ive acouple questions about various gifts i have

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Post by biyu » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:24 am

     your warming up to me... *smile* I hope that you are having a good day and I will be on Im later... so I will see you then... (I have to be a grown up and do stuff, like cook dinner first) talk ta ya then...
if  you  think  about  it  im  beein  unusially  open  here  i  mean  after  my  past  experiences  (those  that  dont  know  one  place  banned  me  fer  stuff  i  didnt  an  HAVENT  done  another  just  cause  i  refused  ta  apologise  fer  tellin  the  truth  then  diodnt  even  bother  to  ask  why  just  banned  me  then  theres  the  place  with  the  powerhungary  admin)  so  yea  then  theres  the  whole  i  choose  biyu  over  jodeecmptrwiz  or  a  rme  (rogue  marie  elisa)  account  so  yea

whatcha  makin??  i  LOVE  cookin

Mystikal Miss
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Post by Mystikal Miss » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:36 am


 Hey hon, you said you want to be able to lower around your friends, thats what my walls allow me to do so I'm sure with practice you could learn to do it too.
The way I formed my walls allows me to pretty much open a door when ever I wish to do so. You having a bracelet that protects you is unfamiliar to me so I'm not really sure on how would be the best way to go about using it for protection, you might see if Nyte knows. However if you think it might help to hear how I made and use my walls just let me know.

 You also asked about feeling actual pain being an extreme form of Empathy... well to be quite honest with you I had never really thought about whether or not the two are one in the same. I am Empathic and able to feel ones physical pain so I just assumed that they were. I guess I need to do some researching on that, for the both of us. When I do get the information I will be sure to let you know.

 I also seen that you mentioned to Nyte that you're not big on physical contact... well thats actually very common for Empath's with out good or strong enough walls. The touching of another person allows direct access and can be Extremely overwhelming so again I say, and I can't stress this enough, you should either start seeing about building yourself some walls or try to make the shields from your bracelet stronger. It with help with that, and it gets easier.

 I'm glad I was able to help and I hope this does too,
"Don't cry because it's over, Be happy that it happened."

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Post by biyu » Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:38 am

(so  glad  i  have  some  bbc  memorised)
Hey hon, you said you want to be able to lower around your friends, thats what my walls allow me to do so I'm sure with practice you could learn to do it too.
fun  it  seems  at  times  my  friends  are  few  i  can  REALLY  trust  so  yea  chances  are  they  allready  know  about  my  gifts  (one  of  them  ive  gone  shrink  an  that  quite  abit  lately)
The way I formed my walls allows me to pretty much open a door when ever I wish to do so. You having a bracelet that protects you is unfamiliar to me so I'm not really sure on how would be the best way to go about using it for protection, you might see if Nyte knows. However if you think it might help to hear how I made and use my walls just let me know.
the  bracelet  is  something  i  manefested  afew  years  ago  i  wanted  my  own  witchblade  so  i  got  one  actually  im  kinda  tryin  ta  figure  the  best  ways  to  "tewak"  it  so  it  works  better  actually  i  should  get  on  drawin  it  up  an  yea  id  like  ta  hear  might  give  me  ideals  fer  my  bracelet  (was  thinkin  of  havin  it  send  out  a  daimond  like  skin  just  under  the  metal  it  seems  ta  like  but  dont  know  plus  theres  the  whole  will  the  daimond  like  coating  hurt  me)
You also asked about feeling actual pain being an extreme form of Empathy... well to be quite honest with you I had never really thought about whether or not the two are one in the same. I am Empathic and able to feel ones physical pain so I just assumed that they were. I guess I need to do some researching on that, for the both of us. When I do get the information I will be sure to let you know.
id  love  ta  hear  an  id  think  its  atleast  relatated  as  both  cases  someone  outside  is  feeling  something  they  often  well  scientists  would  say  they  shouldnt  be  feeling  (yea  i  have  abit  if  sceptic  in  me  its  from  a  great  fall  one  of  the  few  reminders  of  it  i  kinda  want  anythin  ta  do  with)  but  they  often  can  an  do  feel  so  yea
I also seen that you mentioned to Nyte that you're not big on physical contact... well thats actually very common for Empath's with out good or strong enough walls. The touching of another person allows direct access and can be Extremely overwhelming so again I say, and I can't stress this enough, you should either start seeing about building yourself some walls or try to make the shields from your bracelet stronger. It with help with that, and it gets easier.
well  im  more  thinkin  it  hasw  more  ta  do  with  marie  an  how  i  got  thru  middle  school  in  tact  (bascally  i  created  this  outher  personiality  was  me  but  was  srtonger  an  that  an  actually  much  that  i  wanted  was  from  rogue  one  of  the  x-men  in  the  movies  her  first  name  is  marie  so  yea  anytime  i  fely  i  needed  ta  use  somethin  that  i  put  into  her  i  just  called  her  foreward  eventually  she  just  encorperated  into  who  i  am  yea  i  am  aware  most  will  think  im  nuts  but  i  was  like  10-14  ish  at  the  time  i  had  thought  it  was  a  good  sulution--oh  near  the  end  of  that  is  when  i  manefested  the  bracelet  so  yea)  i  dont  think  i  got  any  unusial  rush  of  emotions  last  time  i  touched  someone  but  im  willin  ta  cheak  soon  enough  an  i  think  next  week  or  maby  later  when  i  get  time  or  feel  i  have  some  to  myself  (i  have  good  ears  ill  snap  outta  whatever  im  dooin  when  i  hear  somethin  id  rather  not)
I'm glad I was able to help and I hope this does too,
sofar  no  issues  yet  kudos  (would  like  ta  actualloy  give  ya  one  but  hey  works  eh??)

