
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by MrPhatLips » Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:39 pm

I have a question about familiars.  What exactly are they?  Really the only thing I know about it is that witches used cats as familiars.  I guess to help them do certain things.  I'm very curious because me and my better half are going to pick up a kitten Friday to bring home.  How do you know what a familiar is?  Can they come in the form of objects?

Since I've come to a level of higher awareness, I feel heavy connections with certain objects in my possession.  Like books or objects that I came across years ago and just tucked them away in some mucky box in a dark closet and for whatever reason or another I pull them out and finally read them and they turn out to be life changing artifacts for me.  Books that sat on the shelf for years and once I read them there messages speak life into me!  My friends have this joke about me at my expense and calls all the books on my shelf "spell books".  LOL  I laughed at first but I feel like they may be on to something.  I do feel like these spell books and magic artifacts kind of found there way into my life on purpose.  

For instance, years ago when I dislocated my knee, I bought this cheap cane to kind of help me get around.  I wasn't really attached to the cane at the time.  When I heal I kind of just chucked the cane behind a door and never paid attention to it.  Years went by.  Very recently, like last week actually, I was doing my normal customized meditation routine that consist of a blend between yoga, dance, pilates, and weight lifting, and the cane just popped into conscious awareness.  So I looked behind the door and behind an umbrella and picked the cane up.  It was weird.  I sort of felt a connection with stick of wood.  Like it was a dear trusted friend.  

Then a very odd thing happened.  Memories flashed into my mind from years back when I was injured.  I use to take the cane to the bars and clubs with me and do funky dance moves with it.  And I remember people use to watch me and it would entertain them and it was fun to do it.  And then all of a sudden I just started dancing with the cane in my living.  I started doing all sorts of tricks.  Tossing the cane in the air, catching it behind my back, shifting it under my legs, all to the beat of the music.  I felt alive.  It felt magical.  Like I had done it before.  I felt like I was a wizard and this was my magic staff or wand.  And I had a new found respect for the object because it help facilitate my healing.  And even when I hold it now I feel this charge of energy and confidence overtake me.  Like I'm another person...and... the same person.  It's weird.  

I know I can't wait to take it to the dance club for the first time in years and see what happens.  I have no idea what to expect.  Am I crazy or what?


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:50 am

Well I am not sure that you would call an object, a familiar as much as a talisman or a charm.... if that makes sense... anything that you have that adds to you I would say is a talisman or charm.

This is what I found on witches familiars:

The idea of the witch's familiar originated around the time of the WEnglish renaissance, and was based on comments about witches in Leviticus: "regard not them that have familiar spirits." The familiar was thought to be a demon or imp who most often appeared in the form of a small animal: cats, rabbits, toads and mice were all commonly assumed forms of the witch's companion spirit, who was believed to trade favors to witches in return for milk from the witch's breast (or, from a "third teat" or extra nipple- the presence of this deformity figured in Henry the Eighth's complaint against Ann Boleyn). (sometimes the devil appeared in its true demonic form, or as a human-animal hybrid)

In some cases, the familiar was the witch him/herself, who changed shape to travel to Sabbat; later, they merely traveled upon the animals- goats, giant cats, even pigs and dogs.

As this belief became widespread, it was a common factor in witchcraft accusations. The popular image of the old crone with her cat originates from a sad reality: eccentric old ladies who kept animal companions were numerous among the women tried for witchcraft, and many cats were likewise burnt as witches.

Hope that this helps to answer your question.

Light, Love, and Blessings,

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:51 am

I wanted to add that what I put about familiars is simply the start of the idea and not what is thought today... Just wanted to clarify, but I think that in knowing the start of something it helps to know where everything around that topic comes from.

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Post by Mystikal Miss » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:29 am

The idea of familiars actually goes beyond just witches though. It is said that some Indian tribes yrs ago believed that a familiar could be found through meditation. As a familiar can communicate with you when you are in your meditative state, to help you deal with life.

Also I agree with Nyte, an object you feel that strongly connected to is considered a talisman or even a charm. Although this does not mean your connection with this item makes you crazy. There are people that can do what is called object readings (the ability to read the memories embedded  within an object), you may want to see about trying to find someone that can do this, it might be helpful in figuring out why you have this strong connection.

