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Post by dhav » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:13 pm

Wow you got pretty good definitions about the bodies by the residents itself.You have been able to open the seventh soul.So now what next for your evolution,i mean what you need to open now.
I would sugest that you carry on trying to keep you eye open during the day as he sees you while you sleep and i thik that that is when he is most active.
But you said he is most active when i am sleeping so it would be futile to keep an eye during the day.well i will try my best.perhaps the light i see when i close my eyes to sleep is the angel.Sometimes it feels like a bulb has been switched on over my head.
f i could add to that master not that im the foremost expert LOL i would say that i sense that you are almost ready, im quiet knowledgeable and would love to help you throughout your journey, i had a foreboding feeling about you but that is passing and still thik that i sould share freely what i recieve and see.
oh that master is not readily available to give advice.he is always trying to find interesting energy healing systems from other planes.He is connected to many powerful guides from many worlds.i get his healing system from a &nbsp;yahoogroup dedicated to reiki classes.so no personal contacts.I have applied for his latest soul mate reiki which will be given very soon.i have also Goraam the dragon.if i would have been able to astral travel I would be travelling on Goraam's back and visit many places till the 5th dimension.I am sure you see dragons.you see them?I would be glad that you share what you receive and see.because i need someone's guide which i never got really.Many many thank for that. :smt005

Well well foreboding feeling meaning?Was it because of my stupid posts on ascended masters or blog.well i don't blame you because anyone would have reacted like this.I was also expecting whoever will read them will think perhaps i have dark thinkings.what i think is what about staying in the light and helping out the dark side to see the light to merge with it.it's like the Unconditional Love.But now what i also think if this happens will the universe be stable?There should be a balance between them.so the answer is let them as they are.we concentrate on the balance thing.if the dark tries to overcome,the light is there to fight and create the balance.

The channeling from Mother Durga is for me?It's very nice to hear what she got to say to me.I ahve been meditating on her for soem time now and i feel i got a helaing energy which i have yet to know.i tried it by attuning one of reiki teachers and she said it was a lovely energy which i got to share.well i am tryign to know more about it and if it carries symbols.She said Daniele which is not my name.and i don't know anything about the money/gifts she said.If possible for you can you clarify it.

Oh an Serapis says that he resides witht the other masters in heaven but his followers like his kindom and live in from where their consciousness resides
Interesting but who is Serapis?

i had a really beautiful dream while i was having a little nap in the afternoon.i dreamt about my home which i am far from right now.there is a vast land on one side.i heard my family members saying something is coming high up in th sky there.I told myself they were coming for me and went outside.i saw many many white big birds.they descended on that land i saw them turn into angels and back to birds.then there was one white who transfroms fully into an angel with his big wings.then he tranforms himself into small white birds and they all began to dance.then i was falling asleep in my dream and couldn't keep my eyes open.when at that time i saw a blue light high up which i was thinking was another angel. then all ended.there was many of the white birds on my house .I think it is teh most beautiful dream i ever had till date. :smt020

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Sir Ed Funeral

Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:54 pm

I had a dream also last night it was quiet diffrent and i think i liked up quiet perfectly for what was going on with me in the physical life.

I was in a supermarket doing some shopping when i noticed that i was talking to a supervisor there asking for a job, when i got the application form there was some confusion as some of the details that i had were in the system but the form that i had to fill out was about my personal details, As the dream continued the supervisor was talking on the fone and was telling me that there was some stuff about me that didnt need to be on the application form.

The dream changed and i had the application form and i began filling it out and writen in the lines in pencil were details that i was ment to fill out over top of, and then i got a cell phone call from the supervisor to tell me that i was to fill it out his way so that i could get the job.

I ended up arriving at the bottom of a long drive way and it was raining, i felt fear as i was afraid to go inside just in case the details that i wrote on the form had been found out my my family, i waited arround outside the front door and then went in and
i found that my family had changed in their beliefs and that they were open about chakras and such, i went into the kitchen and looked out of the window and saw a shed i think that there were durgs growing in it, i turned and opend the cupboard and i looked inside and saw a book on chakra healing i was well ilisturated.

