Part One - The Major Arcana - 16

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Post by infinitii525 » Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:35 pm

lavirgo wrote:i have the mythic tarot too....its really interesting finding out about the characters in the cards because i don't know who they are though ive heard of them.

for me the tower brings up feelings of dread,  turmoil is coming, everything you have (tower)  is about to be re arranged quite suddenly or drastically.

if emotions are locked away then outbursts are coming.

something has been going on for too long and the walls can longer contain it,  thus it is released in a manner that seems destructive.  Eventually its what needed to happen.

 i feel this card is a lesson, that its probably  too late to change things but to make the changes easier by not trying to patch up the tower.

 other times i  feel its a warning to help the person be aware of some behaviour that is destructive and that the tower will still collaspe but their attitude can make the difference between going through despair or rebirth.
lavirgo I like your view of this card. I have RW cards but I am also trying to get a feel for the cards you guys put up.

I see the Tower as a oppourtunity to free yourself from your burdens or secrets.  Destruction may naturally happen with or without notice and we may not be able to control it but with a strong foundation rebuilding won’t be too difficult

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the tower

Post by SandiLJ » Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:54 pm

The tower represents a broken home, or maybe where someone has lost, his/her job & they have to, move from their home no matter how, hard they tried. It can mean that this person has, also made some bad job decisions or, money decisions that has casued the family. Everything that they have the fire represents, change in ones lively hood the crown, means maybe loss of the thrown no, longer head of your home or country, the lighting represents judgement from above. all is not lost for their is always, hope for a better future.SandiLJ

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Post by pamDemonium » Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:48 pm

I described the previous card, the devil, as a warning to deal with our problems. I believe the tower is the result if we do not heed that warning and resolve or get help for our problems.

The tower blows the lid off things we cherish, it's a catastrophy or troubles. we are left weak and exposed as things have come to a head.

The fire in the tower depicts destruction. I wonder what will emerge from the rubble.
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Post by littleone22 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:34 pm

The tower can show disappointment and the feeling of being let down! This card shows the mighty falling, the man falling appears to be wearing a crown and a golden crown is being blown off the tower! In a positive light this could represent breaking free from a prison! They could be locked in the tower!  love littleone22 :smt006

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Post by grmrsan » Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:24 am

Celtic dragon-
Two dragons are destroying a large stone pillar during a storm. Theres a pile of rubble down at the bottom. The bottom ot the tower is glowing from the heat of the fire at it's To me this is a card of destruction. Everything is falling down. Not just falling but exploding. All the old ways, old beliefs, or dreams that were used to build it prove false, and are destroyed. Ultimatly hey cannot hold.

Forest Folklore-
This is a little more natural. This is an old tower, it's stood it's time and served it's purpose. Now It's time is over and nature is pulling it down.  The lightning is just the final blow that will bring it down completly. This card seems to suggest that the old ways have outlived thier usefullness, and now it's all crumbling. There are alot of openings near the bottom, those would suggest that the foundation wasn't strong enough. Maybe if it had been built sturdier at the bottom than it wouldn't be in danger of collapse.
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The Tower

Post by Cheyenne » Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:51 pm

The Tower indicates something is about to happen that will not announce itself. Sudden, quick but which will leave quite an effect. Either for good or bad. It can indicate change but it can also indicate a finding out the truth about something or someone. It can stand for a breakup. The Tower can stand for a sudden change. But it’s usually a change that is unavoidable. It’s usually a change that teaches you something important about yourself. Or the change is meant in order to guide you in the right direction.
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Post by BLouise » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:52 pm

Power beyond my control at work.  The naked man suggests that I will be stripped of my beliefs, but only the top of the tower is destroyed suggesting that I will be able to rebuild.

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Post by arianna » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:37 am

A bolt of lightening crashes from the sky with enough force to tear down walls :smt012  this is a card that comes up when the questioner is not listening to advice or doing anything to help themselves - I find this card to appear when all else fails and the control has been taken from you "fate' takes over with a life altering event to change the way we look at things to see things in a new light

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Re: Part One - The Major Arcana - 16

Post by Sabra » Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:57 am

Gem wrote:Image

Destruction? Chaos? Or unbelievable power that is waiting to be tamed?
This is the one card in the entire deck that fills me with dread.  Anytime I see this card, 9/11 plays in my head all over again.  The towers collapsed first at the top, then went down, and just as in the RW deck there were multiple bodies dropping from the top.

The Thoth decks shows the all-seeing eye from above watching.  At the left is a dove carrying a branch and on the right a serpent.

