Feng Shui to Concive

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Feng Shui to Concive

Post by tiggerlinda » Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:36 am

Hi I am looking for any suggestions that can help us fall pregnant please help if you have any ideas.

Thanks Linda

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Using the bagua school

Post by alee » Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:15 am

A simple way is to look at the house itself, is the zhen (east) and sun (south east) section missing? If they are not missing then it's very fortunate. In the bagua the zhen and sun section represent eldest son and the eldest daughter. Activate this section with plants (pomegranate is my choice) so they grow strong and healthy. (just my hunch, activate the SE section with a pomegranate plant, a fruiting tree if possible and tie some red ribbons on it).

Also look at the chien (North east-represent the patriarch of the family) and kun (south west-the matriarch) section of your space (ie bedroom, study, sitting room), you can also put a dolls, picture of a baby in those sections.

Happy trying  :smt004

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Hello Linda :smt006

Post by alee » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:17 am

While I have running through my notes and books, I found another method using crystals.

Take a clear quartz generator (the clearer the better) or a rose quartz ball. Thoroughly cleanse the crystal.

If you wish for a boy, the man holds the crystal and projects loving thoughts of your wife's image into the crystal.

If you wish for a girl, the woman holds the crystal and projects loving thoughts of your husband's image into the crystal.

Place the crystal under the bed. Repeat the visualisation every 2 weeks.

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Post by hinano » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:25 pm

Please visit my favorite site for feng shui tips www.wofs.com and they give great tips on every issue. There is also one for getting pregnate.

Good luck

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Using Bazi & NaYin Methods

Post by astroace » Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:05 am

Hi Linda,

The other important factors to consider is that the husband should be sleeping in the Green Dragon (left side) and the wife in the White Tiger (right side) position of their bed at all times. Their bed should also be in a balanced Yin / Yang position to the bedroom door. The bedroom should not have any internal sha towards the bed. Ideally the bedroom should be in the Tien Yi location of the house (8 Mansion) and the Flying stars should not be the 5's or 2's (Annual stars included).

One of the most effective methods to check whether a couple is able to have offsprings is to check their Bazi. Based on the Date of Birth and Time of the couple, we can determine from her 4 Pillars whether the wife is a strong or weak Self and her output element energy is strong or weak and also favourable or unfavourable to her. Same goes for her husband Self strength and whether his power element energy is strong or weak, favourable or unfavourable to him. With this we will know their chances of having children is high or not.

From the Bazi we will also know their Zodiac (EB) and their self NaYin elements and directions. With this information we can advice the couple to sleep and tap to their favourable NaYin directions and based on the 12 Stage of element cycle to coincide with the wife's cycle to conceive.

Best of Luck to you


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