Part One - The Major Arcana - 3 & 4

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RW: Empress and Emperor

Post by winniewoo » Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:25 am

I notice there is a lot of red (passion) in both cards. The Empress sits on her cushion, holding a sceptor  in her hand. She has 12 stars in her crown. (The 12 signs of the zodiac). Heart shaped shield (Venus, planet of affection and love). She is surrounded by wheat, trees, nature. She looks prosperous, and happy. She represents the Earth Mother. All that is good, abundance, nurturing, fullfilling. The good stuff of life. Happiness in home and hearth.

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Post by winniewoo » Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:37 am

Oops for the Emperor. He is wearing the emblems of war (rams' heads and the planet mars). The ankh in his right hand and the globe of dominion in his left.  He depicts power and authority. Red robes and purple throne (colors reserved for royalty). Father archtype. He is a thinker and uses good logic and reasoning. He does not let emotion rule. He is a problem solver. He is a leader and unafraid of confrontation. Perhaps when he shows in a reading you need to develop your leadership skills or you are developing leadership skills. Becoming bolder in analyzing your situation without letting emotion get in the way . Logically finding solutions gaining the ability to lead other with confidence.

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A dialogue

Post by pirbid » Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:41 pm

She says: "Dear, have you seen what riches spring has brought? Everything seems to sprout and grow even as I look"

He says: "I'm sure that's good, but I have no time for idle chat right now"

S: "Why do you always have to be so hard on everybody? Aren't you glad your child is also growing within me?"

H: "Certainly, just don't expect me to stare at it for however long it takes... Someone has to get things done around here and that's usually me".

S: Sigh... "You are missing so much, dear..."

H: Hmpf... "You waste so much time...".



These are the emperors and empress from Scapini, Robin Wood and Spiral decks.

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Post by glenellen » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:54 pm

The Empress, she is coy and lonely but loyal to the end she has a lot of fruits around her, but she knows her place, she is doing what she is supposed to do, because her dad the emperor a strong stern but fair man is awaiting an heir to the throne

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The Empress and The Emperor

Post by windspirits » Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:55 pm

The Empress, she will allow you many choices, but will never give you the answers directly.  She loves mothering you, but at the same thime allowing you the opportunity to make the choices.  She is a lover of nature and shows you the lightness and the darkness of obstacles that are in your path.  She is a wise woman, but wants you to learn for yourself.  She will be there for you when needed all you have to do is treat her with respect and show your gratitude.

The Emperor, is a very stern and strict man.  He somewhat the opposite of the Empress.  He wants things done his way, which he knows is best and will accept nothing less than perfection.  He will show you that there are two sides to every action, a positive and a negative.  He allows you to use his knowledge and becomes very aggitated should you go against his wisdom and do somthing you feel is a better way.
4-The Emperor.jpg
4-The Emperor.jpg (16.44 KiB) Viewed 3450 times
3-The Empress.jpg
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Post by TravellingChristy » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:49 pm

The empress is very comfortable with herself.  Happiness surrounds her almost all the time.  She loves the outdoors.  I see her as a motherly figure.

The emperor is a angry man.  Before making decisions, he tries to weigh the good with the bad before he decides.  He is a very protective, just like a loving father would be.

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Post by farafina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:45 pm

I dont want to sound redundant because I think everything has already been said.
What I can add though, is the following`:

the emperor: construction, physical work, or very logical (architecture or something like this), business man who is very down to earth. Can be harsh and heartless at times, but overall a male who acts and walks the walk.

The empress: softness, motherhood, beauty, charm. Communication but not very in-depth. There is a little bit of simplicity and superficiality ...?

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Post by mary grace gabriel » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:31 pm


Likely to be in the light side of life. Blessings, love for children, Justice and Hope


More on tough life but leading to success

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Post by appylover » Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:18 am

The Empress: A kind women just and fair. Someone you can go to for advice or just to tell your troubles to. Motherly figure. Down to earth loves the outdoors. Fertility.

The Emperor: Stern looking man. Would be a little harder to go to him for advice. He has a hard side to him but could also show his soft side. Wise man, has that been there done that look. Knowledgeable.

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Post by beleever » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:20 pm

The empress is very much a motherly figure, loving compassionate kind and fertile....... The emperor is a male authority figure, not one to show emotions, very wise.

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The Empress and The Emperor

Post by stillwalkn » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:30 pm

The two opposite aspects of  creative energy, female and male. The empress is the receptive, generous, mother aspect; the emperor is the decisive, active, male aspect. In my deck, the empress is shown with an infant at her breast. She is mother, the giver of blessings. The emperor is shown in an almost warlike aspect complete with an erect phallus; he is not to be fooled with. He will keep the world in line, while she will see to it that the world is nurtured.

