
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:15 pm

where can i find information on good spells?

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Post by tourbi » Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:50 pm

Ultimately good spells are the spells you write for yourself.  
Learning that is the best idea.
Janet and Stewart Farrar books are excellent.

Since I suggested you write your own.  Here we go.
Sit down and think about the reason you want a spell.
Then ask for the Goddess you work with and the God you work with to be available for guidance.  Have a pad of paper and pen/pencil and start writing the intent of what you want.
Then start thinking about the energy needed to accomplish.
Think about the energies that exist at the time you want to do the spell.
Is the moon growing? new? full? decreasing in size?  You want to use the energies to help you, if possible.  
Are you able to yell, scream, jump, dance? to build energy?
You want to build into to your rite to do the spell, a way you are going to build energy to get what you are trying to create.
Are you wanting to use candles, you need to have what you want to dress the candles.  You need to gather the tools you may need and maybe make an altar.
Then as you are doing this, what do you want to say.  Doing something you can chant that rhymes is often good, if not for the Gods, definately for you.
Then keep it simple, Go over and over what you are wanting to have and what you are making for yourself.  Are you manipulating or controlling someone else?  (you really don't want to do that, double check and make sure you aren't creating a problem for yourself or someone else if you are including or making your spell about someone else.)
After you have gotten everything ready to where you are sure it's the way you want it. Start your rite and do your spell and then LET IT GO!!!! Know it is done.  

Yes, you can do ritual bathing before, if you are in a place to do that.
You can have all the bells and whistles you want and enjoy.
You can have none and it just be you in your rite with the Gods and Goddesses and elements.  That is up to you.

Have fun, even if it is serious.  Be loving.  And yes have reverence.  

Take any bit of this and use it if you want, or throw it all out.  What's important is the spell you want must be as much yours as possible, it must be within your ethics and integrity, even if you find something on the net you want to use.

Blessed Be.

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Post by gene » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:55 am

That is the best, up front, honest bit of advice on spell work I have ever seen on a web forum :D

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Post by tourbi » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:33 am

gene, thank you. Image I
Last edited by tourbi on Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: spells

Post by acaveyogi » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:06 am

giggledoll00 wrote:where can i find information on good spells?
Hi Giggle,

Good spells thou are seeking :)

First Giggle, "What would you like to do with these "spells?"

And second, "How simple would you like them to be?"

These things can be done.



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Re: spells

Post by acaveyogi » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:29 am

giggledoll00 wrote:where can i find information on good spells?

So Giggle, do you have the ability to "visualize?" Do you have some "spirit mass" to your "desires?" What you "desire", creates your "Future" and affects the futures of those around you.  If you create/run a "spell" and the "target" has more "spirit mass" than you do :) you are kind of in trouble!  And can your "spirit guides" whip their "spirit guides?" It is kind of like going to a "Marshal Arts" teacher and asking that person to teach you some things. The first thing that that person is going to ask, if they are real is, "What in the heck are you up against?"



PS: I have studied this stuff you know. :) Test me :) I do not mind.

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PLease Explain???

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:40 am

How can you measure the "spirit mass".....? How strong are my guides and how do I tell?......

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Re: PLease Explain???

Post by acaveyogi » Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:57 am

wisdomseeker12 wrote:How can you measure the "spirit mass".....? How strong are my guides and how do I tell?......
Wisdom, first of all I am not a witch. I have had warlock training, but I am not a  practicing warlock either.

"How do I tell?" ,is a really cool question when it comes to this stuff Wisdom. You become up to your "tush" in something and you survive the experience. :)

Part of it is your "spirit" mass and the other part of it is your "spirit guides".  Basically it is about "negative" versus "positive". "Black Hole" versus "Sunshine/light." One can plug a "Black Hole" and actually destroy it, if one has enough "light spirit mass." Or :) one's spirit guide/guides does/do.

Moses goes up against the Pharaoh and says, "Turn my people loose!" :) Moses had a spirit guide that just plain said, "Hello!"

The average person can not just walk out there and say, "I have a magic "spell"!" ,and expect it to work :) All functual spells have back up from the "spirit world." Does the back up of the spell in the spirit world like you!? And what do they want from you to back you up? Ok?

