Atlantis and Avalon

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Post by al64 » Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:58 pm

Hi all
Avalon, Arthur and Merlin history.
Merlin was most probably a druid. The Romans were so keen to get shot of the Druids that they left half of England undefended to pursue them. The Druids controlled the hearts and minds of the population. They finally caught up on the Isle of Anglese where wholesale slaughter was the order of the day. The Romans had problems of their own and returned to Rome and were shortly after converted to Christianity. In time Rome sent out monks to convert the heathen in Britain and when they arrived – what do you know? The island was already Christianised and there was nothing for them to do.
Al :smt069

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Post by dhav » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:22 am

There is this new movie called King Arthur.It also talks about Merlin,the Romans.i would like to know how much true is the facts shown in the movie?Merlin was supposedly a bit mentally unstable but he was good at what he could do like magick and mystical things. :smt004

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Post by al64 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:48 am

As I said in the post above, Merlin was a Druid and the Druids were the educated class of ancient Britain – so I doubt he was mentally unstable. At the time, it seems, Britain was a centre of learning for all of Europe and people traveled here for schooling and mystic teaching.
The city of London was not founded by the Romans as the text-books would have it, but was a large city before they arrived – probably the largest in Britain. The founder was Brutus who's family was originally from northern Turkey – Troy and all that. They went to live in Rome, but because of some troubles that I won't go into, he and his followers settled in Britain where he became the first king. There is a stone in London that commemorates this and I'll supply more info if requested.
Arthur was a Welsh king and in his time Wales was about twice as large as it is today, covering most of northern England. The Romans never conquered the Welsh who were the main British population at this time. Most of the conquests were in the south and many of these were negotiated trade agreements. As I said above, it was the Druids that the Romans were scared of. The history of Britain was re-written by such people as Henry the Eighth, excluding much about the old kings for political reasons. This is why you don't find much about Arthur.
Al :smt069

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Post by _Patt_ » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:18 pm

dhav wrote:Hi Patt and Tourbi,

i am glad you like the site.i especially like the cards and about what it says of the 12 chakras and the crystals used by them at that time.i do have the kyanite and calcite.i have yet to get the selenite and haematite
Yup, it's very interesting!

I would like to get more crystals, (I just have rose quartz, amethyst and recently a bead bracelet of honey jade) but I don't find much stores selling crystals here..guess I have to look better or order online, but I'm not sure if I can trust and order in a site...

I also wonder how altlantis people got the crystals... Maybe they have people working on near mines? hmm...

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Post by _Patt_ » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:24 pm

I don't think Merlin was mental unstable and yeah he was a Druid or a Mage! :)

al64 you said everything! :) also Merlin and Avalon people knew what today we call alchemistic, they seemed to know a lot about potions and that kind of things.

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Post by dhav » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:26 pm

H Patt,

i don't think it's necessary to have the exact crystals mentioned in the website.i was only kidding about getting them.i got the crystals only by chance as a gifts.well i can say the crystals chose to come to me by themselves. Don't try to find the crystals logically.they will come to you or attract your attention when wanting to come to you.your heart will tell you and it will happen in circumstances you never thought happened to me twice.That's the miracle of the universe.

The Atlantis people when got hold of the crsytals then knew about their healing properties.i would say Mother Earth is very rich in minerals ;-)

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Post by dhav » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:28 pm

Yea i agree with both.i just read it somewhere and wanted an opinion of someone about that.i always liked Merlin,The Wizard with his potion making and his magick. Oh teh Enchanted World,How Beautiful ;-)

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Post by _Patt_ » Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:14 pm

Hello, hello dhav  :),

thanks for your advice, you are right! And it already happened with me too when I bought this ones I have, somehow they attracted me, I found them beautiful and I had a feeling like "I have to bring this with me" lol, funny how things are don't you agree?

And yeah Merlin was the Great Wizard, the most skilled one!

By the way, another thing people, do you think there's more places that resembles Atlantis? The other time I mentioned Santorini in Greece. I'd like to know if there are more because one day I would love to visit and feel all the peace and magic of the place :)

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