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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:36 am

Wonderful as this forum has been to me and helped in my personal learning and growth, it has become too fragmented and segmented, too many *grooves*.

I really feel that now that the tracks here have become mature, this board should have a divination section. This proposed section will allow people to post requests for direction and advice but ANYONE would be able to provide advice and without getting too technical. Most posters and requestors in my experience do not really care whether they get help through palm or stars or a red string tied around a coconut or angel pictures or whatever!

Sure there will be many waco requests but at least they will have a place to post without interfering with serious and narrow perspective traffic as it exists at this time!

I think this forum is ready for something like that. Let us give it a try for a few months.

Comments, problems, solutions?


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:56 am

Well, we already have a Psychic Reading forum for those who just want a typical reading. &nbsp;You get things from clairvoyant readings, to information readings (clairsentient), to ... anything. &nbsp;We also have a Tarot reading forum. &nbsp;Basically, you go to the place you feel is best. &nbsp;I personally work with Crystal Ally cards, which is used similar to Tarot, but you get a whole different thing because it actually accesses the Crystals themselves. &nbsp;So, really, you can get anything you want around here. &nbsp;We all give advice as we see fit, and tell whatever comes to mind. &nbsp;Really, we have what you've offered, but it's purposefully narrowed down so that if people want a specific reading, they can go there.


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Post by tourbi » Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:03 am

Personally the way the forums are set up work well for me. I have 3 ways of seeing the posts. &nbsp;They each give different views. &nbsp;
I like that things are broken out separately and yet I can read new posts and see everything together as the new posts.
I think it is well laid out.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Mar 04, 2008 5:15 am

Yeah, the admins did a great job :) The new posts view is great if you were just reading several threads at once, but you still remember what they're about. &nbsp;I use email notification so that I can keep track of threads easier.

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Post by swetha » Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:14 pm

hello sir,
thanks for your suggestion.
initially we were small but have grown. dividing into separate forums helps manage stuff better.. and people too find it easier to find what they are looking for. we are working on a content management system. so in the near future ( maybe sometime later this year) we shall be be integrating that into the forum hopefully and thus making things simpler. i do agree that people in need do not always bother about the kind of readings:-) but we have mods to take care of moving posts and the like. will definitely keep your suggestion in mind as our aim is to help one and all:)

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Post by MarcoAZS » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:25 am

Well I think its a great idea :)

But I don't know if some people are misunderstanding his idea, his idea is to add a new forum for any kind of divination reading, this doesn't necessarily mean delete the others and add only one, but one more itself. Its a great idea, especially cause this would allow people that aren't sure where to post their different reading that doesnt seem to fit in any of the forum like psichic tarot or palm reading, this would give a new perspective of the forum, and maybe from different points, it would have a more accurate vision, well thats what I think, I think giving a shot is always worth a try especially cause if you don't give it a shot you will never know how it would work out, now if you do a shot and it doesn't work out that well you just change it, there would be no problem :)

Lights and Lights!


Post by Tyrinaniel » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:58 am

Considering they have forums for specific divinations, why create one sub forum for "all" divinations? &nbsp;The moderators move threads to their proper place, and if the user subscribes to their topic for email notification, they have a direct link to that thread. &nbsp;I'm not trying to sound offensive, but the idea would be very redundant considering what he's asking for is already there. &nbsp;It's a great idea, but it's already in existence, and in most users' opinions, more organized. &nbsp;We have forums for Psychic readings, Tarot Readings, and so on. &nbsp;They're specific to the subject so that people will know where to go. &nbsp;If someone posted out of place, the good moderators we have move them. &nbsp;Anyone and everyone is welcome to hand out a reading, unless the user asks for a specific person, because then it's just rude, lol. &nbsp;Personally, I feel that one forum for exactly what is already here would be very confusing for new users. &nbsp;People would be posting too many varied thoughts about one subject. &nbsp;It could easily turn into chaos. &nbsp;Now, I don't think the author of the topic is stupid. &nbsp;Never that. &nbsp;The idea just feels unneeded. &nbsp;Even Swetha said they have a great process going on. &nbsp;If anything, I'm just basing it off of how everyone's reacted so far to the forums. &nbsp;I've personally been in and moderated forums that weren't layed out as well as this one, and trust me, it gets very confusing!


