Some questions

Get quality information on the healing powers of essential oils, the properties of each scent, and their uses in the bath, massage, and more.

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Some questions

Post by alee » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:10 am

1. There's some associating relating a particular EO to a particular chakra (what i can remember off hand is lavender to the third eye, rose to heart, is there any scientific proof on this or they are just "impressions" or "insights" from intuitive practitioners?

2. Do I have to use it in an enclosed space or I can open the windows? I am using a burner.

3. I like to experiment , when I light my burner, I try to mix 2 - 3 types of oils. Eg. lavender and geranium, eucalyptus and lavender. Is there any particular mixture which are harmful?

4. Recently I am really into ginger. Is there any "recipe" I can try to blend up? Is there such a thing as ginger oil? I am thinking of ginger, bitter orange and maybe a dash of lemon grass.

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Some questions

Post by Saldaba6 » Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:53 am

Hopefully I can answer your questions for you well.
1. There are some practioners that use aromatherapy for chakra balancing. The best way to find out if these work for you is to smell the oils one at a time and feel where they go in your body. If I had to hazard a guess I would think that since the third eye is indigo and yarrow is an indigo colour, it would be the flavour used in association with the third eye. Chamomile is blue so would be used for the throat chakra and so on.
2. It is best to keep doors and windows closed when using essential oils as they are very voilatile and dissapate quickly.
3. I would not consider any blend to be harmful if it works well for you. However, one must be cautious with such oils as Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Oregano. As herbs they work well but can over tax the mind if used as essential oils. None of these oils should be used near anyone with epilepsy for instance. I would recomment a book called The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils for better info.
4. Yes there is such a thing as ginger essential oil (zingiber officinallis). Since it has a slightly lemony scent(flavour) it would blend well with any citrus essential oils. Since ginger is a top note, as most citrus oils are, a good blend is always a combination of a top, middle and base notes.
I would recommend a little book to you called Teach Yourself Aromatherapy by Denise Whichello Brown. The answers to many of your questions can be found in this little book.

P.S. I do not take aromatherapy lightly as I took courses in a private school in both aromatherapy and blending techniques. Hope this helps:)

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newbie questions

Post by cgb4873 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:19 pm

I am trying my hand at making my own perfumes.  I use mostly essential oils, but sometimes I have to use fragrance oil because of the price.  I just bought a bottle of Myrrh EO and I'm not sure what to do with it.  I know I have seen it in recipes for perfumes before but i can't seem to find any now.  Can any one tell me how to use this oil in perfuming or recipes i can try?  Thanks a bunch.

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Post by alee » Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:03 pm

Hello Saldaba6

Thank you for the reply.

Hello Christie,

It's amazing, it's like you read my mind. The following question I wanted to ask is that if I wanted wear EO as fragrance. What a coincidence!

As I grow older I find myself resisting the smells of over the counter eu de toilette. If I wanted to wear EO as fragrance, what sort of base do I need? Can I use alcohol or must it be something oil based?

Can any of you share some recipes? I really like the smell of ginger products from Origins (shower cream). When I read the label, it says it contains coriander oil. I love the smell of coriander!

I live in a very remote area in south east asia, it's very difficult to get EO (we have products Body Shop, Lampe Berger...)

Why are some of the EO so expensive? I remember I spent a fortune on jasmin, rose, sandalwood and they ended up wasted cos I didnt know how to use it except mixing them up as massage oil. I want to be able to wear it outdoors.


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EO Perfumes

Post by cgb4873 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:06 pm

Hey Alee,

I started making my own perfumes because I have such a reaction to commercial brands.  EO's are so much better for you.  You can use an oil base if you like oil perfumes (grapeseed, jojoba, sweet almond oil)  I use perfumer's alcohol, vodka(100 proof) or everclear.  It's really up to what you like.  

I don't know if I have anything that uses ginger but I'll look and see.  I personally like ylang ylang, jasmine, vanilla.  Those are my favorites but I have others I like to.  Let me know what kind of oils you have already and I will see what I have with those oils in it so you will not have to go and buy any.


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Post by alee » Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:12 pm

I have sandalwood, ylang2, jasmine, rose, bergamot, lavender, eucalyptus. My favourite is sandalwood.

The sandalwood I have got is very difficult to burn, ( i use a burner where u place some water on top and put the EO in the water.)

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hmmmmmmm....more questions

Post by Fyrbeast » Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:41 am

How does Aromatherapy actually work. Basis of my question, is I have an allergy to perfumed oils.

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Post by andrew2424 » Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:56 pm

Dear alee

1) charkras arent something that is proven by science or the western medical community. It orginated from the Traditional indian medicine. So, as to the claims that some oils are for certain charkras, it is usually based on the association of the properties of the oil to the respective charkras.

2) It is more effective to be using it in an enclosed space. However, caution to the lack of oxygen and the by product(gas) that the candle emits/gives off while bring burned. However f you arent using a candly heat source product to heat up the oil, you houls be o.k. Using it in an enclosed space is to have the oil more concentrated. However if you are trying to rid insects , then you can really open the windows.

3) the general oils that are avaliable on the retail market, that doesnt require you to be a qualified therapist shouldnt post any issue unless indicated.

4) ginger is a warm oil, so if you are seeing anything thats is warm, the logical thing to do is not to mix it with cooling oil, such as mint.

Hope this hepls you, cheers

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