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Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by DragonKnight » Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:30 am

well most of our past expirences are stored in our solar plexus.
our hatreds losses and painfull heart wise expirences are stored in the heart
addictions and overabuse of certian activities paint our sacral chakra.
my oppinion is that the crown is the portal to the next leve up as they say as is above so is below.

have you ever read the tenth insite by robert redford it a sound base for guided meditations in the book the journeys into the soul and associated visions described in the book can be benifical for the soul part of that. How ever the book is fictional and is only to be used as a guide.

I just think about an atom really and see it as a point of gold light which i then sense that it is that person that i am remotley focusing on and from that i can glean colour and certian atribuits.

Are they flashes or a solid hue?
Golden light can be associated with devine energy hence that would lead me to believe that the energy is clearing me tiding me over till i find my own inner light [past exp]
Well with the violet i assuming that its not the pink violet that come with the crown chakra and in thinking that i would say that you are a visualiser and would recomend trying this.

When you next meditate and achieve the lowest level of mind that you can [lack of thought also lack of sensation]
open all your chakras and the focus pure white energy out through the "black/white" screen in you minds eye looking to see the actual wheel of the third eye then picture a white eye just the outline as being closed and then open it.

The subsequent vision should be a black plane with you seeing your core colour may not nesecerally be you dominate colour "soul colour" as an 3d eye ball

Cosequences of this is that other eye will sense your presence and this may lead to injected thought not of your own and also an understanding of long distance telepathy if your in a city its more likley going to be more dificult to achieve clarity of mind just keep in mind they run off your thoughts

another theory on the voices if they happen is entities like demons for a word deceased people etc.

as you grow you begin to recognise them more easily

Rainbow now there is a thought yes a rainbow youth i will say youth because there are exceptions which i will go into, are the embodiment of new spirits lets say for arguments sake a being that hasnt been incarnated into the physical before. which opens the posibility of advanced beings say an angel that has been in heaven from creation to a land spirit that has been called to work on the earth according to divine plan its up to you

There are also those that are attuned to reki energy a japanese form of healing that uses a turquose light or astral blue i think [im not a reki but i think i have seen it before] light to influence the energy patterns in the ethric body unblocking pathways called meridians in accupuncture.

If you are intrested in that subjuect i suggest you look up the microcosmic orbit and other taoist energy ideas
which range from single body point awerness and meditaion in motion ie clear minded running looking with awearness at thye movements of the muscles and bones right down to blood flow and electrical signals from the brain hope that help

oh an an indgo soul i just a archtype for a reincarnted soul with past live that have an early opening third eye, giveing them a head start in spirituality ; we still have top do all the work

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Post by dhav » Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:57 pm

yes i have read the book 'The tenth Insight' by James Redfield.it's an amazing book full of information about previous life,after death also how we chose our current life.it also talks about the health issues about our body how the memories of our previous life still affects us in the present one.well  the book is one of my inspiration. i haven't read the 'Celestine Prophecy' i couldn't find the book on sale where i live.it is the presequel of The Tenth Insight. that's why i try to understand the negative pattern in my life,where  the problem lies soulwise.

the colors i see are like a fluid dancing slowly.sometimes it starts like a point ,grows bigger and disappear on and on.sometimes it starts bid then diminish in size and disappears.most time it is accompanied by a greenish gold color.the violet is dark pink that it seems purple sometimes.

i have got attuned to reiki this year only.i haven't taken it so seriously.i was just trying to experience the energies.it has helped me a great deal in clearing up.but i have a long way to go.i have many blockages that i am finding difficult to remove.

i will try the meditation you told me.the telepathy idea i sense i get the thoughts of others thinking it to be mine.because whenever i am on verge to say something another person begins talking about it.

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Dec 28, 2007 2:18 am

you acctually sound quiet empathic in situations of foresight as i would like to call it just let them run and have a laugh.

