Predicitive Readings

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Predicitive Readings

Post by Chooky » Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:26 am

Hi there Gem and anyone else who might be able to help me.

I have been doing a lot of readings lately and have found they have been quite accurate, but the issue that I have is that although I can tune into the issue "now" I am not getting much predictive stuff happening.  

I find that I end up being a counselor in a sense, because people find it almost a relief that someone understands what they are feeling and can empathise with them or their situation

I would like to be able to do more predictive readings as well. Have you got any suggestions? Or does this just happen with experience?


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Post by pirbid » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:07 pm

:) Hi!

I believe it depends on what you are aiming for. I usually find my readings work rather the way you described yours and I am very happy about them. Why? Because I feel sure that counsel can be more useful than prediction in the long run. And because I believe, and try to convey that belief to the querent, that the future is not cast in stone, that there is a lot we can do to change it (hopefully for the best).

I just try to point out ways in which the querent could be working against his/her own interests through their attitude, and what values are called for in order to get through that specific situation with the best results possible.

Now, some could say that one does not need the Tarot to give counsel. Maybe not, specially if you are well acquainted with the querent and his/her troubles, although even in that case it is so much easier to use the deck in order to isolate specific issues. But when you have before you a complete stranger, who can be amused, mystifying, or just plainly suffering and doubtful, I just do not know what other tool could be more helpful than my Tarot (in my case, of course: professional counselors are probably fine with just their words).

Now, about your initial question, I am sure there are many here that have mastered the predictive Tarot and can give you good tips on it. Best of luck!  :smt002

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Post by cedars » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:35 pm

It's a bugger, isnt it?
On one hand we say let us not predict the future and on the other hand we say, let us use the tarot for advice and guidance. But, deep inside, as humans, we all want to know the future.

I would suggest that whatever spread that you use, just select or pick a last one which is an Outcome of some sort. An outcome itself is in a way predictive, I'd say.

I personally dont like the idea of One single card meaning as an Outcome card, for life is not just one outcome unless the question is so very, very specific..... but then again, we have heard the phrase, "nothing is cast in stone."

Well, here is my contribution, for what it's worth. :smt017

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Post by Gem » Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:48 am

Chooky, most professional readers are moving away from the old fashioned predictive reading style and going more for the support and guidance of 'tarot counselling'. Many reasons, some financial, some litigation. Predictive reading does not usually only come from the cards. It may come from the reader's own guides or inner voices, or it may come in the form of visions and verbal messages. So although learning the tarot will increase your psychic development there is also a spiritual side to tarot too, that takes time to study and open up to.

Some tarot readers only read the cards from a list of interpretations and have fairly accurate readings, others tune in and connect to the seeker some way and get mindblowing accurate readings. That kind of reading takes time and practise to gain the confidence and trust of your readings.

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Post by Chooky » Tue Apr 01, 2008 12:16 pm

Thank you everyone for your replies,
I can see that it is not just about prediction...and seeings that most people are quite happy with what I tell them, then I will just leave it at that.  I am amazed every time I do a reading when I get things right, and for me it has been about totally trusting in what the cards are telling me, and not worrying in what I think the person wants to hear.

Thanks again everyone
Talk soon, Chooky

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Post by chrisdee » Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:24 pm

Reading Tarot as Gem said will help open you up to psychic development, I have found reading cards traditionally to give quiet accurate readings, have you heard about the voice in the card, I started with this after Gems classes, now strange things happen when I do a reading, parts of the cards seem to come to life like a little video scenes with voices giving very accurate interpretations for the querent, I believe this to be the development of clairvoyance psychic ability, correct me if I'm wrong, this does allow for predictions about a persons future

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Post by Chooky » Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:35 am

No I haven't heard about it Chrisdee
Can you tell me more about it,or point me in the right direction


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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:55 am

It is not a matter of pointing one to the right or wrong direction, Chooky.
I started with the tarot with the idea that as I didnt have any tangible psychic and/or clairvoyance abilities, tarot would be the best place to start, as it was something I could 'learn'. But now I feel it has become a bit mor than 'reading' the cards and their meanigns. Although I dont see a film coming out and playing on the screen of my mind, but on other occasions - with or without the presence of cards - I do get brief visions of situations and I now come out and tell the other person. So, I suppose, if you look around, every psychic or clairvoyant has, in one way or another, started with the tarot cards. I sit in at psychic development circle too in order to develop this 'ability' or 'talent'.

The other day, as I was talking to a friend about her son losing his job and so on...... I suddenly got the words Monday and Tuesday in my mind. I did not hide this from her and told her. Yesterday she told me that her son might be getting a temporary job and it would be known on Tuesday....... So, I dont know if he got the job or not, but I told her what I sensed. I am now beginning to trust more, although as a human I still get my doubtful moments and fear and mistrust are always ready to jump in...


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Post by Gem » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:08 pm

Thats brilliant Cedars :)  It's lovely when things start happening and we trust ourselves more :)

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Post by chrisdee » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:10 pm

Hi Chooky. no two jurneys are the same but if I can help  :smt055 I have sent you a PM

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Post by cedars » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:11 pm

Very true Gem... and I want and wish MORE of these sensations to start making sense.. lol

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