If health is wealth, then surely beauty is what reflects it.

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Post by richaj_13_9 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:48 am

Here you can get all the tips you need to get healthy hair...

Do add ur tips..

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Post by richaj_13_9 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:55 am

Dandruff Treatment

While dandruff causes annoying white flakes on your clothes, it is not a serious medical condition. Perhaps the best news of all is that no hair loss will result from dandruff. Home remedy solutions can normally take care of the problem or a change in shampoos could be in order. Dandruff shampoos are readily available as over-the-counter formulations.

What is dandruff?

It is nothing more than dead skin cells falling from your scalp in excessive amounts. Dandruff can be a mild scalp condition in its own right or a symptom of a larger problem such as a fungal infection, a form of dermatitis, or even an infestation of head lice. These more serious conditions, however, usually manifest with some kind of visible lesions (scales or acne like bumps), red inflammation, and severe itching or burning. If all you see are white flakes on the shoulders of your clothes, you have simple dandruff.

What Causes Dandruff?

The old wives' tale is that dry scalp or excessive washing of the hair causes dandruff. This is actually not the case. People who have oily hair and scalp are much more likely to suffer from dandruff because of a naturally occurring fungus on the surface of the skin called malassezia furfur which eats fats and oils. When the fungus grows too rapidly in the presence of excessive oil, however, it disrupts the natural renewal of cells on the surface of the scalp and the result is the flaking of dead cells present in dandruff.

This is the most normal cause of the condition but dandruff can also be traced to a genetic predisposition, to food allergies, excessive sweating, soaps with a high alkaline content, too much yeast in the system, and stress. Thankfully even when caused by these factors, dandruff should respond to home remedies or to a special shampoo. If a simple dandruff treatment does not seem to be lessening the extent of the flaking, however, some of these other possibilities should be considered and if possible, ameliorated, for instance with allergy testing or a change in hair care products.

How do you Deal with Dandruff?

The first thing anyone wants to know when they notice those white flakes is how to get rid of dandruff. Either natural dandruff remedies can be tried or specific dandruff shampoos can be used.
Home Remedies:

There are a number of natural ways to combat the flaking and mild itch dandruff cause

Take an equal amounts of dried shikakai, amla and ritha. Mix well and powder them. Take some water and soak 2-3 handfuls of this mixture over night. Be sure that it should not be too thin. Next day sieve it and use it to wash hair. This helps in hair growth and also cures dandruff.

Soak two tablespoonfuls of Fenugreek seeds overnight in water. In the morning the softened seeds are ground into fine paste and applied on the scalp, left on for 1/2 hr

Infuse 2 tbsp. of fresh or dried rosemary and sage in 1 gallon of water for 24 hours. Use daily as a hair rinse.

Dandruff Shampoos:

Most often the answer to ridding yourself of dandruff is simply to start using a dandruff shampoo. Probably the best dandruff shampoo in terms of availability and familiarity is Head and Shoulders. The main ingredient in this product is zinc pyrithione which will work against the malassezia furfur fungus and help to remove dead skin cells. (All dandruff shampoos contain either an anti-fungal agent, a mild acid, or both.)

Other more powerful products include shampoos like Selsun Blue and Neutrogena T-Gel. Be careful of these stronger formulations however as it may be an instance of killing a fly with an elephant gun. T-Gel, for instance, contains coal tar which is more appropriate for an outbreak of seborrheic dermatitis. The product is not meant for long-term use and can cause sensitivity to the sun. It is always better to start out with a mild shampoo and only to go to a stronger product in the case of an extremely persistent case of dandruff. (Use the stronger product only until the dandruff is brought under control and then resume the use of a milder agent.)

Normally no medication is required for simple dandruff. If there is an inflammation of the scalp with lesions and severe itching you have a more serious condition and should consult a dermatologist.
Are There Preventative Measures?

Dandruff can begin at any phase in life and usually comes and goes, often disappearing for years at a time. The best defense is a good quality shampoo and frequent shampooing to prevent over-production of oil on the scalp. Always leave lather in the hair at least five minutes. If dandruff is a chronic problem, Head and Shoulders is mild enough to be used on a long-term basis as your everyday shampoo.

Normally a dandruff home remedy or an over-the-counter shampoo will take care of the condition. You need only consult a dermatologist if there is greater evidence of a potential scalp infection. Thankfully more of an annoyance than a serious medical condition, dandruff causes frustration more than anything else.

