His Dark Materials -- Phillip Pullman and the Golden Compass

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His Dark Materials -- Phillip Pullman and the Golden Compass

Post by Lycona » Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:56 pm

I am currently reading the Phillip Pullman trilogy.  I heard about him through the movie The Golden Compass which came out last year.  After seeing the movie, I had to read the book, and I thought the book was better than the movie (which it usually is).

It is a pretty awesome trilogy, and while it is a work of fiction, the book itself does deal with subjects such as divination.  At one point in the third book, one of the characters does a reading using the I Ching.  All forms of divination, according to the book, are brought about through Dust -- the main focus of the books and which is still somewhat of a mystery even well into the third book (I'm not done yet).

For someone like me and I'm sure many people on this list who deal with divination tools such as tarot, runes, I Ching, and others, what do we think brings the answers that come from these divination tools?  Other than random chance, which if that were the case, would we really take the money and time to do the readings, what drives the tools of the divination?  

Almost all works of fiction have some elements of truth to them.  Even if the subject matter is completely unlikely or completely impossible, there is some kind of message that the author is trying to get across.  

So, in light of this trilogy, or in light of divination alone, how do the answers we receive through divination come about?

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Post by suzisco » Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:03 am

good question, some say that the messages are already there in the ether and we use dvination as away to tap into the answers floating about.  Others say that the answers are locked within you and you use divination as a way get the answers.

Interesting that a childrens author is writing about divination, especially as children are natural receptors for all messages due to the fact they are not burdened with adult knowledge.

I have only read the first book which i read a few years ago now, i found it a very interesting story and very subtlely crafted.  I sadly have never got round to read the other 2 stories, its in my pile of books to read which seems to increase over the years lol!

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:31 am

I can agree with you that this trilogy was a great read....or since I had it as audio book...a great listen, in fact one of my favorite :)

I don't think we shall call it a proof of truth....but the author use much of the beliefs we all have in us and in a nice way.

When you is further out in the series you will more get the impression (or I got) that the circle start again with Adam and Eve...
I also assume that the "dæmons " are our conscience and all in all it is a great read for upbringing and food for young thoughts...as well as old ones :)

Can be recommended to all who love this kind of stuff, and don't be put off by it is called "children or youth books"

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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:55 am

Rhutobello wrote:Can be recommended to all who love this kind of stuff, and don't be put off by it is called "children or youth books"
actually to be honest I was really surprised that this book was categorized in the children and youth books!
A lot of the themes are very adult and even difficult for some of my adult friends to understand.. (as the themes in this book are really quite deep and laden with symbols).  I'm sure a lot of the depths of this book will be lost on the young mind.
Overall I found the book to be quite enjoyable and even the movie was pretty good.

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