money issues

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money issues

Post by obsidiantide » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:24 am

hello was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions from how to attract more money into the home - me and my boyfriend are really struggling financially at the moment and any tips would be a big help!
bright blessings xxx

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Post by Gem » Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:20 pm

Citrine :)

Ideally a geode in the West corner, but some raw citrine crystal points will help too, you could do a grid all pointing in, citrine is the crystal of abundance and very powerful at bringing in the positive chi that is needed to increase abundance :)

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Post by obsidiantide » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:23 pm

thankyou ill give that a go x

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Wealth tips

Post by EddyBoy2 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:01 pm

Ensure your wealth spot is free from clutter. Make sure the area outside your main door is clean and free from clutter. Hope this helps. :smt004

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Post by forbidforgot » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:26 pm

Gem wrote:Citrine :)

Ideally a geode in the West corner, but some raw citrine crystal points will help too, you could do a grid all pointing in, citrine is the crystal of abundance and very powerful at bringing in the positive chi that is needed to increase abundance :)
I was wondering if the citrine can be tumbled? Or do they specifically have to be geodes? (i am also assuming these are also called rough specimens)

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!


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Post by tootsiewon » Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:50 pm

Keep your kitchen spotless.  Place a mirror on the wall to the back of your stove.

Put plants in your wealth area - but not spikey ones.

Keep the bathroom(s) spotless, as well.  Make sure that the toilet lid is always down.

If there's a stairway going directly to an entryway, place a mirror at the top of the stairs and a couple of plants by the doorway.  If it's too cold there, use good-looking artificial plants.  Keep your entryway uncluttered - both inside and out.

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My experience.....

Post by alee » Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:32 pm

I was in a very money tight situation once, the really dark period of my life I wore green phantom pendant. I kept projecting the thoughts of having some money. One day I felt a strong desire to go for a walk during work so I did. Looking back I just wondered what made me do it. I went for a stroll having a smoke break. On the floor not far from a ATM machine I found $600. Astrologically I was in adverse time of my life. I had a few more experiences using crystals grids altars and I deeply believe they have shielded me or protected me.

Now I am trying to manifest something and situation I want in my life. I created a "crystal grid altar" in the most auspicious space  in my living space. I consider altars do have important role in feng shui. I have been consciously or unconsciously been using altars using crystals candle and essential oils for as long as I remember (well mostly on financial and careers since I was trying to build. Well it was a roller coaster ride all the way. My astrological reading says my i have a hardship period lasting up to 45 yrs old.  Looking back I would say I have done mediocre.

Recently I am trying to integrate intentions and time picking into my practice.

I pick an auspicious time to light a candle on the altar and say whatever I want, sometimes even projecting thoughts of desired effect onto the crystals. Does anyone have any experience in using feng shui in manifesting money and obtain good result?  :smt024

There are so many cures and method available, some are quite symbolic like Pi Yao, Three legged frogs, the six emperor antiques coins yadah yadah yadah.... What do you associate with wealth or money in feng shui terms?

Anyone of you here have positive experiences with the method or cures? :smt073

How long are you willing to try it out? :smt099

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Post by silkconcepts » Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:13 am

I'm not sure if this works having just tried it myself in the past two weeks.
It's called the wish fulfilling ritual.

write wish on paper 49 times
burn paper and release ashes on wind
wish that the money to make progress on your debt will come to you soon

I saw this on another forum I'm in and I thought I'd give it a try. Soon afterwards my husband's paycheck had some overtime on it we forgot was going to be there. Monday, at my daughter's game, I found a dollar on the floor and earlier that day I put on a pair of jeans and found a few dollars in the pocket. You think this only works for small things. Hmm! I could really use some (good) major monetary surprises right now.

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Post by alee » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:48 am

Hmm! I could really use some (good) major monetary surprises right now.
Dont we all?  :smt007

Got a bad start to the chinese new year, I lost my ruby ring  :smt017  :smt011   :smt019  :smt010  which I would classify as bad bad omen.

Well, if I dont get it back, I hope it will come back in other forms 100 times.  :smt090  :smt089  :smt091  :smt117

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Post by silkconcepts » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:52 pm

I also found this on another forum.