Some where in the dream i had been driving at night it was fun and i also remember seeing a girl in the shopping center, along with a few other people, the store was white and the desk looked like that of some one holding authority it was a neat dream.
Wow you got pretty good definitions about the bodies by the residents itself.You have been able to open the seventh soul.So now what next for your evolution,i mean what you need to open now.
Well the opening the seventh soul chakra has opend the new rainbow eye for me, it was alloed me to compare in size to the logo's.

It all begain with a funeral here in new zealand a state one. The man Sir Edmund Hillary, was the man that climbed mount everest.

The funeral was done in traditional christian form, and to add to that it was a truely spiritual expirence.

As the peope begain filling the church there we about 13 AA sitting in the front row, just sitting waiting. Also there were 6 angels playing trumpets as the church filled giving the church that angelic funeral.

As the last of the people walked in and the ciour came in [the singers cant spell it] they had saints inside them, It was great to see these people wearing white, with the angels within them putting halos above there heads.

Sir Edmund was there in spirit and he was talking to people.

As the saint came in they set 2 fires beside the coffin which then progressed into a giant wall with a gate surrounded by clouds.

As it kicked off the gate was opened and we saw Sir Ed walk into the light, like entering into heaven, after he had enterd the gate he desended out of the sky down infront of his coffin with a halo also. He the transformed into his youth full state and for the rest of the funeral he was there playing arround enjoying the funeral for himself.

Now this was all on live tv so i dont think that i am the only one that saw what happened because as i think that when some thing is done in spirit on tv that image is then burned onto film and can the be seen again as it happened in real life.

As the casket was moved out of the chuch and put onto the herse there was a school group of children that did a Haka for him not sir ed being of Maori decent, all the land spirits came out, thousands of them join in th haka giving out an extreme sensation in the mind.

Then an angle told me to meditate and this is what i saw.

It began as a flash of rainbow and then my mind expanded i felt a ball of rainbow light extend out from my body filling the universe and surrounding the earth looking like an eclipse. As the vision continued i saw the earth in 3d with all the coulour just as you would see it from space, i felt my energy going out filling other people bringing them into the light it was amazing i carried on tho journey through the galaxy seeing it just as if i was looking a pictre, i noticed the whirl pool of light a star above the galaxy on the left hand side I was looking at the milky way. The Serapis Bay came along and said chase me so i followed as went from the ohysical universe into the earth sub plane, which was a red brown colour, with may geometrical forms, we then poped out of that plane back on to the physical plane, and i looked back and saw huge tears in space at the points that i had switched dimensions. My eye had opened up as a pink eye filled with all the colours of the rainbow, it was beautiful.

Now yesterday as i was sitting outside i was told to read myself again by an angel, i opened my new eye and looked, what i saw was a prysim of rainbow light converging on a point in the center of the eye, i then saw a whirl [much like dna] spin into my body [rainbow also], as this light decended into my body i saw it make every chakra whole and filled with the divine energy.

The focus for me now is to bring all my parrallel bodys into the light i think that if i can trace the source of this energy after meditating in this new form of energy i think that i can find my parrallel bodies and if i am correct and can bring them all up simutaniously then what could come next only god knows.

It feel like each post we post gets longer and longer so ill try and answer you questions quickly i just felt i needed to share

Serapis Bey is the cohan of the fourth ray an ascended master

The mother dugra chanell is for you

Foreboding meaning that i didnt really trust you

I dont see dragons but i had a dragon fly, and a dragon spirit in my past.

