Discussion on Lesson 4 - Discuss Your Experiences

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Discussion on Lesson 4 - Discuss Your Experiences

Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:43 pm

Any experiences?

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Post by ylm » Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:21 pm

Hi!    I am interested in learning how to meditate and have been for some time.    In your writing today, you mentioned the process begins with stilling our minds, sitting upright in a chair, etc.    
Then in the next paragraph you talk about music, etc.  
I still do not get how a person meditates and gets rid of all thoughts.   I would like to have a personal chant and music Pachobel Canon probably, but I don't know where to start.     I do have one book on the subject and the author suggests stating Maranatha over and over again.    I know it means something, I just forget what at the moment.   I have tried and tried using this method, however, I did not find myself particularly stilled.   I kept waiting for something to happen, I guess maybe zone out to another space, however that did not happen.

Perhaps by the end of  your lessons, I will have learned how.   I am going to give it my best.

I would to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you for offering this help to myself and the other members of the Mystic Board Forum.


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:24 pm

Anyone can meditate, in fact many scientists are recognizing that we do it all the time, during our mundane tasks of life.  Meditation means: to think upon.  It is not stopping the mind that is the goal, it is the retraining to a quiet place that is important.  Most people can visualize (although recently I ran across someone for whom this is quite difficult) and that is the reason that visualization (to a quiet place) is so important to this quiet time you take for yourself.  If you find you truly cannot visualize, then sound is the next best alternative - chanting and/or mantras of any kind - repetitive thought.

Set yourself apart, use a straight chair, darken the room, play soothing music - this is all suggestions for the atmosphere.  Do what works for you - you are an individual in mind.  Use some standard exercises in quieting the body, so you can forget about it.  (These can be breathing, tense and release of muscles throughout your body, etc.) Again, do what works for you.

In a quieted state (you usually go to alpha consciousness) you need something to focus upon - try placing a peaceful scene from nature - a garden, a mountain, a waterfall, etc. - again what works for you - and return your mind to this scene when it wanders - and it will (Buddhists call this the monkey mind).  We are told we can only concentrate on anything for a split second - but in this altered state we can tend to float to this scene for comfort and peace quite naturally.

When you have accomplished your own quiet place, you can place a symbol (flower in a garden, something that fits your scene) and a seat to invite your own personal guide.  The symbol, used constantly will help you reach the right, highest source consistently.

God bless, J

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Post by ylm » Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:56 pm

Hi.    Thank you for your response and information.    Actually, the way you put it, it sounds easy.     I don't mean easy, attainable.    I know that I can get my mind to quiet, I know about breathing and music, so I will put a little package together for myself mentally and get on with it.  

I give your answer a ten out of ten, thank you.

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Post by kpkpkp » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:46 pm

You may also want to look into Brain entrainment.  It uses different sound frequencies to produce different states.
You may or may not have heard of Alpha Beta Delta and Theta waves... there are many more.
Try doing a search on a search engine.  You may be able to find some instructional websites and/or free downloads.
Good luck to you and HAPPY MEDITATING!


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Post by kpkpkp » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:47 pm

You may also want to look into Brain entrainment.  It uses different sound frequencies to produce different states.
You may or may not have heard of Alpha Beta Delta and Theta waves... there are many more.
Try doing a search on a search engine.  You may be able to find some instructional websites and/or free downloads.
Good luck to you and HAPPY MEDITATING!


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 15, 2007 3:35 pm

There are trance states to consider in mediumship work - they are anywhere from light to very deeply vested.  Yes, there are many states of consciousness - the 4 mentioned are just the tip of the consciousness iceberg.  Alpha is achieved in meditation and is the first state of altered consciousness we go through before the deeper states of sleep.  It is where visions are accomplished.

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Post by MsPiddy » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:09 pm

I too have had troulbe here, maintaining a constance thought or clearing of the mind.  I've only been practicing for about two months now, and understand it takes time to retrain the brain.  I just need to keep with the persistance and daily training.  My mind wonders but I have had a few good meditations.  On a few occassions I was able to smell scents my spirit guide sent me.  One we were in a park with a carnival going on and I smelt cotton candy.  Another sessions I asked to smell his environment from his village where he used to live and I smelt the campfire smoke.  Once during a meditation experience i started crying because I felt so blessed with their guidance and my wonderful family.  It was really moving.

I would really like to know what he/she looks like, their names and about them.  what they did on the earth plane, etc.

I have had two really good psychics/mediums tell me thier names - but they don't match.

I'm just waiting for the day when I can really hear, see or feel them as well as see them - that will be an exciting day for me.

Thanks for your inputs.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:11 pm

IME names are just not that important.  As a matter of fact, with humility in our spirituality, we tend to forget our past accomplishments when we enter spirit realms - from the imfamous to the famous - they will not remember enough about their accomplishments to return in that glory.  

You have experienced smells.  Consider....Psychic work is all about the senses - 5 + Intuitiion from the Gut and I Know From the Heart.  You are 'feeling' a lot of experiences - trust them to be what you seek.  When attuning to a spirit guide you will 'feel' a change in energy - that is when you have attuned and can connect and communicate.  Again, perhaps trusting your own instincts would help - you appear to be getting a lot but your expectation of how it should work is getting in the way?