oh  yall  may  notice  me  blendin  different  terms  (eh  a  second  ago  yall  jus  now)  do  me  a  favor??  dont  freak  itys  just  ive  done  abit  of  travelin  an  some  things  are  fun  ta  stuck  with

Mystikal Miss
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Post by Mystikal Miss » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:45 am

Hey hon
   sorry Ive not been on lately...  been really busy.  Anyways, I wanted to comment first on you saying your  friends are few that you trust... Thats actually a big problem with Empaths is if you are not careful you will slowly become bitter towards  others as you get older. I'll give you an example... Empathy I just not long ago found out runs  in my family (mostly through  females, although my son also proves more and more everyday his empathic abilities). Anyways, my grandmother is a very mean and even  at times spiteful woman and as my mother explained to me more about my inherited abilities she also told me that because my grandmother never had someone to teach her how to build walls to protect herself from all the overwhelming invasion of 'emotional attacks' for lack of betters words, she kept putting herself out there to help some people who very much didn't deserve it so she kept getting crapped on by people she thought where friends.
**point being... you have to be very careful of friends taking advantage of you, because of you being an Empath you feel like you need to help people radiating their need for help for various reasons,  some not always worth helping ** Just  a  note of caution for you and again I'll say it walls walls walls!!!

 Ok you also said you were interested in hearing how I manifested my walls/shields...  First I started by sitting alone so I could concentrate and I pictured myself laying bricks one by one. It  took some time but to this day its my strongest wall I have and use. Then, I practiced taking it up and down till I learned how to make like a door in my wall so that I could like, I don't know, a flashlight where I could put a more direct beam on what/who I wanted to sense. And I'm still working on learning to mirror emotions, thats used more for like reflecting negative emotions back to people who are purposely trying to make others around them miserable in hopes that they will
learn not to be so... hateful I guess.

  Now I did do some research on whether or not its common for empaths to feel physical pain and there are about 30% of empaths that can in fact feel others' physical pain. If you want to do some research yourself you can just Google it, thats what I did.

  So now to your  whole manifesting like another personality... it's not crazy.  Young children with abilities try to find ways to protect their selves from the hardships of coping with what they're going through, specially when they have no one to help them learn how to use them.

  I do hope you figure out a  way to make your bracelet stronger and everything you need it to be to help you safe guard yourself.

 Thanks for the kudos dear!! Much appreciated!! :)

                      Best of luck, love, and light,
"Don't cry because it's over, Be happy that it happened."

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:28 pm

Walls:  The biggest problem with walls is they hold other out, but they also hold you in.  All of life is an energy - this energy is about seeking to resonate with everyone - not just a chosen few.  

I would guess it was not about the lack of walls that made your grandmother bitter - it was more to do with not sharing herself.  You see, when we wall ourselves in we don't know 'how' to share and be a part of the life energy all around us.