Keep the questions comeing i love awnsering them and if i can then mabe we can discuss them


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Post by dhav » Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:10 pm

oh are you trying to find a job right now?well i feel that your family has not yet accepted your gifts and about what you have learnt.They have much expectations from you and you fear to disappoint them.The kind of job in which you will feel happy within will open the door soon according to the dream.who knows perhaps it is about healing people.If you need a specific thing you just have to ask the angels what you want.perhaps also you think your family don't understand you at all.but you have to trust them and it will take a while.
It's a great dream full of hope.

yea i heard of Sir Ed recently about his death.Well it's good to hear that he is happy.death is something to rejoice as it is a celebration for the soul to complete one cycle and go into another one.Who knows this better than the angels.

the moment you have opened your 7th soul chakra must have been very beautiful.Yes i have read somewhere that you have to integrate all your bodies in other dimensions.this would include your lower bodies and higher bodies.It is your intent which is most important to achieve it.It will come all by itself.There is a technique regarding this in Alloya.com(lol.It's like i am promoting this website and i feel funny about it).well there must be other ways.What i have also learnt is you have to become whole that is connecting with your twin flame also.Then you will be whole with God.perhaps that is the next step.

ok the channelling was mine.she called me Daniele which is funny.perhaps that's the name with which she calls me.i heard something like this from a friend.There is also a soul name which should be always kept secret.Have you known yours?I am not asking the name but only yes or no answer.About the one She was saying perhaps i know.yesterday night i was cleaning my table and there was a notebook i use to record spiritual stuffs.i haven't opened it for months.yesterday i opened it as i intend to record things once again.there was some money in it i forgot about.well it was a nice little surprise.and surprisingly my monthly money was not wasted so much this month.i still have 3000rs indian and my coin box is overflooding i have to find another box.

well not really trusting me is there any reason behind?and for what reason the foreboding is passing now.well no one can trust strangers in one day normally.It should be same with me also for not trusting people easily.but i sometimes give my trust very easily.Well as long as i don't have reasons to stop trusting someone then i will continue talking to the person.it won't hurt me as long as i am able to i am able to help that person.

Questions?Questions?Do you see magickal creatures which we normally don't see?perhaps you can try calling for dragons.they like people who are brave and respect them.they are normally in the astral.Their size depends on how mature they are spiritually and intellectually.What about fairies?How did you manage doing OBE?

dhav ;-)

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:09 am

Yes i do in fact i have a few spirits that follow me arround through out my life and i have seen many spirits.

In my Greenstone neclace i have a man called Maui, in my rock i have a spirit called sunny, a little tiger called orion, 2 lions called Simba and Narla[stright out of lion king], a fried of mine has a white tiger called Tigerlilly, an oak tree spirit called Anthony, and a Ram called Samuel.

Those are my metaphysical spirits.

In talking to you and on the topic of dragons and such i actually was sitting on the tolilet after prereding your post and had seven dragons come visit me and woah they are huge, one of there heads filled the room and a neck about 1m in daimater.

On faries i think that when you are able to see in to the astral there is really no limit on what sort of creatures that you come across, I can see plant spirits also and when they show up i find that they are usually green in colour, and some yes do choose to appear as faries. The size of the plant defines the size of the spirit, and is usually the same size as the plant.

Plant spirits like wood nymphs and such, are very intellegent they are gifted with words and as they are rooted in the ground they only expirence what passes them , so that is where much of their physical expirence is gathered from.

Yeah i was worried about you i wasnt sure what your motives were, but now i think that you are a nice person that is doing alot of work and is intrested in depth with spiritual affairs. I think that when you get to know a person through how they act and aslo when you trust in your intuition what you percieve about them.

LOL im quiet glad that you found your self a treat it almost sounds like you need to go to the dank and start earning some intrest. I havent been lucky like that as such, there was this one time when i was a child that i found $150 that was like a million dollars to me :D

I do also have a journal but i dont fill it as such, it is more of a place that i keep my bible mesages and important spiritual stuff like predictions and such. I have recieved my soul name but yes it is something that you do keep private.

The moment i opend the 7th it was amazing i sat down and just saw like i was really there really expirencing. I actually have begun to bring up my souls in other parrallel universese but it isnt as easy as just bring them all up in one go, so i think. For me now it is all about finding the infite light that we each posses and let it fill each dimension. currenty i have done the astal, and emotional dimensions.

Well at the moment i am unemployed but the dream was more of recognition of the alias's that i have been using when i have been signing onto political sites.

