The Art of Dreaming

Learn to analyse and understand the meaning of your dreams.

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The Art of Dreaming

Post by Angeloftheshire » Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:21 pm

The Art of Dreaming
When is the last time you allowed yourself to dream -- while you were
awake? For some of us, dreaming is a lost art. While as young children
we knew how to dream, over time we can lose touch with the skill. At the
age of 30, 40 or 50, most people discover that in order to transition
to a new life phase, they must relearn how to dream.

Day dreaming can have a bad reputation as a wasteful, idle, "pie in the
sky" activity - and an optional one. Here's the truth: the ability to
dream is a life skill and especially a critical business one. Our
dreams carry us to the vision of what we want, they help us identify core
truths and they help us relate to ourselves and other people.

These are common objections, obstacles and oppositions to dreaming.
Which ones can you relate to?
 a.. Dreaming isn't realistic.
 b.. If I dream about something, I must make a lifetime commitment to
 c.. I don't remember how to dream.
 d.. Dreaming is for kids, not adults with responsibilities.
 e.. What's the value in a dream? I'll only think about something that
I can't have.
 f.. I have no idea how to dream; the thought of it makes me tense and
 g.. I'm trying to dream and it's not working.
 h.. Dreamers are people who don't get anything done.
Dreams help us form our identities. When we don't dream, we're cut off
from an important part of ourselves - the unconscious mind that is such
a strong driver of decision making and action taking. And the universe
does want to help bring our dreams to fruition. It's truly enough to
say, "This is my dream. What's the next best step?" This request scares
some of us. It can dredge up notions such as, "What am I worth?" "Do I
deserve to have my dreams come true?" "If my dream comes true, do I
have to pay in some other area of life?"

Here's what I've learned:
Dreams come equipped with big safety nets underneath them. And when we
consider our dreams carefully, make the right decisions for us, and
understand when to take a risk and when not to, the net is relatively
close to the cliff that we've just leapt off of. But no matter how careful
the consideration, any dream does require a leap of faith into the
unknown. There's no way to skip this step.

So let's get dreaming ... here are some tips to start the process.
 a.. Identify something in your life that excites you. Let's say that
you're writing your first short story in ten years. Use that excitement
as a springboard into a dream. If you amplified your excitement about
your short story by ten, one hundred or one thousand times, what would
the dream be? A best selling novel?
 b.. Stop yourself from making dreaming a chore. You can't "try" to
dream. You need to let it emerge in your mind, on paper or in the air -
dreams live in the spirit of fun and adventure. "What if I could live in
the house of my dreams? What if I could live in another country? What
if I could become a consultant?"
 c.. Dreaming requires space. Go for a walk, or a drive or a trip down
the grocery aisle (without children). Do anything that allows your
mind to free associate.
 d.. It's important to remember that just because you dream something
doesn't mean that you have to commit to it. A dream can be simply a
dream. Notice little kids - they engage in one passion after the next. As
soon as they've used up their passion, they drop it like a hot potato
and move on to the next passion without judging themselves.
 e.. Barbara Sher, the author of Wishcraft and numerous other books,
talks about how you only need to identify one passion to start dreaming.
This is because passion begets passion. One dream will open the door
to the next dream. Knowing this, we can let go of the idea that a dream
needs to be the "right" one.
 f.. Excitement can not be overrated. If you feel excitement about
anything at all, follow the trail and see where it leads you - there's
probably a dream at the end.
 g.. When you dream, notice how it makes you feel. Excited? Scared? A
combination of both? All three can be signs that you're on the right
Reconnecting to your inner dreamer will move your life forward in new
and exciting ways. Dreaming, an internal creative process, precedes most
new ideas that populate our minds. Everything good starts with a
vision -- in truth, fantasy can be reality.

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Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:03 am

Rich Dreams

Post by TRACEY BOTHA » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:08 am

I have been following a website on rich dreams where they encourage you to write down all that you want in a note book. You must have a clause on the front of your book reading something like this: I write this with divine intervention,devine inspiration,divine right,divine timing and with good for all concerned.By saying this you don`t get what you don`t really want.

Can you tell me by wrinting down your wishes is it a form of dreaming?

God Bless

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