All energy is on a flow (flow spirit flow) and the more we flow with the life experiences, the less we can be hurt or disappointed in life's experiences.  So what we need is not so much walls to keep others out (and ourselves locked in) but a form of protection that allows the free flow of energies without the pains and discomforts of others' emotions to upset our own.  May I offer:

Visualize a bubble (similar to one blown from the soap bubble pipe of a child) complete with the rainbow patch - rainbows are such wonderful symbols of connection, bridges, communication, joining and come complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end.  See this bubble expand to encompass your whole body.  Soap bubbles can be seen as both strong and weak - they will not happen with a big wind - only a whisper over the soap - but strong enough to float in the winds.  It will act as a filter for all negativity from within or without.  This allows the free flow of energies without wearing what is not your own to correct or change as you see fit.

If we took the time it takes to build walls - brick by brick - and applied it to spirituality, we may find ourselves with more experiences that open doors to knowledge than we have encountered so far in life.  This whole thread is about mediumship development.  While I consider a free flow of information to be educational, I must admit to some truths and not bridging their message.  Wall are just not been seen as a spiritual approach by any of the spirituality threads I have encountered.
God bless, J

Posts: 40
Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:19 pm

Post by biyu » Sat May 10, 2008 1:49 am

ok  well  ive  been  "out  of  it"  lately  an  yea  --lets  leave  it  at  that  ok??  if  ya  wanna  know  more  im  me
Hey hon
  sorry Ive not been on lately...  been really busy.  Anyways, I wanted to comment first on you saying your  friends are few that you trust... Thats actually a big problem with Empaths is if you are not careful you will slowly become bitter towards  others as you get older. I'll give you an example... Empathy I just not long ago found out runs  in my family (mostly through  females, although my son also proves more and more everyday his empathic abilities). Anyways, my grandmother is a very mean and even  at times spiteful woman and as my mother explained to me more about my inherited abilities she also told me that because my grandmother never had someone to teach her how to build walls to protect herself from all the overwhelming invasion of 'emotional attacks' for lack of betters words, she kept putting herself out there to help some people who very much didn't deserve it so she kept getting crapped on by people she thought where friends.
**point being... you have to be very careful of friends taking advantage of you, because of you being an Empath you feel like you need to help people radiating their need for help for various reasons,  some not always worth helping ** Just  a  note of caution for you and again I'll say it walls walls walls!!!
yea  my  friends  have  definately  changed  from  grade  school  with  one  that  now  our  personialities  can  be  sooo  cloose  if  ya  werent  payin  attention  you  proubly  couldnt  tell  us  apart  but  thats  when  i  feel  like  gettin  "dirty"  or  am  really  mad  usially  its  pretty  easy  ta  tell  us  apart  namely  cause  im  smarter  an  ive  been  hit  by  reality  not  to  mention  ive  had  my  share  of  pain  so  i  guess  that  makes  me  more  understandin  in  its  way  now  my  2  best  friends--i  have  outher  good  friends  too  that  i  trust  allmost  as  muchg  as  these  2--  they  know  like  everything  there  is  to  know  about  me  my  gifts  that  i  can  often  use  them  without  realisin  ta  EVERYTHING  there  smart  too  i  KNOW  they  wouldnt  betray  me  or  if  they  did  itd  only  be  cause  id  betrayed  them  which  i  definately  dont  plan  on  any  time  soon  the  outher  one  simalar  personiality  well  theres  another  difference  fear  is  non-existant  to  me  or  dang  near  i  mean  i  wouldnt  wanna  kill  anyone  or  if  i  did  i  doubt  id  go  thru  with  it  but  i  know  the  truth  is  better

an  im  mostly  on  my  comp  thesedays  or  close  ta  those  i  think  i  know  (can  never  realy  figure  out  family  can  ya??)  so  there  arent  many  issues  there
Ok you also said you were interested in hearing how I manifested my walls/shields...  First I started by sitting alone so I could concentrate and I pictured myself laying bricks one by one. It  took some time but to this day its my strongest wall I have and use. Then, I practiced taking it up and down till I learned how to make like a door in my wall so that I could like, I don't know, a flashlight where I could put a more direct beam on what/who I wanted to sense. And I'm still working on learning to mirror emotions, thats used more for like reflecting negative emotions back to people who are purposely trying to make others around them miserable in hopes that they will
learn not to be so... hateful I guess.
hmm  that  sounds  intrestin  actually  ive  figured  somethin  i  think  may  help  me  some  that  i  sdhould  work  with  more  but  ive  started  sence  i  think  ive  mentioned  my  bracelet  its  in  esscence  an  extension  of  that  a  diamond  like  coating  inside  the  armur  it  gives  me  with  the  same  coating  on  the  metal  of  the  bracelet  aswell  --comboed  with  my  amythist  that  likes  to  keep  friends  out  i  think  i  should  be  good  fer  abit