Last night in fact i had a spontanious obe, It was neat i was sitting meditating or something teaching people about spiritual prusiuts, and i was grabbed by the neck and began rising, as &nbsp;i was rising i was thinking i must be assending, because that was what it felt like. I was rising up through this set of wodden stairs and then i was in an infinte light, and i was afraid because i felt as if i was dead then i was like na cant be in still breathing. Any way i woke up and the the spirit of a famous person that reciently died came and visited me and said that it is quiet a similar expirence to dieing so i can understand now why i may have felt that way.

I was wondering have you had any spirits come and visit you because you seem to have an understanding about spirit sizes and maturity and intellegence, and i was wondering if you also were blessed with spirits droping in.

I also think that the stuff that you are reciving from alloya is quiet good information and im am stunned at your capicity to share your expirences as i think that we seem quiet in tune, as i like the directions that our conversations flow.

I am increasingly excited with each time i log on anticipating what you write back.

With my parents in mind i think that they are begining to become more aware of the knowledge that i have but dont really know the bounds of it.

What are you currently working on spiritually do you have any goals that you have reached recently?

Dragon Knight

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Post by dhav » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:19 pm

Oh the spirit you have and that of your friend are interesting.i never thought that an oak tree can be a spirit for someone but yes it very much possible.i don't know about mine.i don't know how to know about them.Is there some meditations for this?how did you got to know about the metaphysical spirits.I have always liked lions and tigers and bears and dogs.infact when i was a little girl i was dreaming that i will have a house where there will be all kind of animals,birds.Lol Lion King spirits.i think that most of the characters we find in stories and so on exist really.Our subconscious mind can sense them and the writer or artist puts them down on the paper thus creating the magickal stories.in fact i think many movies they make comes right from their unconscious mind.I like the lion Aslan in Chronicles of Narnia.Funny as it may sound i thought of giving my son the Aslan name(of course in future in some years LOl).

Wow you saw the dragons.that's very fantastic.You can go and ride on their backs when you want to.it can be adventurous.By coincidence i got my fairy reading today.Lol she is definitely of blue light and this is what i actually see as sparks of blue light very bright all suddenly.and she has blond hairs.well no particular thing was said in the reading just that it's first time i was introduced to her and she said when i need her just give a magickal breath calling for her.

Well if i was home i would have deposit the money in bank.right now i am studying far in another country(india).so i will need the money to cater to other needs.there is a frends birthday next week.i will buy her a gift and can buy some things for me or save it for next month.i get a fixed monthly allowance.when i finish my studies go back home and start working then i can dream of deposit money in bank.

Thanks for trusting me.yea intuition plays a great role in trusting someone.i have experienced it myself.yes i am interested in spiritual things and polishing my soul at it's best and do my best what i can for the best of humanity.I really don't know a specific goal.
Spiritually where i have reached is still blurred.i have done meditations.i have become more energy sensitive.but i am still trying to find my soul purpose.I am still to reach the level where i can communicate with my spirits and learn what i got to know from them.And also from my angels.But what i know also everything has its time and will be revealed in time.

My understanding and knowledge about spiritual things well come from many sources.Last year i joined soem interesting groups in yahoo.One was starseeds,one indigo adults and one reiki and another paranormal things.from the starseeds i have learnt how they deal their life on earth and about their natural gifts,knowledge and day to day life.the group is closed now sadly.in reiki group i learnt about the energy work and healing.there are many kinds of healing energies.i think the reiki word has been added to them because reiki is the first popular healing energy in the world and so people will tend to be more convinced of the new system because of the word added to it.For example the dragon info i gave.i was attuned to dragon reiki and in the manual it described many things about them.and also i have searched many info on internet about dragons and many other kins.

