more homemade remedies for haircare: THESE R REALLY HELPFUL !!!

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more homemade remedies for haircare: THESE R REALLY HELPFUL !!!

Post by richaj_13_9 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:49 pm

Homemade Shikakai shampoos for your hair

Methi Shikakai Shampoo

Methi seeds(Fenugreek) – 250 grams
Shikakai – 1 kilogram
Dried orange/lemon peels – handful

Crush all the ingredients to a fine powder and store. Use this powder shampoo to wash your hair as you would do with others. However, remember to soak this powder in ½ cup of boiling water 2 hours before using it on your hair.

Reetha Shikakai shampoo.

Take some dry soap nuts(reetha) and soak them in water overnight.
Mash them in the morning and strain the soapy solution.
Add a tsp of shikakai powder and wash your hair.

Amla Shikakai shampoo

For healthy hair use herbal shampoos with the following ingredients: 100 grams of Reetha seeds, 100 grams of Amla Powder, 100 grams of dried shikakai powder, 20 grams of Aloe Vera juice and 3 glasses of hot water. Soak the rita seed in warm water and squeeze out the juice . Add to this amla powder,shikakai powder and aloe vera juice and use as regular shampoo.

Khus-khus Shikakai shampoo

1) Shikakai 1 kg
2) Bengal gram (chana dal) ¼ kg
3) full green gram (moong) ¼ kg
4) poppy seeds (khus-khus) ¼ kg
5) fenugreek (methi seeds) 100 gms
6) horse gram 100gms

Method: Make sure the 'Shikakai' is dry or else dry it in the sun. Take all the ingredients to a mill and get them ground. Store in an airtight container when cool.

Take 2½ tablespoons for 1 wash of long hair, 1½ tablespoons for shoulder length hair or 1½ teaspoons for very short hair and mix it with enough water to make a thick liquid of shampoo constituency.

Apply on wet scalp and hair and rub all over nicely. After 2 minutes rinse properly with lots of water and make sure no lumps are left on the hair or scalp.

Chamomile Fields Shampoo

The Ingredients
* 4 bags of Chamomile tea (or 1 handful of fresh Chamomile flowers)
* 4 tablespoons pure soap flakes
* 1 1/2 tablespoons glycerin*

Let the tea bags steep in 1 1/2 cups of boiled water for 10 minutes. Remove the tea bags and with the remaining liquid add the soap flakes. Let stand until the soap softens. Stir in glycerin until mixture is well blended. Pour into a bottle. Keep in a dark, cool place.

Glycerin: A transparent sweet liquid, a by-product of soapmaking. Glycerin is used in many cosmetic products. It acts as a humectant, which means it retains moisture. You can purchase it at most drug stores or health food stores.

Chamomile: Relaxant, great bedtime drink, slows down central nervous system.

Storage- Most recipes require refrigeration since they don't contain preservatives. Shelf Life is approximately 1 week.

Dandruff control:

1 tspn fenugreek seed powder mixed with 1 cup of yogurt. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.
Take 2 tblspns of Beetroot juice and add 1 egg and 1 tspn limejuice to this. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.Oil hair well before going to bed. Next morning mix 1 tspn limejuice with ½ tspn salt. Rub this on the scalp with the peel of a lime turned inside out. Leave for 1 hour before shampooing.
About 10-15 minutes before you wash your hair, rub a lot of aloe vera gel into your scalp. leave it on for 10 minutes, and shampoo your hair like you regulary do. if you do this everyday the dandruff will stay away.
Using lime juice to wash hair.
Massage your hair with warm coconut oil and apply the juice of 2 lemons, steam your hair and leave the oil on for about 2 hours. Shampoo with a mild shampoo. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair.

homemade  remedy to prevent  hair loss:

Make a paste by mixing olive oil, honey and cinnamon (dal chini) powder. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. Repeat it for 3-4 times a week.

Make a paste by grinding fenugreek seeds with water. Massage on the scalp after oiling the hair and leave it for one hour before washing. Repeat it every morning for a month.

Make a paste by mixing two eggs, two tablespoons each of amla, reetha and shikakai powder. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. Repeat it for 3-4 times a week.

Drink 1 teaspoon cider vinegar mixed in 1 glass of water with meals for 2-3 weeks.

Drink a smoothie of banana, honey, yogurt, and skim milk.

Drink daily a juice of alfalfa + fresh spinach or fresh coriander. Your hair will grow fast.