an  i  dont  quite  why  people  feel  the  need  to  be  hastefull  or  that  i  mean  im  shure  ive  been  there  but  i  got  out  of  it  so  yea
 Now I did do some research on whether or not its common for empaths to feel physical pain and there are about 30% of empaths that can in fact feel others' physical pain. If you want to do some research yourself you can just Google it, thats what I did.
google  hates  me  dogpile  loves  me  still  tho  thats  a  shock  but  really  shouldnt  be  i  mean  im  usially  with  the  minority  so  yea
 So now to your  whole manifesting like another personality... it's not crazy.  Young children with abilities try to find ways to protect their selves from the hardships of coping with what they're going through, specially when they have no one to help them learn how to use them.
another  case  of  nice  ta  know  i  wouldnt  think  ida  been  one  of  those  kids  but  then  back  in  middle  school  it  was  more  outher  kids  that  were  causin  me  issues  i  still  dont  know  why  they  did  that  or  what  they  REALLY  got  out  of  it  unless  its  somethin  society  teaches  people  "pokje  fun  of  the  one  thats  not  aftraid  to  be  themselves  the  one  thats  *different*  break  there  spirit  like  the  animal  they  *are*"  arrgghh  ill  stop  there  i  think  you  know  EXACTALLY  what  i  mean
 I do hope you figure out a  way to make your bracelet stronger and everything you need it to be to help you safe guard yourself.
 i  think  in  time  things  will  work  out  as  they  are  to  im  just  glad  it  wont  rust  the  one  piece  of  jewerly  ill  allways  be  wearin
Thanks for the kudos dear!! Much appreciated!!
no  prob  an  another  fer  the  diggin  too  much??
                     Best of luck, love, and light,
an  i  cant  wait  ta  get  youre  reply
Walls:  The biggest problem with walls is they hold other out, but they also hold you in.  All of life is an energy - this energy is about seeking to resonate with everyone - not just a chosen few.  
its  just  the  "chosen  few"  that  can  feel  the  energy  huh??
I would guess it was not about the lack of walls that made your grandmother bitter - it was more to do with not sharing herself.  You see, when we wall ourselves in we don't know 'how' to share and be a part of the life energy all around us.

All energy is on a flow (flow spirit flow) and the more we flow with the life experiences, the less we can be hurt or disappointed in life's experiences.  So what we need is not so much walls to keep others out (and ourselves locked in) but a form of protection that allows the free flow of energies without the pains and discomforts of others' emotions to upset our own.  May I offer:

Visualize a bubble (similar to one blown from the soap bubble pipe of a child) complete with the rainbow patch - rainbows are such wonderful symbols of connection, bridges, communication, joining and come complete with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end.  See this bubble expand to encompass your whole body.  Soap bubbles can be seen as both strong and weak - they will not happen with a big wind - only a whisper over the soap - but strong enough to float in the winds.  It will act as a filter for all negativity from within or without.  This allows the free flow of energies without wearing what is not your own to correct or change as you see fit.
needless  ta  say the  filter  dos  sound  better  then bricks  but  also  depends  on  how  a  filtyer  weould  work  too
If we took the time it takes to build walls - brick by brick - and applied it to spirituality, we may find ourselves with more experiences that open doors to knowledge than we have encountered so far in life.  This whole thread is about mediumship development.  While I consider a free flow of information to be educational, I must admit to some truths and not bridging their message.  Wall are just not been seen as a spiritual approach by any of the spirituality threads I have encountered.
and  heres  where  i  start  ta  really  feel  awkward  as  im  both  young  an  old  what  i  mean  by  that  is  tho  my  body  is  still  relatavely  young  i  still  know  stuff  that  most  outhers  my  age  proubly  wont  learn  fer  another  few  years  an  some  proubly  wont  learn  in  there  whole  lifetime  so  yea  its  an  aspect  that  i  kinda  like  but  at  the  same  time  if  i  could  literally  shapeshift  as  the  aspects  of  my  personiality  took  over  thered  be  some  decent  changes  that  all  would  see  so  yea  i  guess  unless  im  pickin  it  with  the  shrink  aspect-0-which  i  actually  havent  seen  in  afew  days  ok  weeks  wierd  but  maby  its  had  its  fun  fer  now??

--edit  fixed  code

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 10, 2008 2:27 pm

No one said it was only the chosen few who got through - but that would work with walls.