With the empathy in mind i would lead me to think that you have alot of unrecognigsed potential and trust me the energy sensations with a more focused meditation  feel quiet dramatic to say the least good fun

Im currenty reading a book on a new method of focued awareness and energy manipulation

here is a link


What you would be seaking is tacklite imaging so that the flow of the energy containd in the colours can be absorbed by you main chakraqs focusing that into you body changing into white light

hope that helps

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Post by dhav » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:54 am

i have seen the book.it's online book.yea i will look into it as i am searching such books but to no avail.thank you.

well i have began to play with the energy some days ago.i tried concentrating my energy on a point and it begins forming as i see light becoming more intense at that place.i practise it into dark.i also did something twice.while lying on the bed to sleep i try to make the violet light coming.then i look left to my face and slowly open the eyes.i then see the colours brighter and bigger,the violet and gold.they swirl for some times.but when i try it on my right side it doesn't come.i don't see the light nor can i focus it there.is there something different about my left side and right side brain?

yesterday i felt an energy grip me.i couldn't understand what it was.i felt my whole body tensed.and when i look up on the ceiling i saw a light mist of red light forming.when i calmed down it went back to normal dark.i was feeling numb inside like no feelings.

i don't know how much empathic i am but sometimes i seem to know about others feelings.it is worse when i feel bad intention from frends.i stop talking to them and retreat myself alone in my room,wait for it to pass-by and go again to talk to them.

your abilities since when did you recognised them.it must have been a very young age as i am seeing you are 18.i have seen your other posts.you are very well gifted and self-trained.are you a crystal child?or walk-in?well sorry for my curiosity.i seem wanting to know more of many things:-)

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:13 am

A good little seccond and bookshop will usually give you good results.

When trying to create a ball of light you should try to imagin an atom of light and build upon that light energy of light to form o more focused point gold would be the preferable colour to use here. Working in the dark or working in the light makes no diffrence it all in the minds eye what you see. Somthing else would be to sit in a chair in the middle of the day eyes open not looking at what you hands and do and just have a ball of light in your hand. Pictures of orbs would be a sutiable refernce of what to visualise/create.

The violet signifies to me that your third eye is active what i would urge you to do i to begin to fosus on other colours to equal the output of the third eye. The gold being divine energy mean that your most likley in the right place at the right time.
they swirl for some times.but when i try it on my right side it doesn't come.i don't see the light nor can i focus it there.is there something different about my left side and right side brain?

When it come to having apperances of light in one of the eyes usually the left represent to me that you would be left eye dominate. To unblock the energy pathways on the otherside of your body Lefthanded im sorry and right eye requires acctual physical practice try switching your hand when doing certian tasks. As you become more compitent with the right eye your visuisations will become more centered and occasionally jumping over to your right eye.

Taking into account what the colur red means in the chakra sense i would begin to thing that you need to begin working on that via meditation clearing assesing and rebuilding the energy current that flow up from beneth you. Imagine a beam of light peirceing you through the butt and up through the glow of the chakras filling them with white light forcing the darker energys out through the top of the head. The feeling of numbness can be linked to the state of mind that allows easier manipulation of energy. What state of mind were you in when you went numb was you mind totally devoid of thoughts and preoccupations? if so i think that you are advancing quickly and would say that that would be the state of mind that you should try to acheieve before energy working as it give a heightend response.

I was just the same when i began all of this, you see i was very empathic having felt the feelings of other people and animals.
One factor that could be involved in your life is fear of the unknown are you acctually reading their body languages or just haveing sensations of dread, as dread can often be associated with lower entities like, enviromental spirits, foul passed beings and annoying dark little demons. To be honest there not as horrible as you could thing yes they are there but there not that promonent in our live that we should be afraid of them. But also some people just have that dark forboding intimadating feel to them, Ive lernt just to ignore them as society has rules and most people wont break them i wouldnt be afraid of getting the bash, and for friends just let the relationships flow naturally without psychic intervention, over time if they mess you arround and really give you a hard time remove that from you life. Hinding could just lead to feelings of regret because what you dont see you dont know and emotions can be control and in better cases used and weiled as weapons.

Well it all started in november 2005 i was working on a farm an i bagain talking with the animals, that really freaked me out so i sought to learn about what was happening looking up telepathy and such slowly finding my way into energy work, it took me along time to come to grip with what i have and now i cherish it that gift is the best i have i love my animals we have a trusting bond and playfully conversations. I am self trained i just searched and search and printed all that i found that intrested me like lucid dream obe and anything spiritual but not religion associated, as i have chosen my religion and these eostric learning are but an add on that hasnt conflicted with my beliefs.