Meditation becomes stronger, the more we practice it.  That is where consistency would help - if we do it the same time, same place and the same way the meditation can lead to consistent results.  The thoughts will appear immediately we close our eyes.  To keep them flowing - blow a gentle breeze - allows them to enter and then leave, you can always pick them up again later.

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meditation reply

Post by MsPiddy » Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:55 pm

Thank you so much....this really makes sense, especially "expectation of how it should work is getting in the way"  I guess since I've been working alone, I'm not sure how to or when to.  but I just started meeting with a group, its a bit of a drive for me but I'm excited about going.
I've been feeling a lil' down lately about my progress, but I think I need to be consistant and patient, thats what I'm lacking.
I greatly appreciate your insight, thanks again.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:19 pm

Enjoy the group.  It helps to get answers on hand.

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Post by Izuno » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:19 am

How do I know I'm not fantasizing? I did what you said. Sat up straight, took a  few deep breaths and thought of something that always relaxes. Water. For some reason, I'm really attracted to the water. It gives me peace.

I was underwater, and I was enjoying how it felt. Calm. Silent. Soothing. And then, the last time I was underwater like was when I was dreaming that guy I told you about before. In those dreams, I had a little bit of romance thing going on with him. (Long story.)

I told myself to stop thinking about him and to not get distracted. So, I focused more on the water and felt and saw myself float and twirl underwater. Then, the circular motion of my twirl began go faster and made a bubble around me. Then, the bubble flew towards a light. At first, I was scared. I didn't know what it was. I thought it was fire, but it was warm. And I went inside the light. It was bright everywhere.

I didn't know where I was and what's happening and began calling for someone or anyone to help me. Then, that guy from those dreams came and told me not to worry. Everything is fine and I'm fine. I saw him stand behind me. I asked him where we were and if he was real, but he didn't reply. I turned around, but I didn't see him. He was gone. And so was my bubble.

I looked for someone once again and I felt a shadow or something behind me move, but I didn't see anyone. No one came to answer my call so I wanted to leave this place, but didn't know how. Then, I kind of felt sleepy and laid on what I thought was the bottom of the light only to be back underwater again.

And I woke up. I did feel refreshed, but I don't think I meditated. I think I daydreamed or something. This isn't how meditation works, is it? What did I do wrong?

Last night was also like that. Only I didn't go into the light. I was sitting next to light because it felt nice in the silence and in the darkness. Then too, the guy came and said you're not alone. Once again, I just heard his voice.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:57 pm

Each meditation experience is different.  When you are in a situation you ask for help.  That is learning to open and communicate with spirit realms.  seeing this one particular person might mean it is a guide.  He does seem to help when you are feeling lost or confused.

Water is always good.  Twirls tend to escalate and make for an added energy surge.  That is what took you off.  It could be considered astral travelling instead of going to spirit realms.  

Floating in water is good - it is soothing and it brings peace to the soul - that is what you are seeking - a peaceful place.  Then you can place a symbol in the water - perhaps a fish or something that is special to the water.  On this symbol your guide will come and you will feel a change of vibration.  We do not just sit back and wait for them to do all the work and 'take' you somewhere.

Meditation is of the mind - but is not just the mind.  Be aware and alert to all things in your meditations as you experience spirit.

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Post by Izuno » Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:40 pm

spiritalk wrote:Each meditation experience is different.  When you are in a situation you ask for help.  That is learning to open and communicate with spirit realms.  seeing this one particular person might mean it is a guide.  He does seem to help when you are feeling lost or confused.

Water is always good.  Twirls tend to escalate and make for an added energy surge.  That is what took you off.  It could be considered astral travelling instead of going to spirit realms.  

Floating in water is good - it is soothing and it brings peace to the soul - that is what you are seeking - a peaceful place.  Then you can place a symbol in the water - perhaps a fish or something that is special to the water.  On this symbol your guide will come and you will feel a change of vibration.  We do not just sit back and wait for them to do all the work and 'take' you somewhere.

Meditation is of the mind - but is not just the mind.  Be aware and alert to all things in your meditations as you experience spirit.
So, you're saying I actually did something? How do you know I didn't use my imagination when I closed my eyes? I'm not trying to be rude. I just want to make sure I did do something for real and that it wasn't my imagination. I really want to learn more about myself, and I feel as if I need to be in touch with myself. I want to make sure I did something right.

And can these spirit guides be romantically involved with you? If he is my guide, why would I dream about marrying him and having his children and etc.? Nothing is making sense...

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:11 pm

Water is good - it is the representative symbol for spirit (energy, agency, etc.) Using water to meditate would be good as it would put your mind at rest and can be used to place a symbol to connect to spirit guides that truly care about your spirituality.  

Any guide that would come to pleasure your physical body is not for your spiritual growth.  It is time to consider rising higher in your efforts of communion with spirit.

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