What can you do with chakras?

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What can you do with chakras?

Post by asguard » Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:33 am

What can you do with an open chakra?

I heard you got some mystic powers like levitation, objects materialization and others ¿is that true?

Oh.. and I heard that the other bodys (etheric, mental, astral and soul) have chakras as well

¿Can anybody explain me about it please?  :smt009

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Post by asguard » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:30 am

Can anybody answer me please?

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Post by asguard » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:08 pm

Answer me please?

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Post by wishiknew » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:32 am

chakras are energy centres within your body....they feed your aura....it is best to have them balanced....what would you like to do with your chakras?

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Post by dhav » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:57 am

Meditation is good for balancing your chakra and thus improving your bodies(etheric, mental and so on).
You can use use crystals to activate and balance them.As long as you will continue working with your chakras the psychic abilities or mystic powers will improve themselves.It can be quick for some person or takes time for others.So i will suggest stay patient with it.You will find many guided meditation for this on the net by searching on google.

one website i can give you is
http://www.angelfire.com/or2/spiritspea ... uided.html

or you can search which appeal to you most.By using mantra also is good for meditations.the OM mantra is said to work on all the chakras.

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Post by asguard » Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:15 am

This is what somebody told me about the higher bodies 2 weeks ago

Higher bodies (astral, mental, etheric and soul), and a person told me that each body have different powers.

For example astral body is the body of psionic powers like telekinesis, pyrokinesis and ESP.

Mental Body powers are more impresive because dont change reality only since his effects, but his cause as well, inside this body are incluides powers like materialization, time and space control, telepathy. Reality is a dream and mental body allows to conceive internal dreams that  can change our entornos and environment. (Sorry for my english one more time)

Etheric Body are much more impresive because with theme you can change the environment, objects and even fisic look. You can materialize in other place (no matter how far is). Allows materializa psiquic objects suddenly.

Now soul powers.. are the powers that mythology gods had. world creations and those kind of powers.

You can develop those powers in proportion to kundalini snake advance for the chakras.

I dont know how true is that.

¿They -powers or whatever- really exist or is just a fantasy?

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Post by DragonKnight » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:35 am

minipulate the energy to make a person act in a sigifignat style of a certian amount of time.

Thus over a period a behaviour will emerge.

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Post by asguard » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:50 am

How can I wake chakras of etheric body?

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Post by dhav » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:38 pm

Waking your chakras can be done by meditation,by intent that you are opening,cleansing with white light,balancing them.You should also ground yourself.With time and practise you will learn how to improve also and the results will be shown.


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Post by forcemaster245 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:59 am

If I'm not wrong, you might acquire some psychic abilities if you develop a specific chakra. What I know is that you'll probably obtain telepathy or clairvoyance if you develop your Ajna (third eye or brow) chakra. as for stuff like levitation or psychokinesis, I don't think you'll get that with your chakras alone. You'll need to raise the energy level of your energy body if you want those abilities.

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Post by amalimrock » Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:19 am

How do you develop the higher bodies in order to have skills as listed by asquard? (psychokinesis, manifestation, bi-location etc) Is it just the same by opening its chakras and such or is there more to it?

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:50 am


Its just one of the few esoteric systems that can be harnesed to cultivate extra sensory perceptions

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:23 am

The third eye is centered over the most recently evolved part of the brain. There's the 4 other parts of the brain, I forget each specific one, and the frontal lobe where the pinel gland and the third eye are is the latest to develop and it balances and coordinates the rest of the brain. In mythology the eye of horus allowed horus the ability to scan an environment to know how to build a body which would be sustainable in that environment, including doing so on other planets.

I heard a yogi let his body be studied for science after he died, and the areas where he had developed chakras were physical very developed as well. Like neural centers had developed over the third eye.

I read the third eye releases anti-aging agents, and I have observations that back this up.

I heard the throat chakra is where a gland used to be, it's still in our genes so it can be activated, that gives powers like telekinesis. It takes a high level of purity to develop these powers also. Phenacite is a crystal that can help with purifying and activating the chakras, and with taping into such abilities as telekinesis. This stone is quite a high vibration and it is suggested to use other stones with lower and more grounding vibrations first to raise ones vibration more gradually unless one is already quite grounded and high vibration, other wise it can be a bit too intense.

The root chakra is grounding, protecting. All forms of control oppression and manipulation are rooted or rather thrive on a lack of roots. That is sexual repression is the sole way anyone is controlled. A healthy root chakra gives powerful magnetism which can attract everything that is needed. Without a strong healthy root chakra the rest of the chakras are compromised.

note the naval chakra is for magnetizing things also. I read on citrine a mineral which works with the naval chakra, that one who works with citrine all good things come to them. I simply attribute this property to the naval chakra. Like when I feel an itch on my belly button I know there is something good coming, which I have found to be true.

I think it important to balance development of the root chakra with the third eye, to give balance of high and low.

"Every other chakra is downstream of it and only receives the energy that the root chakra can pass through to it. The path to health and mystical power goes right through the gender organs.To understand your root chakra, you must come to a place of peace with your sexual energy."

There is the earth star chakra located below the feet, and the soul star dchakra locates at the height the hands can reach to above the head. It is very important to balance development of high and low.

Chakra energy will follow from one life time to the next, which is why some require less work to reach a certain level, because they've already done the work. One of the only things you can bring with you to other planes is chakra energy. And the this energy can be infused in the physical body giving it the same powers.

I would say don't worry about the other bodies and planes till the physical is sufficiently developed. The physical body becomes an instrument and a temple for work in other spheres.

I get the idea that the solar plexus is the center chakra, being yellow like the sun which is another center, and also being where energy is stored ready to be used.
Last edited by Aegeus on Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by amalimrock » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:08 am

Phenacite is a crystal am I right?

So we just need to develop our chakras just by opening them too right? Is there more to that?

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:42 am

Opening them, cleansing/purifying them, repairing them, developing them. Visualizing them helps. Each chakra spins an opposite direction from the one below or above it. Giving the image of two snakes crisscrossing as is represented by the caduceus. Also likening it to kunadlini energy that lays dormant at the base of the spine and makes it's way up the chakric column. The male and female chakras spin in opposite directions, so when they combine facing each other in embrace they are amplified and the creative power is also.

Hematite would be a good one to use to help make phenacite more bearable for those needing it, as hematite gives energy where there is too little, and grounds energy where there is too much. Yes phenacite it is a crystal. I edited in more details in my last post.

I read somewhere that we are on this plane to repair our chakras to prepare for the next plane. I think there's more to it than that but that's part of it.

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