First and Seventh Houses

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Sei no Senshi
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First and Seventh Houses

Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:52 pm

The First and Seventh Houses – You and Me

The horizons, east and west, these two physical objects set the first angle of a horoscopic chart.  We all know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; it is due to this astronomical set up that the astrological First and Seventh houses are termed the Ascendant (the sun rises, thus ascending into the sky) and the Descendant (the sun sets, thus descending below the earth).  Oftentimes, the Sign Ascending (the Sign which is on the cusp of the first house) will be called the Rising Sign, but I’ve never seen any case when the Sign Descending was ever referred to as the Falling Sign.

Astrology’s first act of division is that between you and me.  The First and Seventh houses create the line that separates us from everyone else.  What makes us different, but then the other side of this line describes the person we need to complete us.  The First house represents us, the native or the querent, while the Seventh represents our partners (romantic or otherwise) and the one quested after.

The First House Dissected
The first house rules the body; its shape, form, complexion, and size.  The Ascendant describes our physical features by the archetype of the Sign Ascending or those planets in aspect to the Ascendant line.  The physical appearance can also be augmented by several planets (stelliums) in a single Sign.  (Personal input here, I’ve Pisces rising with a massive collection of Inner planets in Leo.  So, I look like a Pisces, but I have Leo hair.)  Also, the First house is the house of life and birth, so planets afflicted in the First or an afflicted and ill dignified First house lord can show signs of ill health all throughout the native’s life.  Also, those planets that serve as boundaries (Saturn and Vesta) that happen to reside close to the Ascendant can show blockages or troubles during birth.  The Ascendant also serves as a metaphorical mask.  That which we show the world and how we generally react to our environment.  The First house generally has little influence on the personality itself, as it only serves to cover up our Solar Sign until we become more comfortable with our surroundings.  In other words, if you have a Sagittarius Ascendant and Sol in Libra, you’re going to act like a Sagittarius until you’re comfortable enough to act like your true Libran side.

As for that which relates to the First house, the Sign Aries and planet Saturn are held as the co-significators for this house, being the First Sign and First planet respectively.  Also the First house represents our body, which is something Saturn is physically, our bones and teeth; the structure that separates us from the outside world.  Mercury especially rejoices when placed in this house as this house is also linked to speech and the way the mind works.  Modern astrology holds Mars as the ruler of this house, as the ruler of Aries.

The Seventh House Dissected
The Seventh house rules all forms of partnerships, marriage, business, whatever.  Also, it rules those people we are in those partnerships with.  So, while the Seventh speaks of our views towards partnerships, it also attempts to describe those who would be most beneficial for us to partner with.  It signifies the spouse, lover, or just the general person asked about if they do not fit comfortably within any other house (sort of an undefined Seventh house).  The Seventh also shows us our opposites in a negative light.  It represents our rivals and open enemies, that is, those we know about or those we suspect, personally.  Afflicted planets therein can show divorce or constant interference and perhaps eventually victory of the open enemies.  A well dignified Seventh house can show an opportunistic future through partnerships, while an ill dignified Seventh foretells hard times, perhaps showing the native will take many tries to ‘get it right’.

Planets and Signs that relate to this house are Luna and Libra for co-significators.  Luna is generally considered to be our spouse, so it only makes sense that she would be found to have some influence over this house.  No planet rejoices herein, yet Mars and Saturn are judged as being unfortunate.  Modern astrology holds Venus as the ruler of this house, as the ruler of Libra.


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