The Reiki Principles

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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The Reiki Principles

Post by Gem » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:29 pm

How should we live our lives to be living the 'reiki way'?

What do you think of the 5 principles of reiki?

There are many versions but all have the same meaning, and far too often perhaps they get forgotten or ignored.

Just for today, Do not anger
Just for today, Do not worry
Honour your Parents, Teachers and Elders
Earn your, Living Honestly
Show gratitude, To every living thing


Just for today, I release all worry.

Just for today, I release all anger.

Just for today, I shall earn my living with integrity.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Just for today, I will give thanks for all my many blessings.

Dr. Mikao Usui

What do you understand them to mean? How do you say them or use them?

Do you meditate every day? Do you pray? Do you self-heal and use reiki?

Pretty soon 'today' is everyday and life improves for everyone?
Last edited by Gem on Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Gem » Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:57 pm

Taking one small step at a time, one day at a time.

For many, discovering reiki is life changing. For others it not so much changes their life but becomes their life.

Going from a 'normal' life of work and family and home, to the realisation that there is more to the world is a huge step. It can be helped by taking quiet time alone to meditate, to sit quietly, to think and to perhaps visualise a quiet peaceful place that we feel safe in, somewhere that our thoughts can start to make sense of the special gifts of knowledge that we have gained. Somewhere that we can let our minds work through the information and start to use it without embarrassment or doubt or worry. Slowly in small steps things start to become clear and we can understand more easily.

There are no magic cures, no fast-track to enlightenment. All things take time and should not be rushed but enjoyed and savoured and allowed to grow in their own time.  There is no reason to run before you can walk or things won't have a solid foundation, they will be out of balance and will then topple over and fall.

Many people might only want to learn about reiki and they will stay at level one and be quite happy. Others might want more and will progress to level 2 and a few of those might actually feel the need to go on and take their master or teacher level. It is something that is up to the individual. Something that sadly all too often is also limited by cost and time and availability.


Just for Today, Don't get angry if things don't work out how you want.

Just for Today, Don't worry about things you have no control over.

Just for Today, Be polite to everyone you meet.

Just for Today, Don't cheat, be fair and honest.

Just for Today, Be kind to everyone and every creature you see.

How about it? Worth a try?

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Post by lunarcraft » Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:15 am


You have managed to put into easily understood language that which is so often one of the hardest things to explain.  I agree totally with what you have put in this posting and I know that being introduced to Reiki has certainly helped me beyond all imagining.  As I have stated previously, I am a lot calmer and more balanced and now find it much easier to take the few minutes each day to sit in a quiet contemplative state, which I then follow by self-treatment.

It is very difficult to put words to what has happened but I can easily tell if I have missed a session or rushed it in any way - this is proving to be a good source of self discipline for me also.

Reiki truly has made a profound difference to my life - more than any other practice that I have tried in the past.  For this I am sincerely grateful to MB and BF for making this opportunity available and accessible.  I am looking forward to sharing the experience with as many people as I can in the future, in the hope that they too can share my experience.



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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:54 am

Yes Yes seems I try to live by the Reiki terms....and that is what have helped me from an Negative attitude towards a more positive and richer life :)

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Post by Gem » Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:57 am

Rhutobello wrote:Yes Yes seems I try to live by the Reiki terms....and that is what have helped me from an Negative attitude towards a more positive and richer life :)
And Rhuto said you knew nothing about reiki.... seems you were wrong :)

Lunarcraft, thank-you for sharing your experience of learning reiki, would be lovely if more did too :)

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Post by eunisha » Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:51 am

I am just beginning to be drawn towards Reiki...and you have explained it here so simply and so beautifully. Thank you!

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Re: Reiki!

Post by Gem » Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:34 am

eunisha wrote:I am just beginning to be drawn towards Reiki...and you have explained it here so simply and so beautifully. Thank you!
Eunisha, welcome to Mystic Board :)

I hope that you explore reiki further, it is wonderful :)

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Tenaga Dalam

Post by vic_jkt » Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:01 am


I'd like to introduce Tenaga Dalam.

