave the house more. There will be a decision for you to make and the best choice might not be obvious. My advice would be to go for the one that makes you feel most free. All in all you've got a lot going well for you at this time and it looks as though it is likely to continue for sometime. Enjoy yourself!

warm regards,


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