Questions about my past life

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Questions about my past life

Post by VirAnimus » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:48 am

I hope I am on right place.  Is it all right to ask you guys about my past life?   I always want to know what's mines'.    I don't know if this is right place or not allow this or something I don't know.  I am still new to this, by the way.


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Post by MrPhatLips » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:20 pm

Hey there!

I love talking about past lives too!!  I have some questions aswell.

I feel like my past lives are starting to become opened up to me more and more.  The thing is that I can't tell if it's my imagination at work or if they are remnants of actually past lives.  I didn't start having feelings about past lives until I read a book on self-hypnosis.  It was actually a book that changed my life.  I was born again.  "Self Hypnosis for Beginners" by William Hewitt.  But I imagine that any book on hypnosis will be just as equally effective.  But really, self hypnosis appears to be nothing more than meditation.

But to me, the knowledge of past lives seems to be a gut feeling more than anything.  Like something may happen in my daily life, something small and seemingly insignificant will happen, and it will trigger something inside me.  I'll give you an example.

I'm a dancer.  My talent pretty much is natural.  I've never ever taken one single class.  I pretty much just grew up dancing in my living room all my life.  As a child all I pretty much did was Hip hop.  Hip Hop became my lively hood and that's all I did.  When I turned 23 or so I was introduced to House music.  I loved the sound of it.  Certain blends and fusions of different music styles and cultures into one track.  The steady rhythym of the beats seemed to put my mind into a hypnotic or meditative state without me even being aware of it. (Later I come to find out that basically that is the appeal of House and Trance music.)  But the trance like state allowed me to make a deeper connection with each style of music as separate and individual cultures.  When the DJ changed styles of music so did my style of dance seem to change.  Eventually while I was dancing I started to see images in my head of different cultures.  When the music was salsa, I saw latin dancers in my head.  When the music sounded like african drum beats, I saw african dancers in my head.  When the music was classical, I saw ballet in my head.  Later, made efforts to mimick the images I would see in my head.  It turned out that it wasn't that difficult.  I would only concentrate on the images in my head and my body seem to move and mimick the movements on its on.  Later, I began to identify myself with the images in my head.  I had a connection with them.  The latin dancer moving to the salsa beat felt like me, the african dancer felt like me, the lady doing the tango felt like me.  It actually seemed like I recognized myself in those people.  And those flashes and feelings started to extend beyond just the dance floor.  I would have flashes that I was giving birth to children in third world countries, or flashes that I was in Rome wearing togas and flashes of me being burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft.  

They are feelings that I can't really explain.  Who knows?  They could be dreams of a boy with a very vivid imagination.  Or perhaps they could be more?  I just know that the number of styles of dance that I seem to do naturally and they way I can automatically shift into the different personalities of the culture of the different styles is uncanny.  Who knows, it could be some form of channeling too.  I hate to even admit this story but, last Halloween I was dared to dress up as a belly dancer.  I thought it was a joke but soon as I put the costume on I felt like I was another person.  So much so that I even belly danced and it was so real and beautiful that I got a standing ovation at the party I was at.  And up until that time I had never ever belly danced before!  Don't forget too that I'm a male!!!  It was very weird and shocking to say the least but it was indeed something spiritual.  For brief moments, I actually say myself in India as a person of Hindu decent.  Could it be imagination or something more?

These revelations came to me at there own time.  It wasn't instantaneous.  It was a process.  A process that can't be rushed.  I imagine that you can't rush them either.  They will come to you in their own time when you are ready for them.  Others probably can tell you about your past lives but it won't be the same as you feeling them yourself.  Take your time.  Don't rush it.  Allow it to happen naturally.  Just continue to look inside yourself in meditation for the answers.  Seek and yea shall find.  Knock and the door shall be open to you.  And believe.  Your mind will show you whatever you want.  If your mind is skeptical, it will show you skepticism.  If your mind is open in faith and belief...the Universe is the limit.



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Post by VirAnimus » Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:51 pm

Oh that's very interesting story.  How you feel about it when you received those feelings from the past life?  Our past life give us to learn many different lessons to avoid from the past experience, you know what I saying?  It's very good thinking!

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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:11 pm

I think it just depends on the flash.  For instance, as a child I had a terrible phobias.  I didn't like large crowds, water, heights, or closed in spaces.  I use to have dreams about drowning and falling off towers or buildings, getting stick in elevators, etc.  As I came into maturity, I realized that perhaps maybe the lessons that I had to learn was to concur those fears so they didn't continue to have power over me.  

I can't really say that I know with absolute certainty that the flashes I had about being burned at the stake and drowning were actually memories from past lives or merely images from vivid imaginary sparked by the media and television.  But in the end it didn't really matter.  I made myself take swimming lessons in college.  Now I love the water!!  I make myself talk to people in crowds when I go out.  So now I can go to fairs, concerts, city sponsored events, etc with huge confidence and happiness.  I still haven't gotten an opportunity to explore my fear of heights too much other than going to the empire state building or climbing ladders but one day I would love to try rock climbing, sky diving, high diving, or hang gliding.  I think that was pretty much the lessons for me.  Not to let irrational fears roll into into the next life because of trauma that was suffered.  That's probably the lesson for this life too.  Not to let traumas we suffer in our current like affect us with paranoid fear either.  

