
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by hope999 » Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:58 pm

Thank u so much for taking the time to read this. Firstly, i would like to clarify that when i have read similar posts (in regards to bad luck)- those writing the posts have been advised to think positively, dispel negativity from their life through ceasing to view their life as 'negative'/ full of endless bad luck etc.
I have done this several times throughout my lifetime in a bid to stop repeated and endless bad luck in my life.

I have been verbally and mentally abused for 25 years by my mother. I am unable to escape the situation due to my bad luck( i will explain later) which is essentially being sacked from every job I’ve ever had, which means i am never financially stable, so cannot leave the situation I am in living with her.

When i confided in people about what she has done to me my whole life, they simply abused me and when she found out, she pretended to these people that I had abused her! (the other way round!).And they believed her!

NOTHING in my life ever works out. I am 25 and have never had a serious relationship.
It is all really weird and contradictory- I am told I am intelligent etc when I go to job interviews- yet never offered the job. Told I am beautiful, yet NEVER approached by attractive men. And have only been approached by 4 attractive men in my life – who all turned out to be idiots.

Men NEVER approach me and i am simply harrased by men i have no interest in (i.e physically unattrative,unitelliengent etc- they bizarelly all look the same, and are all of the same moron level of intelligence).I did see a healer a little while ago, who said that it was part due to some sot of submissive engery , recitified it, and it did lessen. But still infuriating that I have to have such basic things rectified, whilst EVERYONE else in my life can live their life without fighting to not be beaten up by morons, simply due to the fact that they have no interest in them

In regards to bfs - I am not particularly vacuous- and am not so short sighted that i only go for looks- i do need to be friends with potential bfs first.

However, my male 'friends' have simply been my friend to use me for physical benefits then run away if I have succumbed, or turned nasty (even after 4 year plus of friendship) when I have refused sexual advances.
Every man I’ve ever been interested in has run away from me which has TOTALLY shot my self confidence, im never approached, and in the rare occasion taht i am , it is by AWFUL men that are highly unattractive, inarticualte and often threaten to beat me up etc (and two have) due to my refusal(this kind of stuff is standard in my life).

So as mentioned, I have been sacked from every job ive ever had, i am always disliked by my immediate bosses despite me trying as hard as i can - i.e staying really late everyday, getting in early, going over and above what is implicitly necessary.

In 4 years (since graduating)- ive been consecutively sacked from 4 jobs,made redundant from one, worked with a woman that saw fit to physically and verbally assault her staff.Note how this kind of stuff is rare for most people, yet regular occurrences in my life. Hence why I am emotionally exhausted. 25 years of this level of bad luck, simply changing each year in worsening.

My friends are all fake, male friends try to use me for sex/always have hidden agendas, female friends turn their back on me if i go thru any crisis -i.e recently i was made homeless, and all my 'friends' turned their backs on me i.e ignored (the ONLY request) i have ever made of them to stay with them for 2days whilst i tried to find a new home. They didnt even respond to my messages, didn’t even phone me to see if I was ok- despite knowing I was literally on the street with nowhere to go!
despite me giving them so much finanically, emotionally etc in the past.

i have tried so hard over the past 5 years to combat/fight this bad luck. Ive tried NLP- to help me think (even when im being sacked, dumped, used,ignored etc) that my life is great and everything will get better if i think positively, for things to literally jsut get worse each month. even psyhic healers who supposedly claim to be 'caring' have abandoned me!

i have tried crystal healing, reiki healing, shamanic healing, psychic readings, nlp, counselling, thinking postive- NOTHING has helped. patterns simply repeat themselves year after year, the only change being things worsening.

I feel i am cursed and someone said they saw it in my cards, but there is NOTHIGN i can do.
the healer carried out various spells to help various areas of my life to improve (to protect me from baD luck and any one that may be hexing mE)..
instead straight after she cast the spells, i lost my job, home and 'friends' turned their backs on me.

in regards to relationships with me, it is bizarre as (without sounding bigheaded- i am simply, mentioning this for demonstrative purposes to highlight i am not sensationlising/victimising).people endlessely tell me im really beautiful etc of their own accord(unprompted).

i do not believe this as feel that reality surely has proved im not - thru every single man that has ever been involoved with me running away.
yes, you may say perhaps there is something subconciosuly needy/hideous about me- but as i said, ive tried really hard to swop negative thoughts/behaviors with positive ones- so i have tried to help myself.