Maybe material things or relationships that we were enslaved to (from the Devil card) are being swept away and cleansed here, bringing about necessary but excruciatingly painful change.  It makes me wonder if the World Trade Center could be represented by the Devil (financial and material enslavement).  In this case the collapse of the WTC, plenty of change was brought but I don't know that any of it was for the better.
Thoth Deck - The Tower
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Rider Waite The Tower

Post by winniewoo » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:06 pm

Used to be called the Tower of God or the Tower of Babel. A bold to lightning has struck the tower knocking off the king's crown. Everyone is sent flying. Raindrops in the form of the Hebrew letter yod, which are emblematic of the hand of God. The symbolism can be a fall from grace or banishment like Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. This card represents the unexpected, an element of surprise. The Tower indicates a rude awakening of some sort. Who would expect lightning to strike your castle and knock your crown off? LOL.

It doesn't have to be an unpleasant element of surprise. It could be an unexpected pregnancy. Though unexpected it may be welcomed.  A better job offer that you weren't expecting. Meeting a new romantic interrest that you weren't looking for and it turns out to be your soul mate. An unexpected event of some kind. However it could be something disappointing. There is no way to know what it will be. That's why they call it unexpected. Whatever it is, it will take you by surprise.

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My RW Tower says...

Post by pirbid » Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:11 pm

"- Dear, didn't I tell you to check the gas burner before going to bed?
- Sooorry, I forgot agaaaainnnn...!!!!"

:smt005  Just making light of this card people seem to fear so much :smt002

I must say I'm in love with this card and, after getting it in most of the readings done for myself (either by me or by others), I've come to regard it as "my" card. It started popping up in my earliest readings and I was quite shocked at first: kept looking around me to see where the disaster was coming from. Only last week it was bang in the center (the crossed card in the Celtic spread) of an otherwise very powerful and positive reading.

In time, I saw that it reflected my own attitude to change: when I finally see the need for it, I'd rather it was immediate, quick and complete, thereby freeing an amazing amount of energy that I had buried in some nonproductive situation (devilish, as most of you point out).

You might think that my life consisted of one catastrophe after another, but it was not so, although it did imply moving often from one country to another and breaking with home, friends, family and starting over from scratch. I was young, full of energy, easily bored and I learnt to welcome these abrupt changes every time they came.

I must confess I also see a side of my personality reflected in that card, as I have an explosive temperament, typical of the wands suit. I know from experience that fury has a very exhilarating side to it and sometimes I tend to cling to the feeling even though I know it is bad for me (and my liver), so maybe this is one of those Devil traits in me.

And the more literal side of it is that, now that my life is more staid, I work in a tower and have lived in one for the last 10 years (although I moved again last March: staid, yes; stagnant, no).

Watching the card, that is what I see: a torrent of pure, raw energy coming to me all at once. So many things I could use it for! The falling people in the rich robes represent to me my own ego and those beliefs I'm better rid of. The fall of a crown... the reigning mind as opposed to my more sincere intuition?


Scapini's shows a sort of force of nature character sending the ray that collapses the top of this tower made from all those different styles and cultures. Only the top, mind you, so that most of it is still useful (we only went wrong lately?).

The Ancestral Path's is beautiful, showing more specific building styles for temples through the different ages. It is illuminated while struck and still looks so solid and firm: impossible to forget. Makes reparations worth it (have I mentioned that interior design and refurbishing is one of my pet hobbies? This card is a bit like my passport photo  :smt003 ).

I picked the Spiral card because it focuses on the falling figures, on the pain, sense of loss and insecurity (ground moving beneath us). But, as my own experience tells me, there is no need to live through it with anxiety if we welcome and embrace the change: I find it so cleansing...

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Post by glenellen » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:03 am

The Tower for me represents sudden dramatic change and loss and you don't see it coming because of your ignorance, you have to prepare yourself and make sure your home business ect ect, is adequately insured or the loss will be greater

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The Tower

Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:18 pm

The Tower to me means there is much power and a lot to lose.  There is a change taking place, or will take place soon.  The destruction will be massive at the top and the bottom, but in the middle, things will be rough, but steady. The doors will always be open even if it just a crack, so ride out the storm and stay clear of the destruction.  I associate this with the dot com incident, it was the big guys at the top and the little guys at the end who took the brunt of things, but those who were in the midsection and saw their chances early got out and were clear of the devastation.
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Post by TravellingChristy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:00 pm

This card shows me trouble is happening or about to happen.  Feeling of entrapment and there is no way out.  Accidents dont just happen.  Someone usually causes them.  Keeping things locked inside can only lead to craziness.

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Post by farafina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:29 pm

This TOWER card makes me think of the ego each time I see it. It is the ego of human beginsg that make us build constructions reacing towards the sky... trying to attan a form of greatness that is only desired for egocentric purposes... Look how tall my building is! Look how powerful I am? and then CRASH... Everything is being destroyed by the Highest power, the Univese, or  God...
So if I see this card somewhere, it is usually a warning to my ego... a reminder that I must remain humble. What went up for the wrong reasons will have to come down.

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