Planetary Aspects

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Planetary Aspects

Post by swetha » Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:36 am

Aspects are the various geometric angles, measured in degrees, minutes and seconds that are formed between planets, or some other point in the horoscope, as they move through the 360 degrees.
The horoscope circle is 360 degrees, and if we divide it into 12 sections (the Signs) they equal 30 degrees each. We put Earth in the centre of the circle, and then we can see in the natal chart (a snapshot of the position of the planets at the time of birth) the relative positions of the planets to each other at that time.
However, aspects, like planets are merely representations of energy and it is what we do with it that is either beneficial or not.
The effects of the interaction will correspond to the combination of the general natures and functions of the two factors concerned, as modified by the nature of the particular type of angle linking them. These effects will be strongly reflected in the qualities of any person born on the earth at that moment in time.
The aspects indicate the energies between the planets and houses. It is important to remember that Signs, not houses, are used in determining aspects, as depending on what House system is used, a house may be more or less than 30 degrees.

Major Aspects:

1.Conjunction: The conjunction is formed when two planets are at approximately the same degree of the same sign. It is the most powerful of all the aspects. If there are three or more, it is known as a Stellium.

2.Opposition:The opposition occurs when two planets are about 180 degrees* apart. As the name implies, opposition are obstacles that must be resolved. Usually formed by planets posited in the same quality or quadruplicity, such as Aries and Libra being opposite signs but also of the same cardinal quality or quadruplicity.

3.Trine:A trine occurs when two planets are approximately 120 degrees* apart. Trines bring about ease and comfort. The line of least resistance and can give way to laziness and complacency. The most powerful easy aspect where the energies between the planets flow harmoniously.

4.Square:Squares occur when two planets are approximately 90 degrees* apart. Square cause the friction and the hurdles that causes us to grow and become productive. Powerful though not as strong as the Opposition, creating friction between the planets. Usually formed by planets in the same quality, either cardinal, fixed or mutable. Can also provide strength and stability.

5.Sextile:Sextiles occur when two planets are approximately 60 degrees* apart. This is the aspect of opportunity. Powerful though not as strong as the Trine, easy flowing.

Aspects between planets are usually not at the exact angular distances listed above. In order to calculate Aspects, Astrologers adhere to an orb of influence, or a set number of degrees within which a specific aspect is effective. Most Astrologers are comfortable using an orb of 8 degrees for major Aspects. For minor Aspects, an orb of between 1 and 3 degrees is considered reasonable.

Minor Aspects

1.Semi-Sextile: This is a half version of the Sextile and therefore not as strong. Semi-sextiles tend to create minor tension.

2.Semi-Square: Two or more planets or points that are 45 degrees apart. Considered traditionally slightly adverse, disintegrating.

3.Sesquiquadrate: This aspect is formed by the addition of the square and the semi-square.Considered traditionally slightly adverse, provoking.

4.Quincunx: Otherwise known as Inconjunct. A quincunx is present in a chart when two planets are 150 degrees from each other. Quincunxes often influence health and financial matters.

5.Parallel: This aspect is the only one not measured by celestial longitude. It is of two or more planets having the same distance in declination in degrees, north or south of the celestial equator. This aspect acts like the conjunction if both planets are on the same side of the equator, or like the opposition if they are on opposite sides.

6.Quintile, Bi-Quintile and Semi-Quintile: These three aspects were introduced by Johannes Kepler. The semi-Quintile is also known as the Decile as it is arrived at by dividing the 360 degrees of the chart by 10. These aspects, although minor and rarely used, can show potential creativity or talent in a particular area. Considered traditionally to be slightly good and harmonizing.

7.Novile: The aspect being 40 degrees suggests a third of a Trine and therefore an easy aspect.

Disassociated Aspects: An aspect is said to be disassociated when one or more planets form an aspect within the allowed orb but that is not in a sign of the same triplicity or quadruplicity.

Unaspected Planets: When a planet makes no aspect to any other, it makes it more prominent within the chart. It is rare to have an unaspected planet, even if it only makes a minor aspect it still has one.

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