Any tips on weight loss

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Post by wicked_witch » Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:18 am

keep your calories balance..
your calorie intake should be less than the calories you burn everyday

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Post by Lea Chan » Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:58 am

weight management should take care of the BMI too.

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Post by eyab64 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:33 am

i did try the acupuncture and so far it's working for me u will not lose weight immediately it took me something like 40 days and i took 10 session's.
it might help

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Post by justinray111 » Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:48 am

All many opinions and some may work. But let's look at this scientifically.....fats cannot make you fat...that is just not possible...not unless you inject it under your skin. Carbohydrates are the culprits in all their forms. Diets just don't work. Balance is everything so eat as your grandmother fed you...or at least hopefully fed you.

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Post by seekerofangels » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:24 am

This is probably off-topic but since it involves weight loss..........

I had a dream one night that I had "see-through" arms.  They were filled with FAT and it was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen.  I lost five pounds in one week!!  I could not STAND the sight of food.

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Post by justinray111 » Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:53 pm

Interesting dream, well that seemed to be really effective. I wonder if we could bottle that...jokes aside, maybe try the subliminal message software and put something like that into it.

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How much time did you give the subliminal messages...

Post by Utopian47 » Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:13 pm

I'm trying to lose weight and I had already started a program and lost 30 pounds when I started looking into stuff that can help me lose faster. Most diet pills do speed up your heart. I found a nice caffeine pill (cortislim burn) that helps me stay up all day and gives a little boost to my morning workout but it doesn't help lose weight just gives energy. I'm trying subliminal messages and eventually self-hypnosis as a potential aide and I'm measuring the results. I started only yesterday but each week I'm going to see if I lost anymore with it than I expected to lose and in a month if I haven't then I'll change something but before I started this I did a lot of research on the subjects and I won't start using hypnosis until at least 2 weeks from now because first I need to perfect my relaxation techniques. I lost the original weight by counting calories burned versus calories consumed if you are doing this but not losing check with doctor, your metabolism may be lower than normal for your size and age. This will make things a little harder to lose but once you know the difference it can still be done. I don't think you'll be able to avoid exercising or improving your eating habits to really lose the weight but to do those things consistently you need to find something that will motivate you. Subliminal messages may help with that. Good Luck!

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weight loss

Post by datharam » Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:30 am

drink 1 ltr warm water first thing in the morn. and eat loads of veg raw or lightly cooked. when ever you feel like having a bite have some fresh veg. have warm water during the day. do some cycling or jogging.
all the best

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Walking And Weight Loss

Post by healthmember » Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:35 pm

This could be helpful my wife and I walk almost every day and we feel great after maybe this article will help you .

Walking And Weight Loss

Three universal goals most of us share are:  to live longer, to
live free of illness and to control our weight.  Interesting
enough, normal walking lets us achieve all three.

In fact, walking may be man's best medicine for slowing the
aging process.  First, it works almost every muscle in the body,
improving circulation to the joints and massaging the blood
vessels (keeping them more elastic).  Walking also helps us
maintain both our muscle mass and metabolism as we age.  It also
keeps us young in spirit.  For anyone out of shape or
unathletically inclined, walking is the no-stress, no-sweat
answer to lifelong conditioning.

All it takes is a little time, common sense and a few
guidelines.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of misinformation
floating around regarding fitness walking, weight-loss and

Walking is one of the best exercise for strengthening bones,
controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good
posture and improving positive self-concept.

People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time.  
Although your weight may initially drop while dieting, such
weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle.  When the
weight returns, it comes back as fat.  To avoid getting fatter
over time, increase your metabolism by exercising daily.

To lose weight, it's more important to walk for time than speed.  
Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less
soreness - - leading to more miles and more calories spent on a
regular basis.

High-intensity walks on alternate days help condition one's system.  
But in a waking, weight-loss program, it's better to be active
every day.  This doesn't require walking an hour every day.  The
key is leading an active life-style 365 days a year.

When it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet
are interrelated.  Exercising without maintaining a balanced diet
is no more beneficial than dieting while remaining inactive.

The national research council recommends eating five or more
servings of fruits and vegetables a day.  Fruits and vegetables
are the ideal diet foods for several reasons.  They're relatively
low in fat and calories, yet are often high in fiber and rich in
essential vitamins and minerals.