But there are some things which i always knew from my soul and sometimes i would say things i never read about or heard.The spirits may be whispering them to me and i get in my subconscious.i remember one day my little sister was talking about a dark evil energy coming form some people and getting stronger with time.it was something in the family like a curse.to my own amazement i was explaining to her how the energy was being fed by more negative energy which was generating from the negative thinking of some people thus making it grow.well now it's gone i suppose.And at that time i was not like searching about spirit world or anything.but inside i did have a knowledge about energy.I also sense there is a great mystery which i need to find out or is it just my overthinking.

or the posts are getting longer and longer.and yes the communication just flows between us.LOL
as for the alloya articles i read some of them it's been some months now.perhaps 6 months and there are things there that i can relate myself well.It's like i knew it.There are things there that impressed me real to the core.i have to save all the pdf files there so that i read them when i get time.who knows one day the website crashes.LOL.

looking forward for your reply ;-)

Ps you are interested in politics?i think you should write a book about your evolution in this lifetime.Lol.It's great for you to help others in spiritual pursuits.how you advise people to meditate?Hope you get to assemble your bodies from other dimension very soon.after this the angels will let you know what's next step. :-)

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Post by DragonKnight » Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:55 am

The names for the spirits that i have are ones that i have given to them, i was scratching for ideas and it isnt often that you have two spirits alike. but you are right about getting ideas from the subconscious i think that there has been a lot created by man in the form of ideas, some of our ideas are actually planted in our minds as seeds from spiritual sources when it comes time for that information to be released and sometimes that is how spirits get their direction. Do you have children?

I would love to have children about 2-3.

Ive never asked to go for a ride on the back of a dragon, i would say that would be quiet like a meditation of visulisation. One of the best ways to find your spirit guides is to actually create a world and use bubbles to bring your spirit guides to you so that you become aware of them that is how i meet my lions, the other spirits i have i have created from light and animated them, in most cases this is done by deva, i am told that it has never been done and in the psychic community that i am aware of there are only two others that have enough understanding to &nbsp;be able to do that.

Ive been having lots of sparks of light latley, it is one of my favourite spiritual occurances, it happens when i am talking to them they give me a little point of white light or a tral like a shooting star or a flash that blinds one of my eyes it soo cool. i feel quiet lucky really.

What have you and your fairy been up to the past few days have you asked her/him about its history? ive been tied up with getting my computer sorted its been a hassel so i havent been on in a few day my appoligies

Some time you just dont know what is on the other end LOL, i think that you just need to become aware and see your subtle bodies those parts of your soul, and i think to find you soul purpose you have to expirence your birth vision, have you been into your seccond soul chakra and watched it, once you expirence it you will know why you are in the place that you are and find that from there on you create your soul purpose and discover the destiny that surrounds your life and how you are in control of the every day choices and that bring you to predetirmned events. Just knowing that they are alive was enough for me see spirits know when they should speak and when to let time pass, the more you talk the better they know you and the more that they will talk in return.

Can you fill me in on more info concerning all mythical creature you can think of im really inrtested.

You know the journeys in the first soul, is a good place to find out if that infomation that you seem to be pulling out of thin air is actually knowledge out of the past lives you have had. The reson that i &nbsp;say that is when i read you that you didnt have a natural rainbow aura. One you become a full reki master you will have one how ever.

Yes when spite is harboured in a family it festers making it even harder for one to break free of the cycle, like a son taking on his fathers alcaholism, its not the sons fault but a behaviour that has been seen and lernt i have had a friend of mine go down that route, he ended up hiding many secrets from me and was an out ward people pleaser.

What is this mystery that you are talking about? can you give me more details maby i can help.

I have been directed by spirit to write a book and it really lucky for me as i have kept all the information that i have used to get to higher levels of consciouness. And politics i think im a bit to young but i wouldnt mind telling some nations what to do lol.

