Unwelcome Voices

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Unwelcome Voices

Post by bushwitch » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:01 pm

I have been doing readings for six years or more now, but recently (after about 10 months ago when my gifts suddenly went into high gear) I have been having problems with voices that seem to have no part of the readings interrupt the flow by passing comments which are at times just irrelevant and at other times plain insulting. They always sound as if they are quite young (roughly in early teens) and seem to come from the left-hand side. I have to admit that as well as being a reader I am also a bit of a skeptic, and during the first few weeks of 'my psychic unfolding' was having entities dropping in on me at inopportune moments (basically when I was in the bath). Firstly I was wondering if the two different sorts of encounters had a common link, and secondly if someone could offer suggestions with dealing with the said voices (it happens often enough for me to coin a phrase for them - "Busy Nobodies")

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:02 pm

'my psychic unfolding' consists of what, exactly?  You decided you could do readings and did not consider in any way, shape or form that there may be something to learn about where it was coming from, who was speaking, or any other consideration?

Have you ever sat in a development/psychic circle?  Have you learned anything at all about protection, grounding, shielding?  

It would appear we need to start at step one and go forward.  Yes, there is a psychic ability - it is available to us all.  But when we decide to use it for readings, we need to know how to stay in our own bubble of psychic ability without interference.

The first incidence was telling you that - the second is a confirmation.  Did you, i.e., that water is a conducter of spirit?  Whenever you are near running water, you are opening naturally and specifically to spirit (your own) as well as the unseen world.

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Post by bushwitch » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:33 am

Thanks for you advice spiritalk,

My readings when I started them, started out as straight out intuitive Tarot readings (I actually started doing readings at the prompting of my correspondence teacher (I am doing a course on natural magick and early on when I first started the course I was getting too carried away with the practical side of the course - the reading business was too get some form of grounding). It has only been recently that other gifts (mainly clairvoyance and clairaudience) had made themselves presemt in readings.

There is no real Spiritualist groups here in Launceston (there was a spiritualist church listed on a website in the Hobart area (according to the website their contact details are no lo nger valid), thus I have not had the chance to sit in a development circle. I aam relying at the moment on a few 'shamanic techniques' (projected sphere of light, and more recently utelising the gate sigil as well)to set up a protective area, but at the moment that is only partially blocking the 'intereference (I have not fully developed a good shielding technique - but  I will do my best to source a few out).

Oddly enough there is a river close by to the Show Grounds in which the market I do readings at is held each Sunday (I was aware of the 'Tape recorder princilple' (recording of events and emotions by running water and  stone in close proximity), but was not aware of the effects of running water as far as opening myself up to the realm of spirit).

Thanks once again for your helpful advice - it has given me much to ponder


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:07 pm

When we have to go it alone, so to speak, with regard to learning spirit and technique, it is helpful to have sites such as this one to get answers to some of the questions of spirit attunement.  Read up on that topic - attunement is the important aspect of forming a partnership with your own personal spirit guide.  That is why all the lessons in the course are outlined.

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Post by bushwitch » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:33 am

Thanks once again for your good advice spiritalk.
I have just read through lesson three (including the post on attunement) and in a way it has pointed to something that was missing in my weekly reading routine (I normally start with a simple cleansing and the gate sigil technique + visualised quick circle, but no real centring and attuning meditation). I have decided to go thrugh the course that you have presented (this one I will force myself to take my time) one lesson at a time. I only wish that i had come accross this site earlier than I did, as it would have prevented a lot of "uncomfortable moments"


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