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Post by dhav » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:21 pm

Imagine someone has posted a request about having a reading in the "new divination" forum.the moderator comes there and then decides which is the best divination of the one requesting the reading.The moderator choose a reader for the person.Is the person happy with it?is it the job of the moderator to think for the asker?

now another scenario.A person ask for a reading regarding a problem?readers(not one) come and decide they will give the reading.They ask the post owner who is unable to decide which one to choose as he was already confused which divination to choose.or many reader didn't ask him and they all gave the reading and the reader is confused which one to listen to as the way a reading is given and the messages in them are varied.

Here it would seem like someone needs some help it will seem that he will hand his problem over to the readers and moderator and it would be upto them to decide about his life.I think everyone has his own responsibility and own decision to make.Spoon-feeding would just make us stop taking decision and making us lazy.

Hope someone get my opinion here.Personally it would be a bad idea.

dhav ;-)

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Post by acaveyogi » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:07 pm

rohiniranjan wrote:Wonderful as this forum has been to me and helped in my personal learning and growth, it has become too fragmented and segmented, too many *grooves*.

I really feel that now that the tracks here have become mature, this board should have a divination section. This proposed section will allow people to post requests for direction and advice but ANYONE would be able to provide advice and without getting too technical. Most posters and requestors in my experience do not really care whether they get help through palm or stars or a red string tied around a coconut or angel pictures or whatever!

Sure there will be many waco requests but at least they will have a place to post without interfering with serious and narrow perspective traffic as it exists at this time!

I think this forum is ready for something like that. Let us give it a try for a few months.

Comments, problems, solutions?
It seems to me that you could just go to the "General Discussion" forum, just plug in your question to be divined, and then let God sort things out :) Then after that you can go to the "Hugs" forum :) because you are probably going to need one!

a regestered user

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Post by MarcoAZS » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:35 am

Yes its true, dhav and and tyrinaniel do have a point :)
but lets think a different way, lets be more positive, what if the user want different points of view, what about the I-ching/ Runes and other stuff readers that hardly are asked for doing a reading? I do understand that in someway it could seem to become a chaos but maybe if some rules are added there would be no problem, like a maximun of posts per topic so than there is not too much reading or arguing/discussion?
If the user want to do an specific reading he goes to the specific post, now, if he wants a different or is just confused about wish type of reading he wants, than why not a big reading forum? I do understand that it would have a lot of thinks hitting cause some readings would be totally different than others but its for the reader to choose, someway somehow, humans know what to choose, it destiny, what happen will happen anyway it doesnt matter what the reading is saying.
So I dont see the point on not to try, if it doesn't work, delete it. Most of the time in life we don't know if we are going to do things or not, sometimes when we do we have a wonderful experience, sometimes when we dont do, we die in doubt of how it would workout :). Now what im saying, it is not if its gonna workout well or not, I cant say that. But why not try it? Thats the answer im looking for, why not try it? if doesnt work out, like i said, delete it, you are not gonna lose members on that, I garantee the quality of this forum :)

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Post by suzisco » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:54 am

swetha wrote:hello sir,
thanks for your suggestion.
initially we were small but have grown. dividing into separate forums helps manage stuff better.. and people too find it easier to find what they are looking for. we are working on a content management system. so in the near future ( maybe sometime later this year) we shall be be integrating that into the forum hopefully and thus making things simpler. i do agree that people in need do not always bother about the kind of readings:-) but we have mods to take care of moving posts and the like. will definitely keep your suggestion in mind as our aim is to help one and all:)
I believe Marco that the above was the answer from Swetha at this moment. &nbsp;If this changes the forum will know straight away.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:57 am

[quote="MarcoAZS"]Well I think its a great idea :)

But I don't know if some people are misunderstanding his idea, his idea is to add a new forum for any kind of divination reading, this doesn't necessarily mean delete the others and add only one, but one more itself. Its a great idea, especially cause this would allow people that aren't sure where to post their different reading that doesnt seem to fit in any of the forum like psichic tarot or palm reading, this would give a new perspective of the forum, and maybe from different points, it would have a more accurate vision, well thats what I think, I think giving a shot is always worth a try especially cause if you don't give it a shot you will never know how it would work out, now if you do a shot and it doesn't work out that well you just change it, there would be no problem :)

Lights and Lights!

