Opening chakras

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Opening chakras

Post by Teena » Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:28 am

Can anybody help me know all the ways to open the chakras so that I can choose the method I like best.  At the minute I open doors at each chakra corresponding to the chakra colour.

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Post by brightrose » Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:35 pm

My favorite method for opening chakras is to visualise flowers of the corresponding colors opening up.  I have also used spinning vortexes and balls of light.  Hope this helps.   :smt002

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How do u feel when u open up a chakra

Post by soul2ebl » Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:41 pm

how do u it real??

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Post by nnt » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:39 am

I visualize a stream of fresh white lighted energy entering from my crown chakra and falling  till the base chakra.It's really fresh.You feel the joy.



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Be very wary of opening the Chakras, to open.....

Post by Rev_Vesta » Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:53 pm

Causing Your Chakras to be to open can cause as much chaos in your life as them being to blocked...... what you need to make sure is they are Balanced and realigned.......... If Chakras are too open it can stop you from sleeping, can cause agitation, nervousness etc.......
Once you have visulaized each colour within each Chakras as spinning brightly and very open what you need to do is then viuslaize all the excess energy flowing through to your hands and forming into a ball, once you have recieved each colour visualize it transmuting to purple.... once all completely in between your palms then flick it back into the Universe "For the Good of all, so mote it be."

or you could try once all Chakras spinning brightly make sure they are balanced within and with the excess enrgy send it through your feet back into Mother Earth to help the Mother Earth, plants, waterways etc grow with love.........
(Do not do this with negative energy, Discordent energy)

Hope these suggestions help....

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Post by nnt » Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:46 am

This was really helpful Rev_Vesta(Is it from Goddess Vesta?).

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Re: Opening chakras

Post by TuomasT » Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:16 pm

Teena wrote:Can anybody help me know all the ways to open the chakras so that I can choose the method I like best.  At the minute I open doors at each chakra corresponding to the chakra colour.
According to my experience the best way to open the chakras is by allowing the Divine open them for you :)

Simple methods seems to work best. They are more practical too.
Just by gently feeling the chakra with your mind activates it or you can imagine a chakra being filled with golden white sunlight. There's a principle in yoga science that says: "where you put your thought into is activated". It's the core of all mind exercises.

There are various shortcuts to waking/opening up all the chakras at once.
You don't really have to work on your chakras one at a time unless you necessarily want. I have explored chakras that way too, but there are better ways.

For example you can wake up the lamp of life (pituitary gland/"fourth eye") and sunlight heart (thymus gland/heart center) and the rest will follow.

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Post by TuomasT » Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:58 pm

I will expound this subject a little further.

There are lots of written information about chakras nowadays and based on what I've read, this information is mixed with a lot of nonsense. You can get very detailed describtions of the chakras, altough in reality you can learn to open them up if you just know their locations and few other simple things.

I've had an opportunity and a priviledge to study under a true yogi. One on one. One of the first things that I was amazed about him was certain kind of simplicity in his teaching. All nonsense was stripped away. And what was the most remarkable thing was the fact that he taught me the foundation science (and principles) on which all meditation paths and techniques are based on. This way I could understand how and why different techniques work. This has saved a lot of time. Basically the knowledge he transmitted to me together with God's loving Grace gave me a change to start where he was at that point. So based on my experience things can be streamlined and speeded up a lot by right knowledge.

And one thing that I've noticed about chakra information in todays world is that it seems to be often mixed with self concept programming. What I mean is that psychological qualities of a person are mixed with the qualities of the chakras and how open they are. They are connected but you can also bypass self concept progamming and stimulate chakras directly on purpose. This is why you can be 'bad' and have open chakras. Having "higher" chakras open doesn't automatically make you a saint either. Mixing open chakras with saintliness has given a possibility for some spiritual teachers/leaders a possibility to exploit their position. Chakras is basically a neutral reality. So from this we can conclude that knowledge can be used for good or bad.

I wanted to make this point clear as a warning. The knowledge that I'm going to share (if someone shows interest) will give a person an opportunity to become really powerful and it will be relatively easy to accomplish. The problem is that the power is a trap. So in an ideal situation you are a person who's motivation is based on Love not power.

