Please a reading?

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Please a reading?

Post by Dreams25 » Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:40 am

Hi I used to be on this site until my ex hacked into my e-mails and ruined my access to most of my saved sites. Anyway, I had to change my pw's and create a new username I am back again...yay.

A lot of things have been going on for me in the past 6 months, family issues, work, school and love.

Well I went on vacation almost 2 weeks ago and met someone on my flight seated next to me. I felt it was fate that we met which may be strange because fate may not exist or maybe it was only that felt that way.

Anyway we met the few days he was there but haven't really spoken since we have been back, (we spoke once) and he said he wanted to see me too after I said it first (we live in the same city), but nothing so far that was a couple of days ago.

Just wondering if he is another one of those bad guys that I attract, if it was just me feeling a really strong feeling of happiness when I was with him. Did he feel the same way too?

Or if you see anything will happen in the future for me regarding love or anything else that may stand out in the reading.

If there is anything else that you would like to know please feel free to ask. I am looking forward to your reply.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Last edited by Dreams25 on Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:52 am

I was sorry to hear about all the damage which your ex caused to your previous user account, but at the same time I was pleased to hear that you did not allow his actions to prevent you from continuing to be a valued member of this community.

Anyway, welcome back. :smt006

Unfortunately I feel that while waiting only a couple of days for him to contact you again as agreed is probably being a bit unrealistic and that it may be somewhat premature to believe on this basis that he will never contact you again, I get the distinct impression that he was only being friendly and polite when he said that he would like to meet up with you again after your holiday.

This of course does not automatically make him a "bad" person by any means, but I do understand that if he does not contact you that you might feel disappointed and begin to believe that all men are equally shallow and not to be trusted to do what they say they will in the future. Beyond him saying this merely to be friendly, there are a host of possible reasons why he might not get in contact with you as soon as you would have hoped he might. I cannot read him and his intentions towards you directly, but all I am saying is that you are possibly assuming things which may or may not be true.

It comes back to the question of why you appear to believe that something you either do or do not do attracts "bad" guys. Bad seems to be defined under your terms as meaning that a man is bad if he ever lets you down. In other words, even if a man showered you with affection and proved to you in so many ways that he loved you dearly, if he made one unintentional slip or mistake and did not reach your expectations, then he is immediately given a black mark against his name.

Yes there are plenty of bad men out there in the usual meaning of the word, but there are also many genuine men who could not do better than to have you as their best friend and partner. Please do not tar all men with the same brush, simply because of the actions of some who are insensitive to your deepest feelings, and do not accept total responsibility for their callous actions if they do. If you think that you attract bad men then since like tends to attract like you are effectively saying that you are as "bad" as they are. You are by so doing I feel unconsciously setting yourself up for further disappointment in all your relationships from now on, and it would certainly not be doing much of a positive nature for your own feelings of self worth to believe that you somehow made the wrong choice in choosing the right man for you yet again.

Human relationships especially those of the romantic nature often present us with some of the most frustrating and challenging lessons we will ever be asked to confront during our current lifetime. Forming new relationships is quite difficult enough for most of us, but maintaining them for any given time can frequently be an even greater challenge. If you are already encountering issues of low self confidence and lack of the ability to trust so early in what could possibly still be a long term relationship with the man you met on your holiday, then while I will not make any actual predictions I would not see it as a particularly good omen.

So I am not totally ruling out the possibility that he will contact you at a later date, but unless you are both able and willing to contact him first, then I would not want you to wait for him indefinitely and put your entire love life on hold on the chance that he may ring. If I were you I would leave this at least a week to a fortnight and if you know how to get in contact with him, then please do.

The worst that can possibly happen is that you will discover that he does not want to have a relationship with you (people are often more relaxed and easier to get on with while on holiday). But this does not mean that no man would want you. By finding out directly from the source if possible if there is any future for you as a couple, at least you will not be spending endless lonely nights waiting patiently by the telephone, and you can then go out and mix socially with the type of men who would better appreciate the love you have to offer. Holiday romances do sometimes lead to loving and enduring relationships, but while we should keep our minds open to this possibility, do not pin all your hopes for future happiness upon this necessarily happening in your case.

Hoping that you will find these insights to be both helpful and a comfort to you in your ongoing quest for love and happiness. Wishing you good health and much love for the future.

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Post by Dreams25 » Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:09 am

Hey thank you for the reading and the welcome!

I did try to contact him again and he said if we can meet on Wed and I told him I couldn't so I proposed another day he said its a date and that he would call me...

Anyway I figured he wouldn't follow up but did message me on the date aggreed but nothing really happened and I haven't bothered since...

Thank you for trying to read would have been nice to understand his intentions but I know now that there are none...

Thank you again for your time..I won't sit around waiting :)


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