Featured Reader - MangoMom

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Featured Reader - MangoMom

Post by Gem » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:28 pm


Mystic Board 'Featured Reader'


Offering Akashic Record Readings.


As MangoMom is unavailable at the moment we are temporarily not accepting akashic reading requests. If you still require a psychic reading then one of our other readers will be delighted to read for you :)


Thank-you all for your interest in Akashic Readings.  Currently at this time we only have one 'Featured Reader' that is able to give these readings in this particular way.  Although we all access our information from the same source we all do it in our individual ways as readers.  These particular special ones are with vibrations of your name and accessed through direct questions from the sitter.

Therefore I feel that if you would like an Akashic reading please take note that MangoMom is the only one doing them therefore so as to not burn her out or inundate her with too many requests we ask you to refrain from sending her a pm.  

How do I request a reading?

Post your request, here on the psychic reading forum, stating clearly that it is for MangoMom and for an Akashic Reading.  Once she has replied and asked for your name and question you may pm this to her but do be aware the reading does need to be posted back under your original request in the public forum as per the mystic board rules.  

This is to provide help and information to others and protect all the members on this board.

We love having MangoMom offer these readings on here so please consider her time and make sure any requests are on this board and they take time to answer.  

Like any reading we can not guarantee they can be read within a certain time frame and it is up to the individual reader to assess when it is the right time to reply. We also do not guarantee that all requests and questions will be suitable or be filled.

Please note that we recomend that these readings are only available to those members of 18 and over.

Please also take a moment to read the Guidelines before requesting your reading Guidelines to help get a better reading

Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

What is an Akashic Record Reading?
By MangoMum

The Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul from the time it leaves it point of origin until its return.  At the time we make the decision to experience lisfe as an independent entity, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion and action generated by that experience.  That field of Energy is the Akashic Records.  Akashic, because it is composed of Akasha (the energetic substance from which all life is formed) and Records, because its objective is to record all of life experience.

By opening the Akashic Records(there are different ways to do this, I use a sacred prayer), we align ourselves to the vibration of the one receiving the consultation( either self or another individual).  The prayer works with vigration to hone in on the specific "name" of the life form, and carries with it God's protection through the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past and our future to the present in the "now".  By accessing the Akashic Records, we can identify and release anything we have created, which has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God.  We can look at why we have addictive patterns, why we choose the relationships we do, why we have created our habitual responses, and how to create action in our lives instead of reaction.  The healing energy of the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things; therefore, overriding any illusion we might have created that causes us to believe that we are separate from God/Spirit/Source.  (This information was taken from one of the ARCI manuals).  I am no longer a member of the organization, nor is the founder, we did our part, it's up to the others to continue on with the work.

Many individuals can access these records at will, but without proper training it can become difficult to know what information you are receiving.  ANYONE can learn to access the records, at one time (thousands of years ago) everyone could access the records, this gift was abused to the point it was taken away from us for thousands of years, with very few having the ability to access the records (Edgar Caycee was one of those few).  The gift is being given back to us little by little with the emphasis of the reader having high integrity and using it only for good.  We(ARCI) were very concerned with the integrity of the Records  and developed the not for profit organization, we realized the RecordKeepers, Masters, Teachers and Guides will take care of any abusers.  The Akashic Records are mentioned in most religions, The Bible refers to them as "The Book of Life", and something similar in almost all other Religions.  

When I open my Records or another individual, I feel the healing, loving energies of the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.  I receive information through thought, visions, feelings, sounds, smells, my guides, etc.  They use all "six" senses to communicate.  Consultations last anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, it can drain your energies after a while, it's like having an adrenaline rush, you are all pumped up in the energies and then your body starts wearing down.   Many people want to know about their past lives, the Record Keepers only give information they know you are ready for.  We do not open a persons records without their permission and we do not open the records of anyone under 18 years of age, it could damage their spirit.  We have discovered businesses and organizatins have records as well, it's the energies that created the entity.  

I have found that my readings have been 95% accurate, the 5% is due to me attempting to interpret information, putting ego forth, when my responsibility is to deliver the information as I receive it.  The readings are conducted by the individual asking questions and the RecordKeepers, Masters, Teachers, Guides, etc. answering.  They have a wonderful sense of humor as well as a serious side, but I tend to sense mor humor.  This is not about telling the future, the records are huge, there are many levels and areas to the Records, it's up to the individual on how much work they want to do in the records.   I consider being invited into the sacred space of another person's Akashic Records to be extremely honoring and deeply respect their trust in me to allow me to do so.

Okay, I am beginning to ramble.  Hope this has been enlightening and not confusing.  I love this Forum.  Thanks Everyone

Love, Light and Laughter
MangoMum   {taken from thread http://mysticboard.org/vi ... ng&start=5 }


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