Look on your house chart and locate the #8,9,1 water stars (water star represents wealth)
Check out your wealth element based on your 4 Pillars
Match these two and locate it now
Ensure sector is kept clear of clutter and energize with an object of your favorable element according to your 4 pillars
for example, if wealth element is Fire, ensure this sector is bright and always ensure the element which you use here is not in conflict with the flying stars of that sector

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Post by silkconcepts » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:58 pm

Sorry, last one. This totally has nothing to do with FS but has anyone ever done or seen those "money letters"? This may mostly or solely be here in the US. I've been bombarded with these letters in the mail recently. One of those letters where you're suppose to send preset amount to the names listed on the sheet. You make copies of letter, put your name at the top of the list removing last name and mail them to addresses you purchased from an MLM address list. Over time you're suppose to get money back too. Provided at least 7% of the letters you mailed out respond. My sister has been bugging me to try one of these with her. Are these things for real? Has anyone actually had some positive results from one of these? It would be great if this actually worked and I could get even 1 debt erased.

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Post by alee » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:28 pm

Been in that situation before. I think that showed how desperate or needy when I look back. Do you think feng shui has help you at all anyway?

I main aim is investing time in projects like trying to activate the wealth department more. So far the results has been so-so, not impressive.  Although a few breakthroughs associated with the "windfall/unbelievable" type of wealth (eg. lottery etc) were using an altar with regular affirmation and meditation.  But at the time I was staying at a very bad feng shui house,  it was my waterloo.

I think fish tanks are very potent too. I used it while I was in university, a great way to supplement my pocket money as I play mahjong.

But how to you grade the efficacy of feng shui? I mean, one can only compare your performance to your past experience and I am sure all of you dont agree past experience doesnt equal future experiences.

Lets say between 2007-2008 my net worth had not increased (well in fact decreased by more than 70%). I would say feng shui sucks!  :smt019

If I attach an life astrological reading to the picture, it sucks too.  :smt019

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No Magic Wand

Post by tootsiewon » Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:16 pm

Feng Shui is not a magic wand that, once weilded, will give you the moon and the stars.  

Even if I get a Phd, I can't just sit back and wait for jobs to come to me.  I need to apply for jobs.  If I get a good job and do it poorly, my reputation will preceed me and I'll have a hard time getting hired again.  

To me, Feng Shui is more like smoothing out the bumps and filling in the potholes.  I still have to do the upkeep and walk the path.  And I have to keep my heart in the right place.

RE: that money chain letter.  It's illegal, I think.  Ask someone at a post office.

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Post by alee » Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:27 pm

At a point of my life I was so into it (feng shui) I was actually sleep eat and talking feng shui. Sometimes I talked about from energy view point, analytical view point, intuitive view point, symbolic view point etc etc.

Some experiments you flying star freaks out there: Take your house chart and last year's flying star, monitor the star combination at the main door, bedroom or any part house where you spent most time in. Do some reflections and see if there's any truth in the particular star combinations. Look at the monthly flying star that flies into your bedroom and base your "luck" for that particular month.

A great way to practice the 5 elements and symbol analysis.

The chinese believe that there are ways to change destiny:
1 transform karma (literally means life) by going the spiritual way
2 transform life path (literally means luck or transport) by going into divination, astrology
3 feng shui harnessing energy of the earth
4 accumulating good deeds
5 study, usually the academic type.

As you see feng shui comes in 3rd place. I tend to agree.  I do believe feng shui has great potential but I also believe that it's time for creative and fun.

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Post by lisamarie » Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:34 pm

Hi Silkconcepts.

I noticed you were inquiring about those money letters.  Well, I have had a few friends who did this, and tried to get me to do it.  Though I understand how the pyramid works, and has been done on grand levels, there are people who profit (in the early stages) and those who do not (the latter stages, for example; how long has the pyramid been operating? the more time it's been operating, the less chance a person coming in at this time will see profit)
They are a gamble if you are sending out money, like say a dollar.  You won't lose much, but chances are you won't see anything coming to you either.  
My friends have never seen monetary results.  I have participated once a while ago, but never saw or heard about results....just like it vanished.  I sent out 1 dollar (cuz i knew my friend would recieve it) but never got anything from it, except knowing that I happily gave my friend the dollar!  That was cool.
As far as just sending letters??  It just doesn't make sense to me.  It's like believing the easter bunny will come in your house and leave you a basket of colored eggs!!  hahahah.
Me? I wouldn't waste my time, it sounds fun-little risk- but thats up to you.
all in all....I haven't talked to 1 person who has had success with what you've described.
Hope that helps!!

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