so to summise - i have experienced bad luck since birth, father died when  I wa s 13 , leaving me to an absuive mother, when i spoke up about it- noone beleived me and those i confided in believed her lies that i was abusing her and they turned on my to condemn me. I am told im beautiful (unprompted) by people, yet men never approach me other than unattractive morons to threaten to rape/maim me due to the fact that I have no interest in them(this happens regularly)

eligible men never approach me and i meet one eligible man on average every 5 years, and they ALWAYS turn out to use me, mistreat me. i.e the only 'serious' realtionship ive ever had was one with the man i waited 21  years to lose my virginity to, he dumped me the next day, saw me once a week thru the 'realtionship' , never phoned, was misogynistic, and had racist parents he saw fit to subject me to for no reason!

since then, men have done what i mentioned above, or i dont exist to ones that i find attractive, either way they run away sooner or later even in the rare occurence that they are interested.(i.e once every 5 years).Even a man (one of the very few that have been interested in me) that seemed eligible i.e attractive, got on with him, nice guy – turned abusive for no reason and that was that. All the stuff is inexplicable i.e I don’t do anything to sabotage it i.e be needy etc, yet a negative outcome si ALWAYS guaranteed. i.e I knew this guy had liked me for 6 years, I refused him for an inexplicable reason/ I wasbusy being mistreated by some other guy that again used me and had no genuine intrest in me and destroyed me, yet I still let him. Once this was over, I pined for him for 2 years (!) refused the very few others that approached (including the guy above). I finally entertained the guy above a few years later, thought time would serve me well as I knew the things that worked i.e you need to see past simply physical attraction and be friends with lovers first. He seemed a potential, we persued each other , for once in my life it looked promising, then he turned abusive for no reason and ran away.

I have lost 4 jobs, mentally and verbally abused regularly,have no stable home, no money, no real friends, all friends abandon me and want ill luck for me, i.e one 'friend' rejoiced (openly) when me and my ex split.

i literally have nothing, i have tried so hard to change my luck, help myself etc,- for things to worsen. I am SO sick of my life, so sick to trying to get what EVERYONE else has in my life so easily i.e bfs/jobs.happiness. EVERYONE around me (im not exaggerating) has at least one thing they want i.e a job, a home, a partner. Yet  I have NONE of those things that people see as basic in their lives, and I have NEVER had any of those things (that last). Also as I said, the bizarre irony is that employers tell me im intelligent and an ‘amazing’ candidate even when im in the jobs, then sack me, and im told im beautiful- to never be approached by ANYONE attractive, lest once every 5 yrs by men that simply try to use me for sex, berate me and/or run away.

i dont know what to do, or where to turn. im SO tired.much as people will say help yourself, beleive in good etc-.. there is only so much you can control life(i.e meeting a soulmate,- you can t control or force this, and there is only so much you can control the odds of getting a job you like and are liked in etc).
dont know what to do.where to turn...All and any advice would be very welcome (no “think positively advice”, as ive done that! and thx SO much for reading such a lengthy post.

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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:25 pm

RE: Hexed?

Post by ForEverLoving » Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:55 am

Dear Hope999,
First of All, know that you are not alone when it comes to being, or feeling like you have been HEXED!  

I do not know if you have tried working with Crystals/Gemstones or not.
Here are some that could very well help! If indeed you would like to try these stones, check them out and do some research online and at a Gemstore.

AMBER: This is a "Good Luck" stone.
Clears Negativity.

Quartz: Removes Negative Energy

Rhodonite: Emotional Support

Sodalite: Protection from External Negative Energy

Bowenite: Stone of the Warrior- bringing success in business pursuits, personal pursuits and intellectual pursuits. The energy of this stone can assist in finding ones soul mate, and to facilitate change in ones life. It assists in providing insight to answers. It also helps combat depression.

Amethyst - Protection, spiritual attunement, gives visions or opens spiritual and psychic centers, reduces mental tension, induces pleasant healing dreams, prevents over indulgence and encourages transformation and breaking of bad habits

Adventurine - Courage in social group situations, adventures in love and life, gives luck where perception is required.

Carnelian - Gives feeling of well-being, recycles past-life experiences, speeds up law of karma.

Emerald - Meditation, healing, business success, it totally rejects evil; gives power to foretell future events, a link with spiritual forces.

Jet - To relieve depression, eliminate fearful thoughts, protection, provides direction in relationship with one's soul and spirit

Rhodochrosite - Rescue remedy stone, holds force fields with the aid of the Devic Kingdom, inspires forgiveness and heals emotions, attracts love into our life.

Black Tourmaline - Very protective, good for those who have to deal with negativity.

I hope that this will give you something valuable to use.


Posts: 81
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:48 pm

Post by hope999 » Sat May 10, 2008 2:55 pm

thanks so much for this. yes, i ahve worked with crystals in the past. ive tried 9 other healing therpaies too and things have remained the same sadly. working on the secret and eft at teh mo, so hoping that will change things. im truly hoping and beleiving in myself to make tangible changes.
thanks so much for your advise

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