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Post by richaj_13_9 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:38 pm

Avocado Deep Conditioner

1 small jar of mayonnaise
1/2 avocado


Peel avocado and remove pit. Mix all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl with your hands until it's a consistent green color. Smooth into hair being careful to work it to the ends. Use shower cap or plastic wrap to seal body heat in. Leave on hair for 20 minutes. For deeper conditioning wrap a hot, damp towel around your head over the plastic, or use a hair dryer set to a low to medium heat setting.
1 egg
1/2 avocado, peeled and mashed
2 tablespoons
wheat germ oil

Process egg in a blender until frothy. Add the avocado and oil, blending until smooth. Use immediately. If you have long hair, divide your hair into several sections and apply the paste first to the scalp and then work outward, massaging the paste along the hair shaft. Cover your head with a plastic cap and leave on for 30 minutes.
To cleanse your hair, rinse first with lukewarm water for 5 minutes and then use any mild shampoo.

Tropical Island Conditioner

1 avocado
Coconut milk

Peel and pit avocado. Mash avocado and slowly add coconut milk until smooth and the consistency of hair conditioner. Work through hair to ends. Rinse after 15 minutes and shampoo.

Chamomile Brightener for Blonde Hair

6 chamomile tea bags
1/2 cup plain yogurt
lavender oil

Bring one cup of water to boil and steep tea bags for 15 minutes. Discard teabags. Combine yogurt and 7 drops of lavender oil with chamomile tea, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to dry hair, working through to ends. Cover head in plastic wrap and condition for thirty minutes. Shampoo hair.

Black Tea and Sage Rinse recipe
For darkening gray hair.

3 tablespoons black tea
3 tablespoons sage
1 teapot freshly boiled water
Steep black tea and sage in water. Allow to cool and use as a hair rinse, pouring the tea repeatedly over the hair. Rinse with tepid water.

Red Hair Color Enhancer

1/2 cup beet juice
1/2 cup carrot juice

Mix ingredients together, pour over clean, damp hair. Wrap head in plastic and apply hot towel, medium dryer heat, or sit in the sun for one hour. Shampoo.

Cherry-Almond Hair Mist Shine recipe

2 cups warm water
4 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon cherry extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix and put into a spray bottle.

Fruit pack for hair.

Massage scalp with beetroot juice every night. Good for hair loss.

Boil curry leaves in 100 ml of coconut oil. Keep it for one hour.

Dry orange and lemon peel, grind it and make a paste in coconut oil. Apply it the scalp.

Mix amla powder and lemon juice and use to massage the scalp.

Mix coconut oil, milk and lemon then apply

Smash curry leaves in curd and apply for 20 minutes.

Mix green dhal powder and curd and apply in the scalp. Keep it for ½ hour, good for dandruff.

Lemon and aloe veraYou'll need 1/2 teaspoon aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Blend this ingredients well and add a little of your regular shampoo. Wash your hair as usual, but let the shampoo on for a few minutes.

Mint leaves: Boil two handful of mint leaves in one and a half glass of water for 20 minutes. Strain the solution and mix in a 300ml bottle of shampoo.

Massage: Massaging your scalp can help exfoliate skin and remove all oily residue.
Mix 1 tablespoon of Malt Vinegar in a glass of water, add a pinch of salt. Use 2 tablespoons of it on your scalp and massage it with your finger tips twice a week. Leave it on for one hour.

Cucumber Hair Pack

If you swim in a chlorinated pool for exercise on a regular basis, the same damage you've noticed happening to your skin and bathing suit, is happening to your hair, as well. Try this treatment at home to keep chlorine damage to a minimum.
1 egg
1 eggshell's worth of olive oil
1 quarter of a peeled cucumber

Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber. Spread evenly through your hair, leave on for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse. For the best results year-round, continue this treatment monthly.

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Post by giggledoll00 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:15 pm

unrefined extra virgin olive oil. wrap in plastic and apply heat. will healp to strengthen and repair some damage. also, coconut oil can help too. i know these help alot when u color ur hair alot - not bleaching tho, the effects take longer to fix -  it helps keep ur hair in tact aleast. also, i'll generally leave a good conditioner - like mane n tail - in my hair while i go out all day shopping  or running errands, or even doing laundry. if u do a very little amount, like just enough to cover ur hair, not really coat it, it can work like a styling product.

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Post by renuka_ir » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:06 am

i want to know about shikakai(tamil term). I have been using for months and my hair has turned rough. But drops less..

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Joined: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:39 pm

Post by wahinebaby » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:44 pm

Any tips on falling hair? :)

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Location: India

Post by mk » Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:02 pm

nice piece of information..please advice remedie for hair fall

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