It's Indonesian terms for that invisible energy (Ki, Qi/Chi, prana)

I've written the basic concept of it in my blog

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Reiki life change

Post by Blueyes » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:52 pm

Reiki has changed my life. I would like to devote myself to healing and learning but uhmm, have job and family. Reiki has calmed my life down and I feel so positive. I am amazed. I appreciate life more. Thank you for reminding me to remember the principles every day. I do pray and meditate, but can't we all do a little more.

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:07 pm

HI all
I am very new to Reiki. I was attuned two weeks ago and so far I have only done self treatment as my only experience.  We are starting a hands-on practice workshop with the same classmates for the next six weeks. I need those practice sessions because so far I have not 'treated' anyone else but myself. Of my treatments I have not felt much, but I am beginning to enjoy those few moments of self-treatment. Like quality time with myself.

I have diffiuclty meditating. I dont go with the flow. I stay here. My mind gets busy with the daily mundane topics. Is this wrong? I cannot help it. When I realise that I have gone off for a few seconds/minutes, I come back down to earth.

Another thing: since my Reiki attunements, I am having some vivid dreams. They are detailed and almost feel like a full-feature film. Is this normal? My Reiki teacher/master it is normal and that my chakra is opening up.

I had an aura and a chakra picture taken prior to my attunement and my aura came almost white with some grey around it. I was told I am with spirits and transcendent. And yet, I dont see spirit.......

Any input and advice for my further progression will be much appreciated.


p.s. Hi Gem :-)

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Post by cedars » Wed Oct 31, 2007 7:09 pm

HI all
I am very new to Reiki. I was attuned two weeks ago and so far I have only done self treatment as my only experience.  We are starting a hands-on practice workshop with the same classmates for the next six weeks. I need those practice sessions because so far I have not 'treated' anyone else but myself. Of my treatments I have not felt much, but I am beginning to enjoy those few moments of self-treatment. Like quality time with myself.

I have diffiuclty meditating. I dont go with the flow. I stay here. My mind gets busy with the daily mundane topics. Is this wrong? I cannot help it. When I realise that I have gone off for a few seconds/minutes, I come back down to earth.

Another thing: since my Reiki attunements, I am having some vivid dreams. They are detailed and almost feel like a full-feature film. Is this normal? My Reiki teacher/master says it is normal and that my chakra is opening up.

I had an aura and a chakra picture taken prior to my attunement and my aura came almost white with some grey around it. I was told I am with spirits and transcendent. And yet, I dont see spirit.......

Any input and advice for my further progression will be much appreciated.


p.s. Hi Gem

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learning to meditate

Post by spiderorchid » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:08 pm

Hi Cedars,

Don't worry about finding it hard to still your mind when are first learning to mediate. It takes time (I'm still working on it, and after several years, I still find some days when I find I get distracted!) Sometimes little techniques help to slow the stream of thoughts. One I've used is to slowly count... and keep counting. Concentrate on the numbers, and it becomes a challenge in a way to see just how far you can get. Don't get annoyed if you lose track. Just relax and start again. After a number of sessions you may find your mind is slowing down and the stream of thoughts are leaving you. Let me know if it works for you!

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Post by cedars » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:24 pm

Hi Spiderorchid
Thanks for your inputs. I am trying and also listening to an audio mediating programme.....Well, so far I dont know where I'm going. I will keep up at it and I will also try your suggestion about counting.
Thanks for your inputs; much appreciated.

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Post by wishiknew » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:55 pm

Cedars...something else you could try is to follow the flow of your through the nose out through the mouth....and as thoughts come write them down to deal with later...and carry on with your breathing

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Post by cedars » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:01 pm

Hi WishIKnew (nice name)

In fact, that is the very exercise this CD tells me to do..... Breathe in and out and feel the breathing process...

I always thought meditation was the process of elevating to a higher or a diferent realm and 'seeing' or 'feeling' things beyond the physical. I think I have experienced that only once during a mediumship class, and even then I am not sure if it was my imagination or I actually forced myself to see or elevate or....... what? I do have strong imagiantion to see things in my mind, but I need to elevate from the earthly realm, which I was pleased to hear that I am not alone in that problem.

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