Potty training

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Potty training

Post by jld » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:43 am

I have been potty training my daugther (she's 25 months) since Wed. morning. I have put her in underwear only since then except at bedtime when I put her in a pull up. She has got up in the morning dry since the potty training started. I am unsure whether I should keep her in panties at night too. Is it confusing to wear the pull ups at night?
The first day was a mess, but after that she has peed in the potty each time (once today she had an accident). She is young but I felt it was a good time to start the process and now that I have her in panties I don't think I should go back to putting her in diapers during the day.
Now at bedtime though she cries saying she has to pee. I put her on the pot and she did go last night before bed, but not tonight after putting her on the potty probably five times.  I don't want it to be a pattern doing this every night for an hour. How can I handle this? Do I limit the number of times I put her on the potty before bed or how long? Any suggestions?

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Safe for undies at night when:

Post by Sorrynn » Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:05 am

Hi!! It is safe to put her into undies at night when her pull-ups aren't wet in the morning anymore. Don't worry it doesn't take as long as with boys!! One day her body will stop trying to urinate at night, it will generally slow that part of functioning down. Also, limiting the amount she drinks before bedtime will also hasten this process. I hope I have helped you. I have potty trained two children both a girl and a boy and that is how it has been with them. However all children are different. Try not to get upset with her if she has an accident. I know that at inopportune times they can sometimes revert because she might feel a little pressured to grow up, (not from you, all children just tend to feel that way after making a big step) From a psychological point of view, this step in her childhood is a big one and should be surrounded with all the positives you can give her. Just advice from one who could have used some myself when potty training my boy. And congratulations on this milestone...aren't you just so proud of her???


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Re: Safe for undies at night when:

Post by Sorrynn » Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:08 am

Ok I didn't remember you saying she was dry in the mornings....my head isn't all here lately. You can put her into underwear at night time also if you want to, you should probably get a mattress protector too if you haven't already. She will have times when she will have accidents at night, but it is normal. And yay for your daughter!!
Sorrynn wrote:Hi!! It is safe to put her into undies at night when her pull-ups aren't wet in the morning anymore. Don't worry it doesn't take as long as with boys!! One day her body will stop trying to urinate at night, it will generally slow that part of functioning down. Also, limiting the amount she drinks before bedtime will also hasten this process. I hope I have helped you. I have potty trained two children both a girl and a boy and that is how it has been with them. However all children are different. Try not to get upset with her if she has an accident. I know that at inopportune times they can sometimes revert because she might feel a little pressured to grow up, (not from you, all children just tend to feel that way after making a big step) From a psychological point of view, this step in her childhood is a big one and should be surrounded with all the positives you can give her. Just advice from one who could have used some myself when potty training my boy. And congratulations on this milestone...aren't you just so proud of her???


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Re: Potty training

Post by Sorrynn » Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:11 am

Also I suggest you let her on the potty whenever she thinks she needs to go. She will get tired of it as well. However, if you feel it is a stalling mechanism, then mommy knows best.
jld wrote:I have been potty training my daugther (she's 25 months) since Wed. morning. I have put her in underwear only since then except at bedtime when I put her in a pull up. She has got up in the morning dry since the potty training started. I am unsure whether I should keep her in panties at night too. Is it confusing to wear the pull ups at night?
The first day was a mess, but after that she has peed in the potty each time (once today she had an accident). She is young but I felt it was a good time to start the process and now that I have her in panties I don't think I should go back to putting her in diapers during the day.
Now at bedtime though she cries saying she has to pee. I put her on the pot and she did go last night before bed, but not tonight after putting her on the potty probably five times.  I don't want it to be a pattern doing this every night for an hour. How can I handle this? Do I limit the number of times I put her on the potty before bed or how long? Any suggestions?

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Post by jld » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:43 pm

Thanks for your input. She woke up dry again this morning and peed in the potty. I haven't got a mattress protector yet so I will have to do that. I put down a pad type thing but I will look for a cover. I am proud of her. She is proud of herself too. I'm a little nervous about taking her out while she's learning. I guess I'll just take lots of extra clothes where we go.
It's hard to know what to do at night time, but like you said I'll have to give her plenty of opportunities and decide if she is just stalling. Good advice.

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Post by Deborah » Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:48 pm

At night I would limit her drinks to a certain time .. once teeth are brushed no more drinks!

If you are afraid she will have an accident at night you can put her panties on then her pull up ..this will add security to both of you...

It takes 28 days to form a habit ... so once she has the pattern down no more worries ..

do not get discouraged if she has accidents this is normal..shes learning to control so many functions!

praise her for being soo good so fast !!

I like charts they help me see when  child is potting and when they are not ..if she usually goes at 7 then to bed ..then that would be her last trip ..follow your mommy intuition!

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Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:56 pm

When I was potty training my daughters it came down to how long had they woken up in the morning dry.  My oldest had since she was one, so I wasn't worried at night.  My youngest did most nights after we decided to start potty training her, and I left the decision up to her. (we can't force them to eat or potty after all:) ) Leaving it up to her, she chose to wear undies and as I recall, didn't have any messes.  I think with her it was letting her have decisions, it was her decision to potty train, her decision on what her undies looked like (tinkerbell) and with that, she did very well!
And congrats on yours doing well!!
When we went out in public, I was still taking a diaper bag with an extra outfit in it.  Not into stores and such, but it was in the car if we needed it.  But she didn't have any problems.  We would potty before we left, and make it a point to ask if she needed to go when we arrived.  If it was a long trip, we would make stops to help.  And made sure she knew that she could tell us if she had to go while we were out.  She did an excellent job! :)
Every child is different, and only you can know ur child.  Input is nice, but trust yourself as well.

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Post by jld » Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:47 pm

Thanks for your responses. She had another successful pee in the potty. She was hiding to poop and pooped some in her panties. This part may take longer. But she is doing well with the process. Actually better than I expected. Before we started, I printed off a page with a choo-choo train and tracks to put stickers on to work towards a surprise. That has been a big motivation. I'll have to figure out what the surprise will be now. I think I'll keep up with the stickers after this one's full to keep up the motivation. She goes to preschool tomorrow morning and I am hoping she will go there as well. I guess I'll just take it a day at a time and she how it goes and trust my mommy intuition.

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