I do not like Walls!  They just don't work - emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually.  And the more you take the time and energy to build them the less is left for the spiritual work that would actually help you.

It is not just about a disagreement with methods.  It is about the fact THEY DON'T WORK!  

Life is all about energies - the sooner that lesson is learned the better.  How do you deal with energy?  You filter it for the positive approach and learn how to enhance that approach to life.  You eliminate negativity from thought as well as deed in your life.  It is all about self awareness and growth.  Then the spirituality will grow naturally.
God bless, J

Posts: 40
Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:19 pm

Post by biyu » Sat May 10, 2008 2:40 pm

No one said it was only the chosen few who got through - but that would work with walls.
maby  i  should  rephrase  that  it  seems  like  i  know  all  are  capable  of  whatever  its  just  howmuch  effort  they  put  in  it  an  that  many  seem  ta  think  if  its  not  2nd  nature  it  aint  worth  it  an  ill  admit  im  one  of  them  pretty  often  too  but  i  also  know  ive  manefested  things  not  even  realising  i  was  dooin  it  till  after  i  had  (the  bracelet)  so  yea
I do not like Walls!  They just don't work - emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually.  And the more you take the time and energy to build them the less is left for the spiritual work that would actually help you.
they  work  to  the  extent  you  an  outhers  stay  apart  in  many  ways  afew  arent  the  best  (my  middle  school  survival  method  included  some  subcontious  walls  an  yea)
It is not just about a disagreement with methods.  It is about the fact THEY DON'T WORK!  
i  DONT  really  like  the  thought  of  walls  but  that  could  be  cause  im  often  inside  oh  an  more  then  afew  times  my  moms  2000  rav-4  has  made  me  feel  claustrophic  especally  in  winter  when  i  have  ta  crack  the  window  then  sher  blasts  the  heat  ya  wanna  get  me  sick??  seriouslyu  crazy  IM  the  one  thats  in  the  more  drastic  part  of  the  house  with  temps  you  stay  in  thet  commffy  room  of  youres  but  DONT  complain  if  im  too  hott  or  too  cold  cause  i  DONT  LIVE  in  YOURE  room  (ok  ill  shut  on  that  rant)
Life is all about energies - the sooner that lesson is learned the better.  How do you deal with energy?  You filter it for the positive approach and learn how to enhance that approach to life.  You eliminate negativity from thought as well as deed in your life.  It is all about self awareness and growth.  Then the spirituality will grow naturally.
eliminating  negativity  yea  i  like  beein  able  to  play  "innocent"  but  i  LIKE  danger  an  even  swayin  in  the  "grey"  dont  quite  know  why  but  i  need  that  bit  of  dark  ta  stay  balanced

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Post by spiritalk » Sun May 11, 2008 12:22 pm

Walls have the capacity to block others and keep them out - you understand that.  What about the fact that they keep you in?  You do not seem to realize that putting yourself behind walls (emotional, physical, spiritual, mental) keeps you from others.  That is the complete draw back to walls.  And they do take a lot of time and effort to build up.

When you envision a bubble similar to a bubble blown from a soap bubble pipe (complete with rainbow patch) and enclose yourself within - you are allowing all energies to pass through but filtered of all negativity.  Keeping yourself positive with the tools of your own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) will help you to keep the positive approach flowing.
God bless, J

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Post by biyu » Sun May 11, 2008 11:06 pm

yea??  what  if  anger  issues  is  just  part  of  youre  nature??  i  mean  im  ofcourse  not  mad  at  you  more  like  a  certain  idiot  that  was  my  friend  an  just  cant  see  past  his  over-inflated  ego  then  runs  like  the  wuss  he  is  an  it  dosenthelp  that  thru  hs  i  was  a  massive  timebomb  with  howmuch  anger  i  constantally  had  in  me  --before  ya  say  it  i  KNOW  im  massively  fucked  up--  so  yea

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Post by squeaky » Mon May 26, 2008 3:54 am


lol i love you......k, you are very fresh well done...

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Location: Etobicoke, Canada

Post by spiritalk » Tue May 27, 2008 7:46 pm

Fix self then look around and see how it affects others.  Not much really.  We are personally responsible for our own self and our own choices - give others the same right.  

What we see as others out of sorts, is perhaps what they want.  Being negative can be a comforting place - we don't have make any efforts to being nice or positive in any way.  Sure we feel lousy, but it does take an effort to release all negativity and allow positive thought to replace it.  That is what free will choice is all about.

Me!  I choose positive.
God bless, J

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