astral travel

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astral travel

Post by kd » Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:46 am

what is astrel travelxx

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astral travel

Post by starmaster » Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:35 am

In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body. The astral body is one of seven subtle bodies we all have.
Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to leave the physical body and never are able to astral project. An alternative approach is remote viewing.
In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a silver "umbilical type" cord. Some people see the cord and others do not.
You are aware of things you encounter along the way while out of your body.

We are Astral Travel in the Dream State

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What Astral Travel is.

Post by ForEverLoving » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:17 am

The consciousness can only exist with the subconscious. You need the Astral experience and lessons in order to be in balance with both.
That which we desire on the consciousness here is, in fact, is learned and chosen on the astral experience.

In astral projection the conscious mind actually leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body.

To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences - one must feel totally relaxed.  When you go to bed at night, this is when most people Astro Travel or Astro Project.

Some remember consciously and some do not, but know that your subconscious will remember and learn.

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Astral projection

Post by pablofelix » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:11 pm

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an esoteric interpretation of aspects of out-of-body experience perceived as unfolding in environments other than the everyday world,
that assumes the existence of an astral body separate from the physical body and one or more astral plane to which it can travel. Astral projection is experienced as being "out of the body". Unlike dreaming or near death experiences, astral projection may be practiced deliberately.

The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwide religious accounts of the afterlife in which the soul's journey or "ascent" is described in such terms as "an...out-of-body experience, wherein the spiritual traveller leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or dreambody or astral body) into ‘other’ realms."

Though there is little evidence for astral projection beyond subjective personal accounts of the experience, belief that one has had an out-of-body experience, whether spoken of as "astral projection" or not, is common. Hundreds of personal accounts of astral projection were published in a number of books through the 1960s and 70s. Surveys have reported percentages ranging from 8% (as much as 50% in certain groups of respondents) who state they have had such an experience. Because of the subjective nature of the experience, however, there are a number of materialist explanations that do not rely on the existence of an "astral" body and plane.

Source Wikipedia

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trying to astral project

Post by forcemaster245 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 9:12 am

Hi, I've been trying to astral project for some time, but I've not been successful so far. Any tips to increase my success rate in astral project?

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Astral travel - what not to do

Post by Zimbabwe Cyberwitch » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:26 am

I was able to astral travel until some few years ago.  The most amaizing experience was flying over the African Plains above a herd of Zebra.

I got to confident and ended up visiting houses at night.  I found that i was loosing my power to trvel - perhaps i went too far - did something i should not have tried?

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