Wisdom, your question opens up a look at, "Lets talk about "Magic"."

If you guys have the questions, I will share what I know about it. No cost, I am just happy to be here, to hang out, and help if I can.



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Post by giggledoll00 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:23 pm

basically i'm newly into the occult, trying to find my way. but fist, i am having a hard time finding a place to start. i was looking into Wiccan classes at sacred mists, but i am broke right now, so even tho i would like to i can't. I believe in something, but it is not a God, I believe many things affect one another, and al tho there is a plan, it changes with each choice we make. I beileve that how you treat others, and how you treat things, affects what happens, like if u are good to others and good to nature, u will be blessed with goodness. I believe each element has its own force, and that this force has the power to help, or to create problems, but will not intervien with what you do. Basically I am trying to find my way and it keeps, leading me back to the occult, but i am finding it hard to find good resources on the information i am seeking.

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Post by acaveyogi » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:12 am

giggledoll00 wrote:basically i'm newly into the occult, trying to find my way. but fist, i am having a hard time finding a place to start. i was looking into Wiccan classes at sacred mists, but i am broke right now, so even tho i would like to i can't. I believe in something, but it is not a God, I believe many things affect one another, and al tho there is a plan, it changes with each choice we make. I beileve that how you treat others, and how you treat things, affects what happens, like if u are good to others and good to nature, u will be blessed with goodness. I believe each element has its own force, and that this force has the power to help, or to create problems, but will not intervien with what you do. Basically I am trying to find my way and it keeps, leading me back to the occult, but i am finding it hard to find good resources on the information i am seeking.
Giggle based on my experience with this messageboard you have come to the right place. It (this messageboard) is just chalked full of wisdom.

Based on what you have posted and my experience, I would say that you have a keen grasp of things. My suggestion would be to go to the person whos screen name is "Eye of the Tiger". He is really cool and knows alot about this stuff. The person whos screen name is "Spiritalk" is also cool and knows about things. You can find them in the "Psychic" Forum. They hang out there. I would if I were you Giggle, start with those two people. They can be trusted and will at least head you in the right direction. They are good folk and know alot of stuff.

Love you!

john acaveyogi

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Post by giggledoll00 » Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:28 am

thank you acaveyogi. i have written down their screen names and will try to get a hold of them. i noticed ur sign is a virgo, and from my experiences they are very caring people who put their hearts into everything they do, which gives me reason to believe you. tho they get on my nerves, i have always found an understanding behind their reasons, and tried followign their train of thought, god forbid i try to change it, but this something i have worked on over my whole life pretty much. but basically, i wanted to thank you. i just kinda rambled because i know a lot of virgos, my mother is a virgo, and most of whut i said i've learned from her, and a few other virgos, but i basically just wanted to give u the insight i have had on virgos. i hold it helped you realize something, maybe.

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Post by acaveyogi » Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:30 pm

giggledoll00 wrote:thank you acaveyogi. i have written down their screen names and will try to get a hold of them. i noticed ur sign is a virgo, and from my experiences they are very caring people who put their hearts into everything they do, which gives me reason to believe you. tho they get on my nerves, i have always found an understanding behind their reasons, and tried followign their train of thought, god forbid i try to change it, but this something i have worked on over my whole life pretty much. but basically, i wanted to thank you. i just kinda rambled because i know a lot of virgos, my mother is a virgo, and most of whut i said i've learned from her, and a few other virgos, but i basically just wanted to give u the insight i have had on virgos. i hold it helped you realize something, maybe.
Thank you Giggle your insights are always welcome! I am an August Virgo and we are abit different than September Virgos. We have a tendency to be a little more Leo and somewhat unstable :) I hate that part.

So Giggle may I ask you, just for fun and no other reason, what your goals are relative to "magik"? Based on what I can feel in your spirit you seem to the aptitude for this stuff. Most folks that are good at this stuff all seem to agree that one has to be born a witch, so to speak. From there it it is just getting a feel for things and some experience.

I would have to say that I am more of a "defensive" magik type. I do understand "Offensive" magik, but mine never works :) Which is ok.

What kind of magick to you do?

Love you!


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Post by starmaster » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:17 pm

What spells are you seeking? I can be of help to you.

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