Recurring House in My Dreams

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Recurring House in My Dreams

Post by mdoucet » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:05 pm

I regularly dream about a house. It's old, white, always cluttered, always haunted, always lots of mystery surrounding it, always in need of major repair...but I always love the house. I'm never afraid, never a little frustrated last night with the plumbing.  The house is seldom in the same might be on a lake, it might be in my home might be somewhere I've never been.  The house has belonged to me in some dreams, I've wanted to buy it, wanted to rent has belonged to my grandmother in a couple of the dreams.
It might be a good dream or a bad dream...It may have absolutely nothing to do with the house...but the house is still there.  I have had dreams where I was taking refuge from several tornadoes...the other people in the house felt it was too old and rickety and left...but I stayed and was safe....

Can anyone clear this up for me?  I should probably mention, because my friends have mentioned to me, that I am the type of person who finds something I like and sticks with it...for example... If I like a certain food at a certain restaurant, that is the only thing I'll order at that restaurant...until they either stop serving it or shut down.  If they stop serving it, I will generally stop going to that particular business....I only wear 1 perfume...etc...

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Post by tourbi » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:14 pm

I will share with you the symbolism for me.  
I have had house, home dreams since I was little.  The homes, houses, change from time to time.
I look at them as me.  Not my body, but my essence, my consciousness.  
I look at the dreams as the changes I am making the parts I'm working on, the decisions I'm making the feelings I'm having.
It's an opportunity for me to see where I am, where I'm going how I'm growing.
I have changed houses several times.  
Sometimes it's filled with other people, sometimes my teacher is there.
I always value those dreams.  
I look at the symbology of the contents and the condition of the house, the floor I'm on and see what is going on in my awake life and see how it applies.  I have made some huge changes in my life because of some of those dreams.  
Basement I see as my subconscious.  The main floor is where I am in my daily consciousness, the upper floors are my higher consciousness.
The people in the house are often different parts of my personality I'm trying to understand or want to know better.

That is what it is for me.  
In writing this, I know that the symbology was shared in a class I took a long long time ago.  I remember the basic info but not the class it self.

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Post by foxydivinelady » Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:50 pm

Maybe you lived in this house in another lifetime, and some of your energy is still attached to it.  Pay attenion to what the house is trying to tell you,( what room you are in, what the problems are in the house), somehow it is relivant to your waking life.  Asleep or awake, past or present, life or death, everything is connected.  You just have to find the connection.  I hope you find your answers you are looking for.

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