"The Psychic Circle" is superior to the "Ouija" board

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"The Psychic Circle" is superior to the "Ouija" board

Post by KFerg » Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:58 am

[color=darkred][/color] As I've said before, spirit boards aren't for everyone, and I certainly don't that think they are toys for children. :smt018  
"The Psychic Circle" takes a more responsible and informative approach to spirit boards.  It provides a pamphlet on using the board, as well as rituals of protection.  The board itself is so much more than a yes and no area, with letters and numbers. "The Psychic Circle" is more articulate and much less laborious to use.  I think it's easier to arrive at accurate messages than the Ouija as well.  It contains N,S,E & W, with information on how to call the watchtowers.  (This is protective.) It has areas for color evaluations, as well as the names of the planets, symbols for the planets, astrological signs, actual often needed WORDS, and imagery for creative processes.  I would recommend it over a Ouija anyday, especially for beginners.   :smt023
Whenever we get together we smudge the house with a white sage smudge stick, visualizing white protective light, spreading the smoke and  including all closets and bathrooms, repeating all the while :"Anything that isn't for the greater good MUST LEAVE!". After we have covered all of the areas of the house, one of us goes to the front door, and one to the back door, and we open them at once while repeating our smudge statement.  (Say it like you MEAN it!) Then we arrange at least 5 crystals and 5 candles around the table with the board on it.  Make sure this area includes all of the participants. This creates a sacred space. Then we start by holding hands and asking that no harm be done to anyone, that we are present seeking those on the other side who have messages for us, or anyone that needs our help.  We state that our intentions are of love.  Then we ask our questions, recording all questions and answers in a particular book, including date, time, participants and location.  When we are done, we "close" the circle by thanking those who came, releasing them in love, and closing any portals that may have been opened as a result of our session.  It helps if you understand that other side doesn't necessarily know the future any more than you do. The information we have gotten has all been positive.  We've received messages from ancestors, the recently departed as well as spirit guides.  Remember that intention is 100% of the equation, and you will receive what you put into it.  We are all karmically oriented, and don't spend time festering anger, hatred or fear.  We release these feelings and those people who intentionally hurt us.  I hope I have been helpful, and I welcome your feedback.  Go in peace, and ADVENTURE ON! KFerg :smt054

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There should be a video eduaction area....

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:12 am

These practices should be on video...like eduactional films....Id like to see it.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:51 pm

I really like the sound of this and think that I might look into it more and suggest it to a few friends of mine for us to try... we are all leary about the ouija boards but I know that there is a good foundation in the past of them... I think this is the part that I was missing with it. Thank you for sharing it with us!!


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Post by starsign20002000 » Fri May 23, 2008 11:31 pm

        I have just read the posts.  I have The Psychic Circle I bought the boxed set years ago.  If anyone wants a photo I will post a photo to this forum.

Lady Moira
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Ok... but...

Post by Lady Moira » Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:08 am

Hi.  Just saw your post.  I have to say I had NO idea what a psychic circle was, (thought it was some sort of forum) ha! :smt003

Ok.  That being said, I did use the ouiji board once, in my early teens, since then I hadn't used it or been in a room with anyone else using it.  My question and comment is, if you are already participating in metaphysics and enhancing and developing the spirit, why don't you simply move to the next level and stop using "crotches"?

I mean, I am sure that the board is both good and easy to use, but why not try scrying, psychic connections such as remote viewing or mediumship?  I have often found myself with "spells" and "rituals" that are -created- to protect, attract, enhance and improve and while they are written and created with the best of intentions, they are always "missing that final punch" which only comes by when you actually build them from scratch.

Then again, maybe it is just me.  :smt020

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Post by Nocturnica » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:30 am

Sounds very cool

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Post by dazevraine » Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:02 am

Does MB have a psychic board software program I can download?  I've searched but I apparently do not know where to look.  I would like to have this on my coputer to use regularly.

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