Daily horoscopes for 13th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 13th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun May 11, 2008 6:30 pm


Embrace the little fires that might be erupting throughout your day, today! Sure, they could cause you a few headaches, but they also provide some action that's been missing in your life. You can take an active role in how the day unfolds and really show people what you are made of. It's been a long time since you've been really challenged, and you could really use the physical exercise that the day might require. Your blood will be pumping and your brain will be clicking.


The realist in you knows that appearances matter, no matter how much the idealist in you hates that shallow fact. So don't feel guilty if today you find yourself making choices based on how attractive something is to you. Go ahead -- pick the prettiest option today, whether it's a person, place or thing. If you have made the wrong decision, you will know it soon enough. Natural beauty will have a powerful effect on you, too -- just taking a walk could be a nearly religious experience.


Things are turning around in your life. Change make take you in an unexpected direction. That person who you thought didn't know you were alive suddenly is super-chatty with you. That bill you were dreading arrives, and it's not nearly as bad as you thought! This spate of good energy might not last too long, so enjoy it while it is here! The good things happening to you might be so subtle that they are beyond comprehension, but who cares? These are good days to savor and smile.


You will be drawn to people and ideas that appeal to your analytical side today. Right now you're much more interested in logic than in emotions. Today is the beginning of a shift in your perception, and you are starting to see through the games and manipulations people have been using. More than ever, you are one tough customer! People are taking you seriously, and they are feeling more comfortable getting you involved in adventurous stuff. So get ready.


When you see a chance to get ahead in your job, school, or even your social life today (and you can bet your hat that you will) you have to take it. No matter how inconvenient it is. No matter how stuffed your schedule already is. No matter how tired you are. Save the conservative thinking for another time. Right now you are meant to be proactive and aggressive. You simply must go out and get what you want -- because it certainly isn't going to come get you.


There is a greater clarity in your life today. It's almost as if a light has suddenly been turned on and things finally make sense. The reason for this could be a new person in your life, but it is more likely that you simply have made a connection between a past trial and what is going on now. You have learned, and are taking insight from your own heart to see things more clearly. In effect, you are able to give yourself your own good advice! It's more proof that you are growing.


There is probably going to be a lot of activity around you today, but you won't be directly involved in any of it. This might strike you as bad news, because you have been itching to get into the game more, but it's actually a very good thing for you to be on the sidelines right now. You could get too overwhelmed by everything right now, and the last thing you need is another distraction to keep you from doing what you know you have got to start doing!


Be extremely careful about who you share your secrets with today -- make sure that they can handle the responsibility. Even one of your most trusted friends might not be able to resist passing on some juicy news, so keep that in mind before you spill your guts. Are you putting them in a tough position? If what you know is too hot for public consumption, then it might be wiser to hold on to it. Everyone will know the real deal soon enough -- and then you can say that you knew it all along!


Everything is falling nicely into place, and you couldn't be having a lovelier day. All the harmony you are experiencing in your life right now is due mostly to the fact that you and all your friends or coworkers are focusing on the creative side of things and waiting until ideas are solidified before putting them into action. It's wise to not rush ahead of yourself, because if you do, you could paint yourselves into a corner that will be nearly impossible to get out of.


Right now, it's easier than ever for you to find a fresh way of seeing those you love (or care strongly about). It all starts with research -- listen to the people you care about and pay attention to what they say they need. Ask them for feedback on your friendship skills, and you will probably hear a lot of praise. But this doesn't mean you can't be even better! Talking less and listening more is the first step toward making partnerships work better in your life.


If you've been trying to get to know someone better, you need to cover all the details about them today. Take special note of what they are wearing, what their body language says, and even the music they're listening to. These facts will reveal major clues about who they truly are -- and how you can get closer to them. There will be some inconsistencies that you need to keep track of, but they are not necessarily red flags you need to worry about.


Relying on your analytical skills for business and financial decisions is smart, but why use them when you're contemplating your next romantic move? Logic does not apply to human emotions -- emotions apply to human emotions. So think with your heart and be open and honest about what you feel. You can't predict how someone else will act, you can only believe them when they tell you how they feel. If you don't like the answer, at least you know that you can move on without having any regrets.


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