Yes Marco! Exactly!!

People who really are distraught and NEED a reading, a direction in their confused life and have suffered and are suffering are not after a reading and some direction or advice because they love jyotish or palmistry or runes or psychic mediumistic aid! They need help and do not care where it comes from.

For these desperate souls and there are many such, I was suggesting a place where when they are suffering and NEED help and attention NOW, they do not have to figure out whether they are going to a modern medicine hospital or ayurveda or shamanistic clinic or reiki or QJ or ...

They are seeking help and healing and not having to learn about the different modalities first so that they know where to go first!

I am glad and thankful that a young person like you tuned in so easily and directly! Interesting!

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:19 am

rohiniranjan wrote: People who really are distraught and NEED a reading, a direction in their confused life and have suffered and are suffering are not after a reading and some direction or advice because they love jyotish or palmistry or runes or psychic mediumistic aid! They need help and do not care where it comes from.
You are so right, so right, but also a bit wrong! :)

This is what happen today too, they post request in each single Reading Forum, and after some days,or weeks, after day have got an answer too, they post the same request again.

Most of these people are out for confirmation of own thoughts.
They are out to get some comforting words.
They are out to hear that everything will be good, in a short time.

They read the Reading itself as it should have been from the colored press. They absorb the words, but seldom evaluate or try to change their action.
They feel stuck, but it is their action up to now that has brought them into such situation, so the only way to get out of it, is to change something.

For people who really believe in Reading, no such "broad questioning" &nbsp;will be done, because most of them know that several readings inside a short time might give more confusion then help.

So if we shall add a "collected" Reading Forum, then we will have another place where those who "Have really a need, (but more for the sound that thing will improve, then the reading itself)will post their request in addition to all other Reading forum here on this site, and I am sure also on other free sites, in magazines, newspapers, yea...where som comfort can be found.

The drawback might be that those who scan the orginal Reading forum, of their choice in order to help, also need to scan this type of forum, and they will find a lot of double postings. Maybe one is answered by a Tarot Reader....shall he/she then answer it in WA or in Psychic or shall it just be answered here?
In order for such a big forum to have a mission, we need to close down the special forums, this in itself might be a benefit for us who moderate, but, I think the rest will suffer from it in the long run :)

But we will of course follow the development, and we are always pleased to receive suggestions, because they make us evaluate and they give positive impulses and show ut that people care :)

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Post by pirbid » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:07 pm

:smt009 I really think many requests would get lost at the bottom of the page or even on the page before (how many of us browse previous pages?) and that would be a shame because some requests are from people genuinely interested who really could benefit from it.

I agree some people seem so dependent on these things that it is scary. I think we try to sort them out by intuition, but I am often wrong. Still, I would rather give one or two readings to people who cannot seem to get much from them than miss those others who are ready to profit at a certain moment in their lives.

If this new global reading forum is finally added, I truly hope the existing ones will remain, if only for sanity's sake &nbsp;:smt002

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Post by shriragh » Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:05 am

first of all let me be clarified that what is divination and how could this be correlated to vedic astrology.Does it talk about revelation of &nbsp;of any mystic energies in the form of ablutions,prayers,mantras and so on.Is it connected to the divinity and the Ultimate Supreme God and paves the way to get into his aboard.Does the tantrik type of it also include this or this one belong &nbsp;to absolving or rectification of karmic effects through many ways and means.Finally &nbsp;does the karmic effect of incurable diseases seldom &nbsp;fatal but always &nbsp;inflicting a &nbsp;lingering discomfort through t the life can also be dealt with the divination topic.Any way it would be interesting. &nbsp;
we welcome it and let divinity &nbsp;WHITE LIGHT(SUPREME ENERGY) decide it,
(burgo devasya dhe mahi dhe yo yo nah &nbsp;prachodhayat)

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