I do know that everyday more and more starts to become clear and open to me.  So perhaps one day I will know for sure.  In the mean time, I just try to enjoy my current life as much as I can!

Have you experienced any such flashes, memories, or gut feelings?


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Post by VirAnimus » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:35 pm

Hmm, not sure what I had any experience like that in my life.  But is it possible I have a phobia of insects?  I have been scared of any insects since I was a kid.  Whenever I see a bug, I always avoid from it.  I can't even kill those bugs!  Was it some memories from past life?  Maybe I'm wrong about it but I don't know yet.

Erm, not sure what I got those since I was childhood.   Hey, I have a question. A very strange question, I think.  Here's a question--  Is it POSSIBLE when people who never recieve any flashes or any memories from past life MEANS they DON'T have past life?  COULD it be new soul, I mean it is created or born?  Not old soul reoccurs in every life, you know.


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Post by MrPhatLips » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:12 pm

VirAnimus wrote:Hmm, not sure what I had any experience like that in my life.  But is it possible I have a phobia of insects?  I have been scared of any insects since I was a kid.  Whenever I see a bug, I always avoid from it.  I can't even kill those bugs!  Was it some memories from past life?  Maybe I'm wrong about it but I don't know yet.

Erm, not sure what I got those since I was childhood.   Hey, I have a question. A very strange question, I think.  Here's a question--  Is it POSSIBLE when people who never recieve any flashes or any memories from past life MEANS they DON'T have past life?  COULD it be new soul, I mean it is created or born?  Not old soul reoccurs in every life, you know.

I can't even suggest that I have any level of expertise in this matter.  Your phobia of bugs could range anywhere from having a past life from being attacked by killer bees or ants to no incident that involves bugs at all.  And let's just face it...Bugs are just plain ole creepy to whether or not they are have any connection to your past lives or not.  LOL  I don't see anyone sittin on the couch wit a pet scorpion on their lap watching tv but hey you never know :-P

I'm not a huge fan of bugs either but I respect them as God's creatures.  Like us they are his children and they have very important roles to play in the Circle of Life.  That doesn't mean I'll go diving head first into a pile of grasshoppers for a group hug.  That also doesn't mean that I don't call the exterminator to come and spray my apartment once a month either.  Bugs do have a role to play in the cycle of life, even roaches.  I just prefer that they don't play out that cycle in my kitchen. HAHA

Fear of insects are conditioned just like every other fear.  Our own mind is pretty much the culprit.  When you think about it, it makes absolutely no logical sense that we humans should be scared of something that is thousands of times smaller then us and that we can easily do away with very little to no ease with the swat of a shoe.  But we very often don't act on logic.  We act on emotion.

The best way to overcome fears is to face them.  If you want to get over your fear of insects take iniative.  That doesn't mean try to grab one and pick it up.  Pick up a book about them and read.  In the process you may dispell a bunch of myths and increase your own confidence.  If you don't and decide to stay afraid of bugs then that's your choice too.  It's really no big deal.  You will never have a dangerous incident with a bug in your lifetime at all.  It will just be an occasional annoyance to you because you are the one who is giving the fear the power.  Bugs will always be here on Earth.  You can't control that.  But you can change your reaction to insects  

For instance, you can see a spider in your house and make one of two choices:

1) Freak out and panic, run around the room screaming and wait for a hero to come and rescue you;


2) Stay calm, take off your bedroom slipper, and squash it!

My point is that you are the one who gives the power to the fear not the insect.  The insect isn't trying to scare you on purpose.  They don't think on human terms.  They are only trying to survive.  YOU are the one that chooses to be scared.  Just as you choose to be scared you can choose to be unscared.

To address your last question, it can be any number of reasons why people don't receive flashes or memories from previous lives.  The expansion of the Universe is never ending, constantly growing and getting larger, so new baby souls probably do enter the scene all the time; however, it it highly unlikely that that would be the reason why someone wouldn't get any flashes or memories.  Even baby souls are predisposed to some forms of spiritual teachings and events before they choose to manifest in a physical realm.  

I think it's more of an issue of connectivity and receptivity to the spirit realm.  Certain steps have to be taken in order to prepare our minds for the knowledge.  The spirit realm is in a constant state of connectivity and communication with us.  We very often are just not listening.  We are too distracted by the physical world and our own incessant mental noise to be able to hear it.  Once we quiet our own negative and delusional thoughts the spirit realm can better communicate with us.


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Post by VirAnimus » Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:55 pm

Oh hi!!! Sorry about wasn't reply back.  Anyway, well from what I read, I have one more thing to tell....... how true that I ran around in panic until I found my friend and brought him to save the day.  Jee. It happened when I was on campus.

About last message, mmhmm.  interesting.  It's keep bigger and bigger!  I never think of it!  Cool!

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