1 card spreads

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1 card spreads

Post by anas » Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:11 pm

Lately, i have been using this spread a lot... Especially that i didn't need A WHOLE reading for a simple and small issue.

It's really a very nice reading.... just shuffle the cards, cut three cuts, then choose the card on the top.

I have been going through lots of doubts the last days, and i just did this reading, and guess what card appeared to me: THE STAR, and what better card could give u hope than this card?!

but, i doubt that any change would happen about the bad period i was going through, but there u go...

1. Snow started to fall on the second day of the reading and i really felt so refreshed with that event cuz in my country, it rarely snows... and it lasted for 12 hours of non-stopping snow

2. things started to take a positive path, and i hope they will last this way.

That was only an example of the one card reading.... Try it urself  :smt006

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Post by pirbid » Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:41 pm

:) I have heard that drawing a single card each day, like a daily horoscope, is a great way to get to know your deck every time you buy a new one.

You shuffle, cut anywhere you like, take out your card, write down what comes to mind and have the card in sight for the whole day remembering it's meanings and trying to associate them to things that happen to you that day.

Of course, if you want to go through the whole deck in less than a lifetime, it would be better to store each card apart from the rest of the deck so that you don't keep getting the same. But some more adventurous people cut always from the whole deck and keep a count of how many times they are getting specific cards. Those are the very patient, scientific minded people. :smt002

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Post by IrishAstro » Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:51 pm

Isn't drawing one-card technically a Yes or No question format? If the card is the right-way up then it's yes, and vice-versa.

Can you also read the card itself for further information about your question? I suppose it does make sense to do so, but I'm not really sure.  Still a newbie, but a believer nevertheless.

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Post by cedars » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:35 pm

I used to draw one single card in my early stages for a message or guidance. It was a good way of proceeding with the day. Then, for some reason, I stopped doing it. I guess I should go back to it and Pirbid's idea of keeping the card in front of you for the whole day, makes you keep in touch with the mesage as the day goes on.
Not a bad idea.

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Post by seadrenea » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:00 pm

While first learning, I did draw 1 card every day. This was not fast enough for me so I began to draw 2, then 3. It really helps to learn meanings. I use an element type drawing for yes and no questions with about a 95% accuracy. Passive (water + earth) or active (Fire + Air).

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri May 02, 2008 7:00 pm

Amazing there was three deposits made today friday may 2 into my bank account  600/900/860  my one card for today was the :

seven of pentacles    may 2 2008  in numerology reduces to  5-2-1 = 8      i also  have i five life path   i am in a five personal year

my day of birth is the 2nd   and the current  year  2008/1  is the same as my birth year 1963/1

everyone enjoy your weekend

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Post by cedars » Sat May 03, 2008 7:14 am

Hellooo  drrnwynbchnbrgr
Are you saying these deposits just showed up out of nowhere in your account?
I know you are talking about numerology, but would you care to explain all that numbering thing?

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat May 03, 2008 12:53 pm

Out of nowhere  ,No i just wasnt expecting it   .The reference to numerology was posted to show how the current numbers were so closely related to my own   . Personal harmony and balance with yearly monthly vibrations .Seven of pentacles , I seen as profit  luck and money .i posted in respect to the mystical tools at our disposal .and the insight they can offer .

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One card

Post by moonlitestonight » Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:39 pm

I use one card when I want a direct, firm answer to a question.  I usually use this for myself although I have done it for others i.e. "What is the first thing I need to do?" or "What is most important for me to work on now?" etc.  It works and gives me a real focus and the edge to move on in a much stronger manner.    Moonlitestonight

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Post by singerofpeace » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:08 pm

A professional reader offered to give me tarot guidance a bit ago, and we started meeting weekly.  The very first thing she said was that I was no longer allowed to use books, at least not until I was already comfortable with the cards and my own interpretations.  Then she immediately drew a card and told me to do a one-card reading for her, about a situation she was in.  I knew basically nothing about it, and with one card, I was sure I wouldn't be able to figure it out.... I said, "I can't!" and she told me to do it anyway, so I did--- and it went really well!  One-card readings are really intimidating (when you do them for other people)... but it really does help you understand the cards.  She also has me picking a card a day.. REALLY helpful.  It's wild how much they show up throughout your day.  I started associated everything... sermons, songs lyrics, converstations... with the cards.  Changed my life! :)

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:37 pm

i use the tarot on a personal level, one card /and three cards are my favorite .i always study and meditate on the cards first for a personal meaning or connection, at that point i turn to my soft ware programs ,than last i refer two my collection of books . i really enjoy the professional software matrix puts out you can download it for a 30 day free trail. most allow you it pick what cards you want so i use my deck to draw and pick the cards .  there astrology software is also top of the line they offer 30 days on several of them as well .way to costly for me to buy out right .

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Post by purple_dust » Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:27 pm

can you please expand your theme seadrenea??  How do you know it is a passive or active card??

I used to do the 5-card spread were the number of reversed ones gave me a "yes" or "no" answer and it was aout 70% accurate.

I'd love to hear about this othe rmethod

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Post by purple_dust » Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:27 pm

can you please expand your theme seadrenea??  How do you know it is a passive or active card??

I used to do the 5-card spread were the number of reversed ones gave me a "yes" or "no" answer and it was aout 70% accurate.

I'd love to hear about this othe rmethod

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Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:57 pm

I sometimes will do this when I just want a quick sense of guidance or If I am really confused on something. I like the idea
of using it as a daily outlook kind of thing to do. I have never done that though, but I may give it a try.

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Post by Isoniahtar » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:51 pm

I do that for practice mostly. I play the one card reading game on Aeclectic Tarot Forum, which really helped me reduce all the scripture to one sentence. I usually do it also at the end of my reading sessions as a conclusion thingie. As for a daily read... I wish I had that will, but I can't read daily, I have my days when my deck just won't open. Oh, and there are the "bonus card" situations, when the card just popps out of the deck...

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