Ive got some thing else that you may be able to help me with ive go a buch of bound spirits in america that i think you may be able to help me with. There two young spirits traped my an olderspirit in the physical plane that meaning that they have created an astral bubble got any ideas

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Post by dhav » Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:30 am

Oh no sorry for late reply.It does happen that sometimes worldly affairs makes you real busy.and LOL.i don't have children yet and i hope not later after i turn 30.I am 25 right now and clock is ticking.First of all i have to meet the father whom i don't know about yet.i hope for 2-3 and precisely 2 boys and a sister.but sadly i have been told 2 boys only.well i want my little daughter also whatever the astrologer said doesn't so matter.(oh i saw a very light blue orb on my screen)

Riding a dragon was told to me by one of my master.He attuned us to Goraam Dragon energy and said if anytime we would want her to come to us for a ride or if we are in a sort of a danger we should call her 11 times.She also removes negativity.astrally we can ride on her.that is your astral body.i haven't been successful as i still haven't develop much astrally.i can only call her to remove negativity on me or soemone else.I was told she is a blue dragon very very big.

i am trying trying that sometimes i get mad and when one get excited he cannot meditate properly.i will try what you said like making a bubbles to meet my guides.i also know that my Third eye is not well opened.the other night i tried to use Intuition and enorasis empowerment.It lets you see some other places,or other dimension or akashic from the eyes of angel Azriel.well i can tell you that i was unsuccessful.I have to concentrate on opening my third eye.i have never done something about it especially.

hey that's great you can create spirits and more especially when it's very rare for one to be able to do it.You do use your imagination and energy well.A big Applaud to you.you are ery gifted as i see.What's you spiritual goal?I am sure your path is very important and interesting.

It's good and lucky to see the sparks and shooting star.infact when the fairies are with you and generating all these sparks it means their are real luck with you or any person.and they also like to stay with people who are clear thinking,accept their luck and like a joyful atmosphere.I haven't reach the stage i can actually see the fairies ad talk to her like normal people do.What was great yesterday i was giving my reading feedback about the faery just on my lap i saw a flash blue light.as if she was here again to tell me that yea I am here.lol.and she appears to be a great prankster.the woman said she appeared like a charming smiling fairy.But i haven't been told her name.

what you saying about the soul chakras are interesting.but i think i need the third eye open to be able to see through them.Does it matter if the soul chakra are open or not to be able to look?i didn't quite understand the unnatural rainbow aura.do i have a rainbow aura?and why is it not natural?I haven't truely practise reiki.i was getting attuned to experience the energies how they feel like.

Spite in families are very common.I am trying to break this.The other day i said to myself i would be sending love and light to them.then when i slept i dreamt about them.i went to their home.i was very shocked to see the house so dirty.i was trying to help cleaning but it was like impossible.i went to their surrounding also it was a really dirty place.then when i made my mind of going back home my surrounding began changing and was clean with green lawns.There are many works to do.There are family secrets which elders never deem it important to tell us young.they under-estimate us because as daughter of this generation we came out to be different in spiritual sense.I have also heard of a curse on our family that no boys will be born as one of our great grandfather was busy laughing at people who had no sons.but eventually it was a good curse.LOL.We are four sisters to our father and 8 daughters to 2 sons(my dad and uncle).It's very interesting these stories when you hear it.Old Family secrets.hahaha.

But the mystery is about my birth and being here.my soul purpose and what i was in previous lives.For me it's a great mystery.lol.seriously we are 4 sisters who have been brought together for a special reason to same parents.Each of us has gifts especially the 3rd sibling.but she was shown her mission which is private for her.she also had vision of a big war which will go on for years and years between Light and Dark.there will be the One in the war but no one will recognise him for his own safety.my mystery is i had a dream once.i forgot what it was i only remember the meaning.It says that inside me there are some answers to some secrets.And i used to see also the pentacle at that time.perhaps it concerns Mother Earth also.She was showing me the number 135.my date of birth is 13 may which is 13 5.she was telling me something.i recently found the number meaning in the numerology department in the forum.and it's as if i have been hidden from things regarding me.whenever i would try a reading or astrology reading there were no big details or the person can't see it clearly.well perhaps i overthink.lol

oh i wouldn't mind topple down these currents rulers of countries.i would think if more of us could infiltrate these systems and break it down at the right time.Us meaning persons who are spiritually inclines and thinks for the best of humanity.