Last, if anytime you are are doing anything that has to do with spells, casting a circle, rituals, healing, ect... and you see that your new kitty seems to always want to be apart of it theres a chance that she could very well be your familiar, however keep in mind that it is possible your cat could either just be seeking attention or... too lazy to leave the room, like mine lol. Also you Can Not force any animal to be your familiar as this will upset the animal!

I hope this helps :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:39 pm

What Miss is talking about is often referred to as your animal totem and it is an animal that you believe yourself to stand on a footing of intimate friendship or relationship. While in come culture this is considered a familiar. When the majority of people talk about a familiar they are talking about an animal that you have frequent access with. Such as a pet, but where a average pet is simply a companion. A familiar is someone with which you have an attachment that goes beyond the normal pet/owner relationship. Most definitions that I have come across it is when there is a mystical bond between the two, and that often the pet will assist in performing rituals and spells. By willingly adding their energy into what you are doing. I do not think that there is a limit on what kind of animal can be a familiar; however I do believe that you have to be able to have contact with the animal. Otherwise it would be a totem animal which you would invoke to assist in things...

I hope that it makes sense to you and if not then maybe someone else can state it clearer.

Also Miss said something about reading objects, This is called psychometry. I would like to tell you to be careful with this, as I know that while you have reported a good incident with happy memories, That objects can and often do carry the bad too... so be careful what you open yourself up to. I know that my first experience in psychometry was not pleasant and it is something I worked very hard to learn to control quickly. I did not want to have another experience like my first. After I learned I have used it, although very rarely and then I am very cautious.  Just some thoughts to leave you with.

Good luck with the Kitty and best wishes for all that you do.


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Post by acro » Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:35 am

I noticed this topic and a lot of what has been said makes since to me. Like what Miss said you have probably been collecting charms over the years that would one day help you. I would suggest that when you go to get your kitty to meditate with it after you decide on one and try to communicate with it through meditation and ask it for its help in any of your rituals and spells that you may attempt.

When meditating with your cat I would also recommend strengthening your minds defenses against psyic attacks from ill natured beings, and eventually your cat if it chooses to be your familiar will be able to connect with you mentally and help repel any attacks, or this is my belief.

I hope this helps others in choosing a familiar or finding a familiar. I know I have been looking for a while now and have not felt a connection with any animal I have attempted connections with. If you would like any more ideas on connecting with a familiar I would love to help.

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Post by Mystikal Miss » Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:27 pm

acro is very right about meditating with your pet. If you form a connection with it your pet can be very helpful. It comes easier for ppl that have strong mental connections with animals or empaths that can emotionally bond with animals. Although once you find your familiar you will surely know it. Nyte and I have often invited my cat Cleo to join us in our circles, she is very old and very wise so she helps us alot. So I hope you find the right kitty for you.

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Post by Lady of Avalon » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:29 pm

Mr PL that is wonderful about your cane, I wonder if you were picking up on the residual energies? A healing cane is very special and should be treasured :) Sounds like it is your staff now or wand :)

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Post by whiteheart » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:44 pm

I have to agree Nyteshadecreed as my family traits go back well in history before  the finding of the Americas, My great (er) Grandmother was hung as a witch and at her feet was her familiar with family name attached if you look in historical books of witch hunts and early woodcuts you will find her and two others of the coven, there is more than a companionship that we have with our pets or animals we attach ourselves to it is also a mental and spiritual relationship, to hear that inner voice of your familiar speak to you and care for you with love far beyond any human can, I like to call them my animal soul mates, when you are woken from your sleep by you animal familiar calling your name mentally, this goes beyond the realm of the physical and more than just a companion.

Thank you Nyte nice meeting you to BB
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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:09 pm


                Thank you for sharing your family history with us... although I know that it was probably long long ago, I am sorry for the loss of her that your family suffered... and I am know that when I had my Draven (my Kitty-cat) I knew a love that would and still does cross everything in it's path... I know that many people don't understand what a familiar is without having had one themselves and I think that you said it in a way that I couldn't express... *huggz* It is nice to meet ya...

  I hope to see you around more...

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Post by Mystikal Miss » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:07 am

 You said it perfectly, They truly are our animal soul mates. And with Nyte I too Thank you for sharing your family history with us.

    Many thanks, :)

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