I have a picture for The Empress, but not for The Emperor, sorry.
The Intuitive Tarot: The Empress
III_Empress.jpg (8.53 KiB) Viewed 4032 times

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Post by xaxaa » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:59 pm

I see the Empress as a very gifted person...sign of fertility and abundance.Very feminine and very sweet, she seems to rule the world in her own way! She has all the stars on her head and she's surrounded by a beautiful nature while she's sitting comfortably on her armchair! I see this card as a positive one! She also reminds me of pregnancy and motherhood.

The emperor looks very serious and stern...he seems to be ready to face out any problem he runs into. He is a good father and protector! I also see this card as a positive one...
He's there to help and to protect you..unless you're with the "bad" ones...

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Post by xaxaa » Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:06 pm

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The Empress / The Emperor

Post by Renata1 » Thu May 08, 2008 2:18 am

If I keep the history I can see we are innocent (the fool), we start to study things (the magician), we assume a good position on life (Empress – Emperor). In a reading for someone the Empress would represent the nobles feelings, the conscience, the wisdom (Empress) and the richness, the self confidence, the eye we have related to ourselves (the Emperor).

I’ve been reading Tarot for so many years but I never had this comprehension so close to my inner self like it’s happening now. Thanks for this opportunity!


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Post by Henhenetti » Fri May 23, 2008 11:32 pm

Using The Waite/Smith Tarot

3 - The Empress ~ Mother, Femininity, Privileged, Nature
4 - The Emperor ~ Father, Masculinity, Authority, Leadership

Together~ Absolute rulers. Parental figures. As parental figures, they are also protective, supportive, giving and yet disciplinarians as occasions may require.  A ruling pair. Authoritative. Benevolent. Guiding. Their appearance commands/demands respect. Neither can be challenged. They are a pair, yet opposite- each picking up where the other lets off.  Each a half of one whole.  Two sides of one coin. Each fulfilling the other. What one doesn't, can't or won't bring to the table, the other one could or does. When together, they represent what perfect parents could be, but not necessarily what they are. Each sits on a throne that faces forward from their position within the card.  Bold. Sure of themselves. Dominating.

The Empress~ Mother Nature.  Mother figure. Her throne & surroundings are 'soft'.  She has the sign of Venus, the goddess of love & beauty, on her heart shaped shield at her feet and the bottom pillow behind her.  Some have said that the designs on her robes are flowers that make the sign of Venus also.  Others claim these designs to be roses or pomegranates.  Looking closely, it appears as if the artist (Pamela Colman Smith) intended the design to be pomegranates (compare to the larger, more detailed pomegranates on The High Priestess card) in the shape of the sign of Venus.  Pomegranates are a recurring theme; a symbol of fertility.  The Empress looks out directly at the viewer.  On her head is a diadem with 12 stars, reference to the zodiac.  Each star has six points as in the Seal of Solomon. In her right hand (the dominant side) she holds an scepter; With the globe on top, it could be representative of the world- Taking the scepter as a whole could be a phallic symbol.  The scepter could even be both depending on the position of the card. I notice the stream, the wreath upon her head, the grain growing at her feet, the fertile forest behind her, the collar of her gown with 11 circles and the pearl necklace of 7 spheres.  All are symbolic and hold meaning, but I'm heading for a book here if I don't stop somewhere. The Empress can either represent good or bad, depending on her position in a spread and the card combinations.

The Emperor~ Father Time (his obvious older age & white beard, the never changing mountains behind him).  Father figure. His throne & surroundings are 'hard'.  He has the sign of Aries, ram's head/god of war, on the back and arms of his throne.  He also has the ram's head on the left (deemed to be the weaker, feminine, more passive side) shoulder of his robe.  Contrary to the belief that The Emperor looks straight out, a closer look at the card will show he looks to his right (the strong, masculine, dominant side), where if the cards were laid down side by side and in numerical order, he would be looking at The Empress.  A lot of suggestions could be made from this observance alone.  His throne is stone; hard and cold.  In his right hand, he holds a scepter in the form of the Crux Anasata (something like an Ankh) indicating he has influence over life and death.  The Emperor also holds a globe (of sorts, looks more like an ornament or fruit) in his left (passive, feminine) hand. Does The Emperor bend to The Empress? Is earthly control willingly given to The Mother?  I see other symbolic signs, the color of the outer robe, the blue inner clothing, the armor beneath it all.  There is a small river/stream that runs behind the throne. The sky is red.  He wears a crown with alternating stones of color~ but again, I'm making a book here~ so sorry~  In The Emperor I see a card that can mean many things, all depending, as usual, on where the card falls in a spread and any combinations associated with it.

I think both The Empress & The Emperor cards would tip the scales more towards the positive in an average reading.

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