Women in myths and even religion?

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Women in myths and even religion?

Post by BeauBarger » Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:55 am

Why is it that in Christianity as well as many other religions even going back to Greek mythology women brought sin and suffering to the race.  Think about it Adam and Eve. Eve ate the fruit......you know the rest.  
With Greek mythology its Pandora who opens the suffering from the box......anyone else think of other "religious" or myths that offer the idea of women being the member who unleashes sin, or suffering?
Do we see a real correlation and why?
I actually have a few theories but will share them later.

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Post by suzisco » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:45 pm

I suspect that prior to this time women where venerated as goddesses and the old religions where based on the female aspect and commanded alot of power.  I suspect that perhaps women got too big for their britches and this allowed men to dominate them and make them second class citizens.  If new religions says that women are worthless then we will come to believe it (after being persecuted enough).  Bearing in mind that even in the new evangelist revival they still believe women to be worth less than men and promote this form of thinking.

I do remember there being talk of repressed documentation held by the vatican about the old religions and the role of females.


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Post by tourbi » Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:35 pm

Yes, in the Goddess religions, women held high positions.  (Still do)
That may be part of it.  
Many feel that because women hold the power of life within them, it makes them very very powerful.  They bleed, but do not die. They give birth.  
Men don't have this power.  So, men seek to control this power and make women submissive.
Sad.  It needs to be a partnership.
Together the energies of men and women are magickal.  Add love and ............... Image

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Post by ForEverLoving » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:45 pm

This is some information that might help.
This was a channeling

The suppression of the feminine
through Betsy

Dear One,

The suppression of the feminine has been going on for eons. This is
why it is so hard to break free of it. You, yourself are a perfect
example of feminine suppression in action and also a mirror for what
the Creator Parents went through. While you sit there lost in your own
misery feeling like your fighting your way our of black hole many
other women are going through the very same thing. Unable to find
within themselves the ability and the desire to be more than what
they've been programed to accept as their reality. It is not a women's
place to be a doormat, you are not suppose to simply lay down and take
the demeaning attitudes that come your way. You are suppose to
surround your self with those who uplift and encourage you to be the
person you truly are and not worry about fitting in to the mold
society has built for you through controlling expectations and

Women need to realize they are worthy of so much more. They must also
realize that it isn't their fate to get married and settle down into
the classic 2.3 children and white picket fences of family life. They
aren't suppose to let another being run their life whether it be their
husband, their children or their parents. Most people reading this are
well of an age when they can stand on their own even if they don't
believe it themselves.

Women have given away their power to just about everyone they meet.
They want to trust in a man to fix everything. They simply want to
feel loved, secure and cared for. Mostly they end up frustrated,
unsatisfied, and worn out.  There is the other extreme as well, those
women that instead of being submissive and passive are dominating and
aggressive. Competing with the men trying to be better than them.
Basing their self worth upon how well they can stand toe to toe with a
man. This may not be something they consciously do in either aspect
but the pattern is easy to see when your looking from the outside.

The way in which women have been taught to think and accept as
customary behavior is entirely a lie.  People rebel against the idea
that all their beliefs and ways of thinking of themselves are wrong
and they tenaciously cling that much harder to them. A new paradigm, a
new way of thinking and being must come about. Women are powerful in
their own right. They are the foundation makers, they create the space
needed for men to be able to grow. Together they work synergisticly.
The feminine must heal. It needs to become empowered and accepting of
its self. Women must find within themselves through the FATHER the
interconnectedness of all and realize that they are Loved and secure
in the wholeness that happens when they connect to their higher
selves. They are the heart and this heart is battered and bruised
beyond belief. It is time to nurture the heart, to Love it with out
expectation and to allow it full expression. At first this may be
painful because with loving the heart with full acceptance of who you
are will bring forth much emotion that has been repressed and
supressed to the point of not even being able to recognize the
emotions you have. Releasing these emotions will free you to open your
heart to the full and nourishing Love and Light that is the FATHER.
Connecting to the SOURCE will have the hugest impact and will bring to
you that universal Love deep within that engenders those feelings of
safety and security that most women are looking for. What you need
will never be found in another person outside yourself. It is only
when you have full connection to your highest guidance, to your higher
self, to the SOURCE of all that you will feel complete. Letting go of
all the lies and propaganda that have been foisted on all these
unsuspecting women will make huge changes possible. These changes will
happen right down to the cellular and DNA levels. WE cannot begin to
put into words the relief and joy and freedom experienced by letting
go and accepting the healing that is offered to all who will take it.

Listen to the conversations that go on between women and you hear a
lot of commiserating, agreeing that things should be different, that
they aren't satisfied, that there must be something more. Yet nothing
ever changes, they are caught up in the idea that since everyone feels
this way then that must be all there is. That there isn't anything
they can do to change it. Or if they were to change no one would like
them. It has been designed to be this way, to keep you subordinate and
powerless. You keep feeding into each others misery and say its ok. As
soon as someone comes along and offers you a way out of your misery
you start back peddling and put the blame on yourself, thinking it
must be something you aren't doing, or if only this was different or
if you just had more... excuses is all they are, ways to avoid facing
what you know to be true in your heart and you close off all
possibility of something better. Fear of the unknown has kept more
women stuck in physically abusive relationships than can be counted.
Worse still are those kept in oppressive relationships because of fear
of what others might think. Low self esteem and a underlying sense of
not being worthy of more keeps you in fear of change. You lack a
belief in yourself that you can do more, and be more than what the NWO
would have to believe. Can you simply sit on the shore watching it all
drift by? You are only as stuck as you allow yourself to be.

As soon as you stand up and decide you want to be the person you came
to be. That you want to fulfill you reason for being, that you are
willing to take on the mission you agreed upon before even incarnating
here, then will you begin to know freedom. As soon as you realize that
it isn't about the individual but that it is about the planet and the
collective healing of all beings then will your eyes be open and you
will see changes you never thought possible.  You may already be in a
place that is the stepping stone to fulfilling your mission and when
you see your business through open eyes all will make sense. A proper
attitude comes and the intent changes everything. Working with the
highest and best produces results on a greater magnitude, rippling
through the universe and creating deep changes in the universal
consciousness of all.

You been there and done that for so long, what have you got to lose?
OUR hand is reaching out to you. Will you take it and fly?

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Women in myths and religion

Post by karel2121 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:48 am

Very interesting is  comparison of religions and mysths.
See Talmud, or myths of Jewry.
"The first woman, before Eve has been Lilith" A night demon of an eastern deserts. In many texts is Lilith named the First Eve.
In a Sumeria mythology has been Lilith a night demon of an eastern deserts, but friendly to people.
In Tibetan mytology was the first woman and the mother of mankind "Brag srin mo", a night demon of  an eastern deserts.
I think, very curious.

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Post by Kandace » Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:57 am

The bible tells us Eve was deceived--Adam wasn't, his motive was pure ego. than he tried to blame God for giving the women to him. He had some real problems. If his ego wasn't so big he might have corrected the wrong

2 Corinthians 11:3
English Standard Version
But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

I can understand and forgive a women for being deceived but not a man who was just prideful and stupid.... Even after being caught his pride got the best of him.
Because of his stupidity we all have to suffer

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Old thread alert

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:19 am

Could I please remind all members to always first check the date that anything has been posted, before responding to it?

This thread for example is almost 7 years old, but myths are timeless and always relevant and appropriate which is why it has been left here.

Please feel free to continue to respond to it, but take its age and the possibility that its author may no longer visit Mystic Board into account, when you do.

Thank you,

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