A crystal child, A walk-in? i dont really know what that means as sterotyping can hinder but it would be good to know. Based on the names i would say im a walk in as im anatural rainbow or new spirit as it is commonly refered to.

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Post by dhav » Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:35 pm

When trying to create a ball of light you should try to imagin an atom of light and build upon that light energy of light to form o more focused point gold would be the preferable colour to use here. Working in the dark or working in the light makes no diffrence it all in the minds eye what you see. Somthing else would be to sit in a chair in the middle of the day eyes open not looking at what you hands and do and just have a ball of light in your hand. Pictures of orbs would be a sutiable refernce of what to visualise/create.
yea i should try making the ball.because at one time when i was trying it was coming.now i understand how it comes.i have to practise.for time being it is more visible into the dark.with time i know i will see it in light.today i was talking to a frend.i was seeing him from a distance in a lit room.he was in another room whose lights was off.i saw an orb hovering over him.it's the first time i saw this. :smt005

The violet signifies to me that your third eye is active what i would urge you to do i to begin to fosus on other colours to equal the output of the third eye. The gold being divine energy mean that your most likley in the right place at the right time.
yea i have tried with other colors.sometimes i would see an orange mist as a background.sometimes there is a mixture of orange and green background.it's beautiful to see. :smt003

yea i have to balance my brain.then i will be able to balance the visualization.i should look for exercises for this.i once came across such exercise but i lost the website.but i do remember the exercises.it consisted of counteracting the movement of my eyes with my movement of my hands and legs.for example my focus would be right but my right hand or leg would be moving in the left.

before seeing the red color i was thinking about my past and painful memories an extreme anger suddenly surged through me.but it was like i was trying to deny my compassionate part and become cold.it has happened to me whenever i think how i have been misused.either i will feel depressed and suffocated or sometime i can feel cold like i care about nothing.the anger comes out when i think of my little dog.it's been for years she died and am still like mourning over her death.i feel like a part of my heart went missing.i always felt like our lives were inter-related.the way my life was somewhat parallel with hers.it's a bit complicated case to beleive it.the most terrible part was i wasn't there when she died.i was out of the country and still out.the period she died i was going through alot of emotional turmoil.when my sister sent me the message that my doggy was not well i instantly knew sis was lying.in my heart i knew she was dead.only after 2 weeks after her death that i was told she died that night itself.
a lot of time i think to myself it was due to my emotional problems that took her life away.something went dead inside me.that's when i feel numb like i am dead.like this part of me surge out.

that's where i feel blocked.sometimes i think after one year of trying heal myself i feel i have got mostly out of this.but sometimes it's like i am still there in the past.nothing has changed.oh i said too much.sorry.

Hinding could just lead to feelings of regret because what you dont see you dont know and emotions can be control and in better cases used and weiled as weapons.
yea i have hinded a lot in my life.then after painful episodes i just removed them from my life.i sensed i was lagging behind in life by suppressing  myself with so-called frends.now i keep a distance.i won't mingle too much with anybody.

lol.your spiritual life started as Dr Dolittle.working on farm made you well connected to mother earth/nature.i was born in a farming family.we don't have animals,we cultivate vegetables.it's a great experience to be a farmer.

:smt020 in fact about spiritual things i have learnt mostly from internet.i started out with angels.then it went on with indigo children...starseeds...reiki...online articles..meditation

a walk-in is soul which has come to replace another soul in a body.they can be starseeds or angels who have come for a mission on earth.sometimes the original soul goes for traumas from which it can't regain itself.the second soul can come and replace the first one to help it.the hurt one would take  a backseat until it has healed again.the walk-in is not there at birthtime.it's an interesting theory.it's said that it may be one of the cause for multi-personnality disorder.

ooooh i have talked  alot today.

take care,
lights of love,

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Post by Killing_Smile » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:14 pm

What's my aura look like?

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:14 pm

Hinding lol i hoe you knew i ment hiding im a terable speller

Ok looking at what you have written you need a release.

There are several ways to get this frustrated angy at your self scared fragile person out of you.

Firstly would be to write it all down.
Every thing that you have done that has hurt your self.
That has hurt other people.
That you regret not doing.
Lies that you have told.
Games you may have cheated in.

