My name & numerology.......Please help!

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Post by pkj » Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:39 am

Numerologically, vivek ahuja represents number 7 and if you use only vivek, it represent 2. According to your DOB, your number is 2 (29=2+9=11=1+1=2). Your name is compatible with your DOB.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:09 am

Dominant Impression.
This section describes the first and dominant impression the name "Vivek Ahuja"
conjures up in most people.

Extremely intuitive and feminine, the name "Vivek Ahuja" has many subtle
powers; a capable negotiator, convinces without confrontation.  Like the mythical
Sirens, it can draw people into its reality whether they want to or not.

The name "Vivek Ahuja" tends to be finely tuned with what is going on.  Aware of
subtle realities that escape others, it often surfaces as the winner, even when
competing with larger and stronger entities.  It bends, but won’t break, accepts
dominance, but ends up on the controls.  The name "Vivek Ahuja" is loaded with
contradictions.  Gentle, but watch those nails.  Tactful, but if need be, a
razor-sharp tongue.

Most positive characteristics: Diplomatic, understands the human psyche.  
Patient.  Resilient.
Most negative characteristics: Fragile, superficial, dependent, impractical, not
always truthful.

The Vowel Vibration of a name enhances or decreases the impact of the
Dominant Impression, and sometimes adds a completely different flavor.  Read
about the Vowel Vibration with the Dominant Impression in mind.

The vowels in "Vivek Ahuja" enhance its sense of independence, strength, drive
and determination.  It certainly adds horsepower to the Dominant Impression.
The Vowel Vibration makes the name feel more masculine and aggressive.  It
also conveys intelligence, innovation, inventiveness, leadership, courage,
adventurism, and a taste for the unconventional.  At the same time, the vowels
make "Vivek Ahuja" seem somewhat harsh, abrupt, impatient, confrontational,
and hard-headed.

The Base Vibration in "Vivek Ahuja" increases a sense of dynamic energy but in
the form of a controlled and carefully guided force.  There is a feeling of purpose
and efficiency.  There is courage and effort in the face of difficulties.  There is a
certain dignity, a correctness that radiates from "Vivek Ahuja".  The base
vibrations also reflect a pioneering spirit, creativity, and originality.
The Base Vibration in "Vivek Ahuja" can be experienced as aggressive and
unreceptive by some and will therefore not be attractive to particularly sensitive

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