Remember that rapid weight-loss consists mostly of water and
muscle - - the wrong kind of weight to lose.  To avoid this, set
more reasonable goals, such as one pound per week.

Carbohydrates are high-octane fuel.  They provide energy for
movement and help raise internal body metabolism.  They're also
satisfying.  The key is not adding high-fat toppings to your

It's everyday habits which define our weight and body composition.  
A three-minute walk after each meal is worth four pounds less body
fat annually.  Two flights of stairs a day burns off half a pound
of body fat in a year.  On the other hand, one candy bar eaten
daily will cost you 20 pounds annually.require walking an hour
every day.
Best Regards

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weight help

Post by sophie03 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:00 pm

I started with nutrisystem to get my stomach adjusted to smaller portions, but if you dont want to spend the money which its expensive, i would suggest eating 3 meals a day, about 1 cup of cereal, whole grain, also with protein, such as a glass of non fat milk, 1 cup of cottage cheese etc, then for lunch have a small portion of lunch, about 1-2 cups worth, then you can have a fruit serving with that, i small orange, apple, etc, for a snack you can have another fruit serving, for dinner you can have a small portioned meal, stick with chicken, you also can have 2 cups worth of veggies, and a fat serving (1) i drink crystal light for my water intake, less calories better than diet soda i think, but you are allowed unlimited amounts of coffee,tea, and diet soda, and  of coarse water, make sure you excercise, and i even have a small dessert, (1) cookie, or a biscotti, its really helpful, in the beggining you may still be very hungry but your stomach will adjust and shrink to your food intake, in a few weeks you should see results, but just try to remember portion control and healthy foods when dieting, good luck!!!

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:25 pm

:smt012 Oh, dear, this is the one topic I would much rather forget, since I have been fighting against weight gain for as long as I can remember. And, the more I fight, the worse it gets, finally affecting mind and emotions and your whole life.

I even go into therapy for it periodically, since a 17kgs weight loss (with the guide of a nutritionist) threw me into compulsive eating habits and other obsessive disorders. In the end I gained those 17kgs again (sorry, I do not know the equivalent in pounds) and then some.

I find I must keep a firm grip on weight gain so as not to let my health be affected. Otherwise, my emotional health goes first, so a little weight excess must not throw me off balance. In fact, my weight problems are a secondary effect from emotional problems, so I try to tackle those at the same time.

In all this time I have tried to read as much as I could on nutrition and found many incoherencies, though it is very useful to have as wide a knowledge as possible. One thing I finally found out is that no two bodies are the same, so what is good for me might not be for others, however well intentioned the advice. That is because of different genetic heirlooms on our panchreas, liver, stomach and digestive system in general, as well as thyroid glands and whatnot.

My own experience was always being slightly on the overweight side, but since I exercised a lot and ate a lot of protein, I kept quite strong and trim in my teens.

Then, on my thirties I came to live here on the subtropical islands and my body seemed to ask for a more vegetarian diet, so I followed the feeling and went into a more or less macrobiotic approach.

Yes, that food is very wholesome. Unfortunately, my panchreas cannot take it: eating an all carbohydrate diet makes my hunger soar, my glucose keeps jumping up and down and my mood swings along with it. It finally gives me huge cravings and I begin to stuff myself daily on escalating unhealthy stuff.

So I must keep on a high protein diet, which is the only one that sates my hunger with reasonable portions. It also helps me lose weight, so long as I do not fall for the chocolate trap (my one, seemingly incurable, addiction, specially on the week previous to my menses), even when eating cheese and fat (mostly healthy ones, I hope).

As for exercise, I find that I must also measure that carefully, because if I indulge too much, my hunger soars up again (seems any excuse is good for that one to pop up!). So I try to walk 30' a day and do some yoga a few times a week to keep the body supple and feeling good. I miss some marathonian dance sessions. Maybe in time...

Anyway, I am glad to share all this with you. It does take some weight off my mind  :smt003

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Post by Aarti » Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:08 am

great universal problem dear...take a walk daily and drink lots of lots of water...that it... :0

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Post by Aarti » Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:09 am

for any other suggest plz ask me i will tell u more...

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Post by akhan278 » Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:43 pm

Is thereanyone who can give me tips for loosing hair...

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