Hair oil masage:

Clove oil honey massage. Stir well ½ cup of green olive oil with 1 cup of liquid honey. Shake vigorously. Keep the mixture to settle for a day or two. Massage into the scalp and comb it not touching the scalp. After massaging cover hair with plastic shower cap. Make it air tight to let the heat penetrate, leave like that for 20 to 30 minutes. Then shampoo and rinse well. It is good for dark hair to keep it shining and lustrous.

Warm 2 tsp. of olive oil and 2 tsp. coconut oil and gently massage every part of the scalp for 10-15 minutes. Rinse a towel in hot water, wipe and wind the hair around the head as it cools. Repeat 2 or 3 times to issue total saturation. After that, shampoo and rinse well. It is good for brittle dry hair.

Hot Caster oil massage: Warm ½ cup of castor oil, massage into scalp and gently comb it. Bind the hair with hot towel on the head, wait for 30 minutes. Shampoo and rinse. As it is home made is so good to use for scanty hair.

to control split ends:

Best ways to make you free from split ends is do not comb in the wet hair .Use a good herbal shampoo and avoid frequent changing of shampoo.Make sure you drink a lot of water as water contains minerals. Do not expose your hair to extreme heat or temperature.Manage to trim off your split ends.Do not back comb.

Homemade tips to controll splitends.
1) Apply olive oil at bed time and wash off the hair next morning.

2) At home, wash hair with cold water, rub scalp with fingers. This is a simple, and effective remedy against hair loss.

3) Boil Henna leaves in mustard oil till they are burnt, the oil can be filtered. A regular massage of this oil is helpful.

4) Seeds of lime and black pepper ground together to a fine paste helps treat patchy baldness.

5) Apply coconut milk all over the scalp and massage into roots.

6) Scrub the area of patchy baldness with onions untill it becomes red. Follow up by applying honey over this patch.

7) Trim the hair every 4 to 5 weeks even if you are growing it.

8) Avoid rubber bands, sharp clips, spiky brushes and do not brush hair when it is wet.

9) The juice of leaves of bhongra massaged into the head is an effective hair tonic to check falling hair.

10) The paste made from powdered seeds of shana with coconut/sesame/castor oil is used as a hair tonic.

11) The juice of kanta karika mixed with honey applied to the head acts as a hair tonic.

12) The oil extracted from rohisa, briskly rubbed into the head encourages the new growth.

13) The oil extracted from the seeds of sagvan is massaged on the head to check premature loss of hair.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:10 pm

for a hot oil treatment - instead fo buying the stiff they make go to the store, get unrefined extra virgin olive oil, i like to heat it up a bit, just a little not to hot, massage it into your hair and scalp, and put a plastic bag, maybe some aluminum foil on, wait for maybe 20 minutes. i like to put in on when i go to the laundry mat, while i'm folding i get really warm from pulling everything out of the dryer, it seems like a self heat thing, u can leave it in longer than 20, heat helps it to penetrate the cuticle of the hair shaft, then shampoo a few times, ussually ur hair will feel a lot softer and look healthier. if you have fine hair, make sure to rinse with a volumizing or clairifying shampoo a few times, the extra oil may weigh ur hair down, same if u have an oily scalp.

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Post by Antigone » Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:59 pm

I read somewhere that apple cider vinegar is good for the hair...or was it dandruff...anyway I tried it, and let me just say that while it worked, I couldn't rinse off the smell! Took me like five washings and there was still a faint smell of the vinegar =(

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Post by sandeep0509 » Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:08 am

amla oil only

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another help tea tree

Post by Unique1 » Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:47 pm

tea tree is great for dandruff, i was searching online and tried apple cider vinegar too and what i do is put the apple vinegar on my scalp let it sit then wash and condition my hair then i style as usual and grease my scalp with pure tea tree oil (depending on how bad your scalp is you can dilute the teatree with olive oil or almond oil but i have bad scalp) you can grease it every other day depending on how bad your scalp is.  It really does work

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Post by michellejane » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:01 am

Informative information all the details given very nicely and point wise so easy to understood .you drink a lot of water as water contains minerals.The minerals are then 100% bioavailable because they have been naturally chelated by the . Mineral complexes from rock, clay, salt beds or lakes are inorganic because they have never been assimilated by a plant and reduced to an ionic form. The body can only assimilate about 10% of an inorganic mineral complex.

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Post by symulhaque » Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:14 pm

Lots of treatments dear. which one to try?

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