Im too young to understand why I can see them!

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Im too young to understand why I can see them!

Post by shasha888 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:29 am

I am 13...and I see apparitions. I am really freaked out and no one else can see them! ive been seeing these for almost 8 years now. Lately, Ive been seeing a woman in a long black dress with frills by her chest..she has long black hair pulled up in a bun..her complexion is gray..I see her in my mirror in my room. she is FLOATING above my cats litter box. then i see what looks to be her daughter. she looks alot like the woman i see in my room. she looks like about 15-13. she is in a pink nightgown. her hair looks wet. she is gray too. i only see her in mirrors too. alot like the woman in my room. im pretty freaked out! i dont see ghosts every day..  its almost like im assigned spirits and after they move on i get a new "set". for those who DO have these powers and know how to use them..can you reply and help me? im afraid but its like i want to see them..i feel pleasure when i see them.

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:53 am

Your a develping medium. What you are seeing is souls of apst lives of ceritain people yes she is her daughter and they seem to work together to chare messages, i sense the reason that her daughter floats above the cats is that see likes them and feels happy watching them i get the feeling that the pet can see them as your gift is that of seeing the dead in which ever plane the reside on. Your vision gift is very unique as there are few true mediums that can see in the detal that you see.

Ive looked into these spirit and i think that they are working to help with your beliefs and of what is going to happen in the future, as we know the future is very uncertian and there are some things as a rainbow child that you have to goto to bcopme into understanding of your so called purpose in life.

The main message here is not to be afraid. They over time will become more friendly i sense also that these spirit will be arround you for some length of time as they are somwhat compelled to put you through the trials that you are facing, i kind of whis myself that i have what you have as i have had to put much work into getting to the level that you are at.

"Were not to be afraid of think of us as toys to play with to learn about and in the future help other"

God Blesses


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:09 pm

No spirit with your own best good at heart would interfere in your life in this manner.  Your own interests are drawing them and keeping them coming.  

When spirit appears - dismiss it and send it away.  Suggest it go to the light - becasue some of this sounds like the unenlightened.

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Post by acaveyogi » Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:53 am

spiritalk wrote:No spirit with your own best good at heart would interfere in your life in this manner.  Your own interests are drawing them and keeping them coming.  

When spirit appears - dismiss it and send it away.  Suggest it go to the light - becasue some of this sounds like the unenlightened.
Shasha, Spiritalk is sharing wisdom here with you. And you do have control of things, if you wish.

Shasha, if you do "not" wish these folk that are becoming apart of your life experience to go away, can you share with us what gifts that these new friends are giving you?

Sometimes "the spirits/divine" visits with us because we are special, like Dragon says. He is not wrong.

Shasha nobody is saying that what you are experiencing is not real. We are just here to help you with studying/understanding your experience. In case we can help. Sometimes others can not help. Ok? That stuff happens. But we are here for you!

You are loved!


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:24 am

I just wanted to add to this in that i agree with spirit that you need to send them on into the light, and let them move on, many of those spirits that come searching us out are looking for a way into something that they don't know how to get to. They need guidance, you have the power to send them on, or to make them leave you alone if you don't want to see them at all. If you are busy with your life, then tell them that you can't deal with it now and that you will later. They can understand you and doing things for the spirits should NOT get in the way of your life. You are young and need to be young and do the things that people your age do, so make rules for yourself about what you will deal with and what you won't. Your gifts are meant to be helpful to them and people still here, but they are not meant to completely rule your life. Keep that in mind, and live while you learn and help.

There is always someone here to listen and help, so if you need it let us know.

       Light, Love, and Blessings,

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:33 am

Nyte i agree

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Post by acaveyogi » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:57 pm

Nyteshadecreed wrote:I just wanted to add to this in that i agree with spirit that you need to send them on into the light, and let them move on, many of those spirits that come searching us out are looking for a way into something that they don't know how to get to. They need guidance, you have the power to send them on, or to make them leave you alone if you don't want to see them at all. If you are busy with your life, then tell them that you can't deal with it now and that you will later. They can understand you and doing things for the spirits should NOT get in the way of your life. You are young and need to be young and do the things that people your age do, so make rules for yourself about what you will deal with and what you won't. Your gifts are meant to be helpful to them and people still here, but they are not meant to completely rule your life. Keep that in mind, and live while you learn and help.

There is always someone here to listen and help, so if you need it let us know.

       Light, Love, and Blessings,
Based on my experience with this stuff, I do have to agree with Nyte. Based on my experience he is running wisdom with that post. Nyte your avatar is abit wild and interesting :) and your spirit presence has a really nice feel to it. I am genetally a Faunus/Pan type and am attracted to your avatar pic. I am genetically an offspring of the "Fae", as I suspect that you are.

Love you!


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:41 pm

Awww I can feel the love... thanks all... I needed that today... as I am feeling ill....

acaveyogi,  Thanks I like it too... I love anything with faes in it, although I am more into nymphs, I didn't have any when I made my avatar and well I have grown overly fond of it and loathe to change it...    And thanks for the compliments on presence... it is always nice when others can see that part of you, even though it doesn't always come across with the words that you say.

I only posted that seeing the age of the poster, I know how all consuming it can be and how easy it is to lose yourself into something that is yours and that no one else can do... I was very withdrawn for a few years of my life and when I came out of it I was pretty shook up about it, and realized what I had neglected while I was obsessed.... *shrugs*  

Next, I believe that Spiritalk and acaveyogi said it first and I just said it in a different way......

             Take care out there...

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Post by acaveyogi » Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:31 pm

Nyteshadecreed wrote:Awww I can feel the love... thanks all... I needed that today... as I am feeling ill....

acaveyogi,  Thanks I like it too... I love anything with faes in it, although I am more into nymphs, I didn't have any when I made my avatar and well I have grown overly fond of it and loathe to change it...    And thanks for the compliments on presence... it is always nice when others can see that part of you, even though it doesn't always come across with the words that you say.

I only posted that seeing the age of the poster, I know how all consuming it can be and how easy it is to lose yourself into something that is yours and that no one else can do... I was very withdrawn for a few years of my life and when I came out of it I was pretty shook up about it, and realized what I had neglected while I was obsessed.... *shrugs*  

Next, I believe that Spiritalk and acaveyogi said it first and I just said it in a different way......

             Take care out there...
Nyte, I spent 32 years in the "Dark Night of the Soul" stuff as a Christian mystic yogi. I am now just starting to come out on the other side. And it was worth it :) the "other side" is pretty cool. So anyway I do understand what you are talking about, and that understanding is based on personal experience.

And just for the record: Scripture was right about Heaven being a "Treasure!"

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:49 am

*smile* glad to know that there is someone out there who understands, that from personal experience.

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Post by acaveyogi » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:20 am

Nyteshadecreed wrote:*smile* glad to know that there is someone out there who understands, that from personal experience.
Nyte, I mentioned you in the Mystic Competition Forum :)

You are loved and a gift to others!


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