###Chapter 1: Uses of Horary Astrology###

Learn about this time related astrology technique for making predictions.

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###Chapter 1: Uses of Horary Astrology###

Post by AMANUSH-FORCE » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:10 pm

Chapter 1: Uses of Horary Astrology :smt006

1-2. According to the opinion of astrologers, all those human beings who will be impelled (by Daiva) wish to know the current

good and bad nature of things in their lives. Once upon a time, even the Lord of the world Brahma approached Vishnu to learn horary astrology.

How to Put a Query

3. One should approach a learned astrologer of pleasant disposition, early in the morning, with fruits, flowers and money and facing the east and after making due obeisance to the astrologer, put only one question of an auspicious nature.

The True Astrologer

4. The predictions of one well-versed in the ten kinds of calculating planetary longitudes and proficient in astrological lore cannot go wrong.

5. In the hands of men of learning culture and humility successful results alone are possible.

About the Querist

1. Whether the person is sincere or not in putting the question should first be ascertained on the strength of the ascendant. The astrologer should then study the good and bad aspects of the query and his prediction will be duly inspired.

2-4. The querist's intention will not be honest if (a) the Moon is in the ascendant, Saturn is in a quadrant and Mercury is combust; (b) Mars and Mercury aspect the Moon in the ascendant; (c) a malefic joins the ascendant; (d) Jupiter or Mercury cast an inimical glance on the lord of the 7th. His intention will be sincere it (a) a benefic plant joins the ascendant; (b) if Mars or full Moon and Jupiter aspect the ascendant; and (c) Jupiter or Mercury throws a friendly aspect on the lord of the seventh.

Answering More Than One Query

5-6. The first query is to be read from the ascendant, the second from the Moon, the third from the Sun, the fourth from Jupiter and the fifth from the stronger of the planets Mercury or Venus. It is dictum of the astrological science that a query has to be answered by a proper assessment of the ascendant. If only one question is answered, the prediction cannot go wrong.

Planetary Avasthas

7. One should predict by examining the ten planetary states such as Deeptha, etc., and such a prediction will not go wrong.

Results of Avasthas

8-10. In a Prasna chart planets subject to the different avasthas are capable of conferring the following results: Deeptha-success in the undertaking; deena-sorrow; swastha-fame; muditha-gain of wealth and happiness; suptha-sorrow and fear from enemies; nipeeditha-loss of money; mushita and pariheena-failure and loss of money; suveerya-access to conveyance and gold; and athiveerya-political success and valuable contacts.

Planetary Indications

11. The Sun signifies east, satwic nature, royalty, father, Kshatriya caste, heat blood-red colour, wavering temperament, honey coloured eyes, phlegm, minerals, courage and thin hair.

12. The Moon signifies phlegm, rainy season, softness, mother, 'milk white' colour, satwic nature, living beings, Vaisya caste, swiftness circular shape, wind, and charming eyes.

13. Mars indicates Greeshma (June-July) season, Kshatriya caste, blood-red, south, commander-in-chief, wavering nature, youthfulness dhatu (minerals), white (peeta), eyes, cruelty bilious constitution, sikhi (possessing a tuft).

14. Mercury signifies Sarat season (October-November), bluish hue, tall body, impotency, moola (minerals), heir-apparent, ability in writing, north, Sudra caste, a mixture of windy, phlegmatic and bilious nature.

15. Jupiter rules satwic nature wealth, cold, phlegmatic constitution, tall body, prime minister, Brahmins, male sex, midday, north-east and honey-coloured eyes.

16. Venus signifies peace, Brahmin, women, subordinates, prime-minister, wavering nature, white colour, south-east, phlegmatic constitution, sour taste, and curly hair.

17. Saturn signifies black colour, sinful nature, weakness, old age, impotency, moola (minerals), untouchables, remissness, Sisira season (March-April), wind, cruel nature, west, and windy constitution.

18. Rahu signifies 'dhatu', tuft of hair, vegetables (moola) and events indicated by Saturn, becomes strong in a Kendra from Mercury or the ascendant.

Events to Know from Different Houses

19. From the first house is to be discovered one's happiness, longevity, age, caste, health, disposition, nature, sorrow, appearance and complexion.

20. The second house rules pearls, precious stones and minerals and wealth, apparel, work pertaining to horses and roads.

21. The third house rules sisters, brothers, servants and those that perform menial work.

22. The fourth rules tracts of land, places where plants are thrashed, tracts abounding in vegetation, special medicines, treasure troves and crevices.

23. The fifth house has rulership over pregnancy, issues, wanderings, spells and incantations, arbitration, learning, intelligence, and discourses.

24. The sixth house denotes fear from thieves, enemies, fighting, donkeys, diabolical deeds, maternal uncle, fear and obstruction, and servants.

25. From the seventh house should be read trade, transactions, disputes, journeys and wife or husband.

26. The eighth house rules river crossing, wayside suffering, hills, trouble from enemies, lost property, evil deeds, battles, diseases and clandestine deeds.

27. The ninth house signifies tanks, wells, lakes, water-reservoirs, deities, places of worship, maths, vows (penance), pilgrimage and righteousness.

28. Events to be ascertained from the tenth house are Government, authority, meritorious deeds, virtue, position, father, essential things rainfall and celestial phenomena.

29. The eleventh house signifies elephant and horse-rides, clothes, the staple food, gold daughter and gain of wealth.

30. The 12th house rules renunciation enjoyment, disputes, charity, cultivation and institutional expenditure.

Courtesy---BRIHASPATI................. :smt020 :smt004 :smt017

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Post by swetha » Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:22 am

how can one develop the skills of giving readings for people?

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Post by AMANUSH-FORCE » Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:07 pm


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Post by guruprasad_lv » Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:17 pm

How to get vak siddhi?

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