I commited suicide in my past life.

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I commited suicide in my past life.

Post by hopefulgirl86 » Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:45 am

I had a reading today and in my past life I was very spiritual, just like I am now but even more so. I was actually able to connect better back then whereas now I have a lot of difficulty, but I've been told I can do it if I meditate and work hard at spiritual growth. From the moment of birth I was spiritual but unfortunately I had a difficult childhood and teen years, which I brought into my adult life. I was supposed to meet someone who was supposed to help me get out of my depression eventually but I was weak and couldn't hang on. If I would have waited longer I would have been fine but I drowned myself.

This is interesting, I read some where that when you commit suicide that is it considered wrong and you'll likely end up back in the same situation you were in when you come back, to finish learning that life's lesson. Well, it amazed me because here I am back in the situation only it's a lot worse. I had a very difficult childhood, my teen years were even worse and right now at the age of 20 (almost 21) I am really depressed, extremely lonely with only a few friends who I don't even get to talk to that much. I have major regrets with what I've done in the past (not my past life, this life) and wish I could fix them but I have no idea how. A lot of people hate me and others don't want to get to know me because I'm not that good looking, (in my past life it was the same, except I wasn't lonely) so they judge me before they get to know me. At the moment I am at rock bottom and was considering suicide until I got that reading today. Now I know all I'll do is put myself back in the situation again.
In a reading I did for myself at the beginning of the year, I think the end of January I was told a young man was going to come into my life to help me out very soon but I was to go through obstacles and depression first, which weirdly enough was the same for my past life only I didn't wait long enough for the person to come help me. I'm not sure if I was female or male but something tells me I was female then too, I just have this feeling I definitely was female before but male before that. I don't know if I'm right though and something tells me I died in a fire in that life, so I'll have to look more into that life to see if it's true because I always dream about it.

In this life I am terrified of water, I can't even swim and I almost want to start crying when I burn myself, even if it's just a little burn. When I was a little kid I couldn't put my face under water in the tub I was too scared. My mom had to wash my hair in the sink for me until the age of six. Right now if I go to the beach and I get caught in a wave I panic and I can't calm down.

Hopefully I can do things right in this life then, and hang on.

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Post by MangoMom » Fri Jul 27, 2007 2:17 am

I am so sorry you have had to go through those experiences twide, but it has opened your eyes and made you a much stronger young lady.  You are one the right track, hope is what we all need to get through each day.  You hang in there and look for the blessings, they are all around you.  

MangoMom wishes for
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Post by Evie » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:26 am

Hello to Hopefulgirl86     :smt006

I really can resonate with your post here ...

You have more than one past life affecting you in this one. Interesting. I also committed suicide by drowning myself on purpose in a past life.  And like you Hun, for this current life I chose a harsh life with burdened lessons.  Feeling at rock bottom... sure does move one into having a death wish. I am so happy for you that you received a reading today... how timely since you are feeling lower than low and wanted to end it.  Where did you get your reading?  

For me. realizing about my past life suicide was very helpful as well.  I am not rich, I am not highly educated... I am pretty ordinary, but you know what Hun... I do not need to worry anymore about my presentation being acceptable, because for me a 'successful' life this time around = not killing myself... I really feel I don't have to accomplish anything more... than hanging in until the end.  Phew, what a relief!  

About your past regrets... move forward.  Be done beating yourself up for mistakes made, no one is harder on you that YOU. Forgive yourself... I know from personal experience that this is hard especially if we feel our actions or words are judge-able or unforgivable.  

Have you had therapy to help you deal with past issues of THIS life?  You are a survivor Hun, no longer a victim... there is equally as much to proud of in your life... look for that...  You are stronger than you realise.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life... I shall recommend that you start over...  Which I think this reading you had today will help you to accomplish.

I wish for you Peace in your heart and for love to surround you....   :smt049 (((HUGS)))


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Post by badboyboogie » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:09 am

Hello hopefulgirl86,

Hold your head up and stand strong, you have it in you. I know that you do, and somewhere in yourself you do too!  :smt002  And as far as beauty goes, I bet your perception of yourself is way worse than other people really view you. Just let that inner beauty shine through you, it will get you through tough times. Best wishes and a prayer for you, from me! :)



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Post by hopefulgirl86 » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:18 pm

Thanks. I had the reading done at this New Age shop that just opened in my town. She told me that suffering now will only help me be a stronger person if I don't give in to depression and just hold my head up. She also said she can see something good happening shortly after my twenty-first birthday that's supposed to change my life for good, but that I have to help it happen and not just wait for it to happen or else I will miss it. I also shouldn't worry about the fact that I'm going to be 21 and never had a boyfriend because the wait will be worth it and it will also be happening sometime in the next year, but again I can't sit back and wait for him to come into my life, I have to go out and try to meet him. If I don't it could be a long while before he'll turn up again.

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Maybe you should use that to make a change in the world.

Post by nvg281 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:56 pm

Whatever the reason, any reason is better than no reason to want to have a better life.

Remember to keep your motivations internal, and not based on beliefs that may change.