And then read it and forgive yourself, forgive them for what they did, forgive them of what they did not know they did to you and then just say sorry to whom ever you feel comfortable 'an dont forget put a little passion into it'. Now after that the slate is clean think of it as a day that you can begin anew. Not saying that everyone else in the world forgets life still does go on. Its ok to feel sad and cry sometime. feeling tired just another normal expirence.

Another one is to sit and meditate and just begin thinking 'thank gautama for this one' its called mindfulness, you just sit back and let your emotions all come flooding in and observe dont start think say if you feel sad, feel sad dont think it because it will pass and another emotion will enter you mind. And then the thoughts come in they start off slow like a leaf dropping into water let it float there before it sinks and then another, and then another, till all the leaves have fallen.

Now as the days go on the memories are still up in there inside you head so as you live your life you will feel these things come back at you the gift the pleasure that was there, the fun times. Also there will be those days when you just wanna close the blinds and say go away, just think i remember that, i felt this, i know up there somwhere somthing hears me, an angel or god, im not afraid anymore.

Dont be afraid to see the value in people, good things do take time.

Try right eye operating left hand
and the left eye operating left hand
i am guessing that you are right handed?

hope this all helps feel free to talk some more

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Post by dhav » Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:11 pm

ok got that.i prefer the writing.it's easier.Once i get the list in writing and practise it i can meditate afterwards.i think they can be combined.the method you told made me remember an article i posted on a group last year.i looked out for it and pasted them on my blog.it's an interesting way for emotional healing.you can have a look at it.it tells you to use eyes movement to heal the emotions.i found it somewhere on a website i forgot.

oh anyone can spell wrong.even i do.infact i thought it was an existing word huh.and even replied you on that after understanding in some way.lol.i took the hinding for bearing!!!

i am right handed.what about you? both handed?lol :-)
the exercise i remember
1.first you have to hold your hands on right side as if you are holding a sword.you should held your hand together.
2.your head should be looking at the left side.
3.then move the hand to the left side while the head is moved on the right side at same time.
this part of the exercise.
in another part i should walk while doing the exercise.backward and forward.that's what i remember.

oh i do have a little good memory.

infact these days i am feeling a bit low. some piece of my past is coming back.i wonder what's the message/the lesson in it?it's healing/forgiving/or not putting my trust away easily in someone?
some days ago an astrologer also a spiritual healer told me that in my past someone put some negative things on me that caused my root chakra and heart chakra to be sort of attacked or unbalanced.i don't know how much it's true because i barely know the person.he was telling me to come to him so that he can do some rituals to remove this.well i couldn't trust him and go and meet him alone for this.i just hope it's not true and if yes i hope that i can heal it all by myself.he said that it's this thing that made me go in depression and to experience deception in love.and the pattern were all the same with the guys i knew.this i could confirm as witness.

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Post by DragonKnight » Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:26 am

Yeah im ambidexterious but i write right handed.

The only problem with that sword technique is that its kind of forcing your right eye apart from your left. try looking arround your nose and your eye socket with each eye and try to tell the diffrence.

I dont know what you have bben through but i can only say if you dont understand the meaningn now, you will later.

You could call those negative things expirences it not acctually common for some one to be curse but i can happen. A proper energy worker needs not rituials excecpt those between that person and god, that or they have to appease something to get them to do what they claim they can. ill try send you some energy tonight.

Thats about all that i can help you with i guess its all up to you now ill look foreward to seeing you arround.

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Post by dhav » Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:12 pm

so you are telling me not to move my neck,only my eyes.this one is bit more difficult to do. what i know is trying the difficult part after some training in the easier part makes you advance faster.

oh i think i have said much about my pain.thank you for the energy you are sending tonight.i am so sorry i ...

about the negative things i will try solving it.my family had been in frequent psychic attacks or other attacks for long years but this year i have managed to develop my defensive mode against these.what i have always beleived about myself is that noone can touch me.it's all part of the human mind like the law of attraction.in my family i was the one who was not so much attacked.but the period when i was weak emotionally was a better time for them to attack.

now i am thinking i can let myself swayed again by these emotions.perhaps it's part of the answer ;-)

yea see you around.you read my mind?i was thinking like ending this post as we can't drag it.it's going out of topic now. :-)

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