I would like a reading whenever you get a chance

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I would like a reading whenever you get a chance

Post by lizarred » Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:19 am

my name is Elizabeth-female-33yrs-02/14/1975-aquarius

I wanted to know if you can pick up on which path i should take in growing spiritually, im interested in so many different aspects of it that i find it very hard to stick to one, i have this deep sense of healing but i dont know where to begin and i just dont want it to pass me by, please if you can help me i would greatly appreciate it. God Bless!  ;}}

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On becoming an effective healer

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:00 am

Dear Elizabeth, :)

You are already following the best spiritual path for you with regards to this current lifetime. I feel instead that you are asking me as to what I feel are your specific psychic strengths. You already sense that one of these is the gift of healing, and I agree, but you possess as we all do the full range of these psychic abilities and it is highly unusual to use only one of these at any time.

An effective healer is generally highly empathic - they temporarily experience what the other person is feeling including their pain, as if it was their own. Indeed our various psychic senses combined with empathy can be used by our healing guides to direct us to the exact part of a patient's body which most requires the healing energies to be directed to it. But being completely open to everyone's aches and pains around you 24/7 will very soon turn you into an exhausted wreck, and so healers need to learn as much about how to turn this ability off those times when they are not giving healing treatments, as they need to open to open themselves to the healing energies as living channels when a healing is in progress.

Without asking you as to how you believe you most frequently receive most of your psychic information, be it as visions, loud thoughts in your head or through your gut feelings, I sense that you are also highly clairsentient (a psychic feeler) and intuitive (an inner knowingness that appears to have nothing at all to do with logic). Most of these psychic skills can best be learnt in a development group or circle under the guidance of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher and in the company of others who are also wanting to develop their own unique skills and who can provide you with useful feedback to help you sort out what is genuine psychic information from what is purely the product of your own imagination.

The late and great British healer Harry Edwards was once asked how one knows whether or not they possess a significant healing gift, and if they do where is the best place to begin. If you have always had a strong urge to help others and relieve their suffering without at the same time expecting personal reward then there is a very good chance that you would make an excellent healer if you were willing to do the training and develop the self discipline and spiritual maturity involved. I sense that this is the situation in your case, and that you do therefore have great potential to become a reasonably effective healer if you are both able and willing to make the personal and possibly family sacrifices first in order to do so.

As to where to begin once it has been established that you do have healing potential, Harry answered that the best way to become a healer is to get out there and do it. Now I would not suggest that you should go up to strangers on the street and lay your hands on them claiming that you can cure their illnesses on the spot, as you are likely to either end up in prison or a mental institution if you do this, especially in several different countries where this act of kindness seems equated to Satanic rituals and the practice of witchcraft. Many healers start off their careers by practising with animals and even stimulating plant growth, Having a green thumb generally indicates a significant healing potential exists in that person, and plants are the source of many natural healing remedies.

When it comes to healing other people (or acting as a channel for the divine healing energies, as only God him or herself can actually heal), it is imperative that the person should first request your assistance before proceeding, either  in person or via some other form of communication. That being said, once the request has been made, the healing guides and your own Higher Self then decide how best to offer healing support and you cannot ever give a person too much healing, as any excess is used by the guides to heal others who are also in need. Basically, after saying a protective prayer which raises your spiritual vibrations, and passing on to your guides the information you have been given, you are then used as a conduit or means by which the healing energies are gradually stepped down and transmitted from God to your patient.

Many healers start out doing distant or absent healing where they and their patient might be living in different countries or on the opposite sides of the planet, and gradually work up to contact healing or laying on of the hands as their abilities and self confidence develop (where the healer and patient or in the same room). In fact distant healing has been unfairly thought of in the past as being a poor cousin of contact healing, when used properly it can actually be more effective in many cases and enable the healer to help far more people at a remote distance than they could ever hope to meet face to face during a single lifetime. There are world renowned healers who have never done a single laying on of the hands, and have no intention to.

One very common trap that many beginners fall into is to look up to a well regarded healer as an example of how they themselves should do this work, then try to be a weak imitation of another healer, rather than being true to themselves. There is no right or wrong way to heal as such, but each of us must eventually find what is the best way for us. To become an effective healer, first work to heal yourself. This means that you must first learn to better understand, value and respect yourself for being the wonderful and giving person you already are, before you can readily do the same for your patient. How can you possibly give something to this other person that you are unable or unwilling to first give to yourself? Oh and by the way if you have a well developed sense of humour (good natured and clean) then you are much more likely to be happier and stronger person within yourself, and at least some of this must inevitably rub off on your patient.

Hoping that you will find these insights and advice to be helpful and relevant to your ambitions to become a healer. Any further questions can usually be addressed in the main Psychic Forum, rather than always through a reading such as this one.

May your God go with you always, and may your journey of self discovery be a long but relatively happy and safe one. May you never take yourself or life in general too seriously, and heaven forbid lose the ability to laugh at yourself along the way.

eye_of_tiger   :smt006

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Post by lizarred » Sun May 04, 2008 7:06 am

thank you eye of the tiger ;}}! just one question about clairsentient, what exactly is that? ty God Bless!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 04, 2008 7:28 am

Clairsentience means that you receive much of your psychic information through feelings. Clairsentient is the corresponding adjective or descriptive form of the word.


The main receptor centre for clairsentience is in the region of your solar plexus (gut feelings), while there are two more minor ones in the middle of the palms of each of your hands.

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Post by lizarred » Sun May 04, 2008 1:22 pm


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