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Post by TuomasT » Sat Jan 12, 2008 1:01 pm

nnt wrote:This was really helpful Rev_Vesta(Is it from Goddess Vesta?).
Nnt your avatar picture has one of the Keys :)

If you study the similarities between your avatar picture (unicorn) and picture below, you will find it.


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Post by TuomasT » Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:47 am

If you just place your thought into the Eye of Sun (in front of the top forehead) and the Heart center (in the middle of the chest) (feel them with your mind) the rest will follow automatically.

The simplest way to find the Eye of Sun area with your mind is to put on a baseball cap with the brim foreward and then tilt the brim of it upward at/to a "forty-five" degree angle from horizonal. Now look at yourself in the mirror  you will notice the effect that looking at yourself has on your nervous system. What you are experiencing is your pituitary gland "on" and "charging" your body physical energy system.

The simple way to activate the Heart center is to visualize the sun in your heart center and feel its warmth and see its light. This simple mind exercise will stimulate your immune system on purpose. And you are using your mind to stimulate/affect your autonomic nervous system to create healthful benefits for yourself and those around you.
Because, what you feel affects you and those around you.

It should be understood that this simple meditations leads you to Awakening but it doesn't necessary have anything to do with God unless you want.

To add God to this you must desire and allow God to live within you (you are His temple) and love his presence. Then you allow the Holy Spirit to flow from Heaven to your forehead and chest and nourish the Divine presence within you. This will automatically activate everything.

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Post by coloratura » Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:18 am

Thank you so much. This really helps. I've always found that sometimes the most profound truths are the ones that are easiest to grasp. I'm currently working on my psychic development and spirit guides, and I have a tendency to question everything I hear, which is a good thing, but sometimes it's hard to trust my spirit guides. i'm also a singer too, and boy, can it get complex in terms of having to know all the muscles.

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Post by decentgal » Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:20 am

thanks TuomasT and Res.It was realy enlightening.

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Post by MacLir » Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:40 pm

In my opinion--which based on what I had experienced, it's not good to open more than 1 chakra simultaneously. It had caused me troubles from physical pains. Chakras are like the needles of a clock, so any chakra that turns(opens) would consequently make the others turn too. So it's enough to open just one and the others would follow.
    It's not hard actually, to get any technique to open up the chakras. Everything is energy, so what we need is how to activate the energy through "physical tools", or on other word: to manipulate the unseen through the seen. The keyword is "As above, so below". I would give an example:

1. For Sahasrara(Crown) Chakra: It's place is on the top of the head. Top of the head is the place where hair grows; & hair
  means perfection because without it--like a bald man--someone would have unperfect condition. Next we can find the  
  synonims: Perfection=Whole=Ending. From there we can find the appropriate names. Among them are: Elohim, Isis,
  Mary(Madonna), Guan Yin(Kuan Yin), Shiva, Brigit. All the names I had mentioned have the attribute of wholeness, source or
  change(from Ending).
2. Agya(Third Eye) Chakra: Related to face. Face has important role with how we perceive our surroundings, our reality.  
   Reality=Consciousness=World/Earth(from surroundings)=Creation/Creating. Some of the appropriate names: Buddha, Geb,
   Brahma, Gaia.

   You can use any mantra related to them, or any ritual, or whatsoever. You can even use those names as mantra. From The Bible in The Book of Creation we could found that the number 7 also related to perfection(the day when The Almighty finished with the work of creation). So we can also use 7 strokes--you can use any tool--repeatedly(laike chanting) to activate Sahasrara Chakra.
    Try to learn symbolism. I learned symbolism initially by reading The Bible everyday, by relating what I read, not as something had happened long, long time ago in the Middle East, but as something that happening "inside me".
   Though you didn't ever received any initiation, it doesn't matter, because all things are actually energy so what we do physically would surely have effect on them. If the effect is small compared to one who initiated, then that's the only difference. But gradually your ability would grow stronger and stronger--just like if we're learning something(like at school), our knowledge and ability of what we learned would definitely increase.

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