i don't know if i would be able to help.Who is the older spirit?i would think you have to deal with him first then you can release the young ones.how you got to know about it?the old one must be powerful.does the young ones knows if they are trapped or not or are they under some illusion?i think you should try releasing the old spirit first from the earth then his hold on the younger ones will immediately cease.

yesterday my sister was attacked again by beings which like to suck energy from her.she sense them.they usually come to her since younger.she then comes to sleep in my room so that they don't come to her again.she should build her aura well.mine i think is stronger so they don't come whenever i am with her.

mystical creatures i can tell you more about dragons.there are 4 kinds of dragons.Water,Air,Fire and land dragons.the fire dragon is the most powerful but very rare.they live in volcanoes only.if a drop of water falls on their scales they are doom.the scales get damaged by the water and it it the scales that protects them in the fire of volcano.Without these they cannot live to volcano.the water dragons of course lives in lakes.they cannot fly. and are also rare.The earth dragons they have wings &nbsp;and live on land of course.dragons can turn into human form.they would frequently turn into human form to be able to roam among us.The dragons eggs and younglings are looked after by their father.One female dragon would mate with numerous males in one day each time giving an egg.the egg is then taken by the father and raised only by the father.They are very good at magick the dragons,including black ones .they are very intelligent and have great knowledge.if you knows one you can learn many things from him.they like to be given respect and like only courageous people.there is one also the Golden dragon respected by all the dragons.he is the most humble and have only been seen by only 3 humans but only 1 great human being without sins(with the purest heart) can only be his frend.not much is known about him and he is said to be guarding the Holy Grail.
i can send you the manual if you want.many things are said in it.but it is 600+ KB and won't be uploaded here.

i think i am going to practise the dragon reiki.i never got opportunity because of exams last year after getting attuned. ;-)

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:47 am

Yes i owould love it if you sent me some stuff on the dragons.

I have found that you can meditate in any state and that you can think and feel while you are meditating. My goal at the moment is just waiting seeing what comes when i start my course in feb.

Last edited by DragonKnight on Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by dhav » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:44 pm

Yea i think i meditate in any state.but i thought it is not good to think while meditate but i don't try stopping myself thinking.i just let it flow till one day it will be silent.So you are starting your course of politics?perhaps you will be busy then to reply me.I have mailed you your dragon manual.hope you find it interesting.

dhav ;-)

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Post by dhav » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:31 am

Ok read that u are busy atm.seems that u doing something very important.hope you liked tha manual.you never let me know if you got it.

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Post by DragonKnight » Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:48 am

yes dhav sorry i have just started a boot camp last week and i havnt had much time to do anything i have had the occasional chance to come on. I did get the e book and it was very helpfull and it is quiet accurate. Dont have too much to say i hope you are well and that you are still going strong. here is a cadance that i have lernt here you might like it

Pslam 119
Verse 11
says your word
I have hidden
In my heart
That i might not sin
Agains you


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Post by dhav » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:52 pm

Great words DK.Thank you.hope all is well with the boot camp.i am also glad you liked the ebook.take care n see ya.


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Post by DragonKnight » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:47 am

hey i havnt left yet.

im not dead or anything ill just poppin from time to time and ah drop a spiritual wisdom so to speak.

i cant explain.

ill gaurintee that i am a friend.

look at like my third post 1-3 i think,

Dragon ;)

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Post by dhav » Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:21 am

HI Dk,
Lol.Have i said that you are gone from Mystic. I know you will come on and off to drop a word of wisdom.

Latest news.i saw a hindu God with four hands in my dream.cool.i think it is LOrd Vishnu.these days there is lot of work going on in my third eye chakra.Something &nbsp;is going on in my spiritual world but i can't see it. &nbsp;:smt005


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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:17 am

humm dhav you really make me think.

what was the name of that deva again? vishnu? who is vhisdu?

there is so much that i want to say to you right now that would bring you into a new level of eye.

third eye activity?

have you reached a new level of consciousness?

um i dont really know how to tell you this but connect with the higher consciousness that is arround the world time and space has no meaning when it comes to a telepathic connection.


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