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Post by adrianna » Sun Aug 12, 2007 1:44 pm

i had a friend who did a past life reading say some interesting things. She's always had difficult relationships with men and and with her menses and one day she accompanied a friend who went in for some hypnosis. She was subsequently drawn in  went for a past life regression therapy and what she learnt was fasinating. She was transported back to some time in Germany to seeing a young girl waiting by the window as if waiting for someone. She was pregnant. There was a loud pounding on the door and three men came in and eventually raped her. She attributes this to her difficult relationships with men and her health problems. Personally, all well and good, past life regression is not something that should not be trivialised. I guess you really have to know that you want to experience whatever the past holds.

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Post by Crow » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:12 pm

As I stumble along this board, I was drawn to your message.

It was a jump off a high building that did me over.  Like your fear of water I am scared to death of heights.    :smt009

We share alot in common in this past.  Begin to love yourself like you desearve to be.

I tell my oldest that women are like Christmas Presents, we come in all shapes and sizes, and wear different wrapping.  It's what people see in the inside.  If you are uncomfortable with your appearance, others will see that.  Begin each day in front of the mirror, and tell yourself something nice.  Sounds silly but after a while, you begin to see more good than bad.  You then will radiate this outwardly, and people will be drawn to you.  There are many "lookers" out there that can repulse people, because they have so much negativity inside their hearts.

Sorry that I went off the subject of past lives, I just couldn't bear the fact that you were hurting still.  We are now adults, we cannot change the past, only reach for a better life.  There are times that I still hurt, but it has become less and few.  Understanding your triggers, and how to deal with them really helps. Feel those blues comming on, start writing something possitive that you like about yourself, and any goals that you can reach in the near future.  Start building up your strengths, you are a very articulate, feeling person.  The world needs more people like you.  
Last edited by Crow on Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Crow » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:57 pm

:smt017  got myself all mixed up and need to edit.

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Post by hopefulgirl86 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:58 am

I was absolutely terrified of water until I was six. I didn't learn to swim ever except Doggy paddle. I remember when i went in kiddie pools I wouldn't go in unless my older sister was there and if my face got wet I would cry. I couldn't even stand it if I walked through a sprinkler and had water hit my face. I missed out on a lot of fun because of it.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:57 am

Well the thing I think you'll need to learn is that no matter what you're never alone.  People react to how you feel about yourself.  I guess it's learning to love yourself first.  Others notice what you think of yourself.  When you finally realize that you have some great, wonderful qualities about yourself, you will realize how much you can do in life and help others.  It's easier said than done, for I've been very depressed myself, but you have to lift yourself out of this rut.  I realized this after finally hitting rock bottom....  So I just said, "You know what? I need to stop this! I will make myself happy!"  It's really just being content with who you are. I  have trouble doing that myself.  I have a lot of people who hate me too, but I react with the thought of, "Does it really matter? I don't live with them..."  Everyone has haters and lovers in their lives.  It's just about how you react to it.  Don't listen to them, or be around them if you can help it.  No matter what God always accepts you for who you are.  That's what keeps me going.

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Lifes Path

Post by Goddess Of Peace » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:05 pm

Whatever you did in your past life do not let it be the focus of this life.  Whatever lessons that you were supposed to learn in this life should be your focus.  Try living in the present moment and appreciating your life today.  Gratitude is the key, find something everyday to be grateful for even if it is just the bed that you sleep in or the food that you eat.  We all have many things to be grateful for in this life.  We will keep coming back again and again.  What has helped me the most is the teachings of Kryon, at www.kryon.com  check it out there are alot of channelings there that have helped me learn to love myself for the divine creature that I am.
Peace and Love to you.

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Post by pansel » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:04 am

Could you post your birth particulars if you know the correct time of birth?let me see any thing in your horoscope about your future?Past is passed and nothing could be done about it now.Look forward to the future.

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to hopefulgirl86

Post by Lycona » Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:40 am

I have had 3 windows opened into past lives, and in two of the three, I was a spiritual leader.  In one of them, I was an African man who was a priest of some kind.  In my last life before this one, I was a white male preacher.  I am female and Pagan.

I know three things about my last past life.  1. I shot myself in the head because of guilt. 2. I killed myself because I had done something completely horrible that gave me that guilt.  3. In my current life, I'm essentially the person I did wrong to in my last life.

However, in this one, I can't say that I'm repeating anything because I committed suicide in the last one.  I think that is because I found peace with the person I had murdered, and she forgave me.  

I don't have the problems that you seem to have.  You wrote that post sometime ago, back in July it looks like.  I forgot to check the year.  How is your life right now?  Perhaps you need to discover why you are repeating the same loop and how you can stop it, now that you are aware of the pattern.  Don't wait for another person to rescue you; only you can do that.  In order to grow, we have to confront our demons, and you made the first step by doing the past life regression.

We are not products of fate, and we have the power to change.  I wish you well and good luck in your journey.

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Post by amarykans » Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:03 am

I read your post with avid interest. I have a different spin on what I think was  a suicide in my past life.I'd like to know where to find someone that can do a reading on me to be sure but that will come later.  I always felt that in my past life I either committed suicide by putting a gun under my chin  pointed toward the top of my head and pulled the trigger. I dont know what all made me think of this as a child but when I was a teen it started making sense to me. I have a birthmark on my throat under my chin that is indented into my skin and slightly discolored.. I also suffer from debilitating headaches  that always include the top of my head and lets not forget sinus troubles... It would be fascinating to have that confirmed or corrected if im wrong.  Id like to hear from other people  their past life stories.. how they died , etc.

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