Daily horoscopes for 29th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 29th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue May 27, 2008 6:30 pm


You owe a debt of gratitude to the people who have helped you in your life -- all those teachers, relatives, friends, bosses, and other types of influential folks who challenged you and pushed you toward the right direction. The best way to repay that debt is to offer that same type of inspiration to the one or two people you know right now who could use encouragement -- or a big kick in the pants, whichever you think would be more effective. Tough love may be required.


You might think that you have an understanding with another person -- an unspoken agreement that both of you will stick to the plan and get each other's backs. But do you really? Do not take anything for granted! It's not that you can't trust this person, it's just that they could be misunderstanding the plan or the goal. Check in with them today to confirm what is going on between the two of you. Put a little effort toward keeping things on track. It's much better to be safe than sorry.


The career goals you have right now might be set too high. Being so focused on such major challenges could be causing some disruption in the lives of the people who love you most -- they miss you! So take it down a notch and work to separate your professional and personal worlds. Try not to take your frustrations out on people who have nothing to do with them. Putting things into their proper balance will help you maintain a happier personal life.


Surround yourself with the right kinds of people today. How? Just think about what type of good energy you want in your life, and then cozy up to whomever you think can give it to you. Don't be afraid to share more of yourself with these people -- you can and should trust them. The attention you get will be flattering, and it could help you see yourself in a whole new light. Get ready for big demands for your time, coming from many different directions.


You have a strong grasp of what you want in the future, but you will have to wait before you can get started. Luckily, your impatience will fade away later in the day when something happens that causes one of the people you care about to react emotionally or fly off the handle. Keep a cool head and you will be able to see how you can help them and help yourself at the same time. Your instincts are right on target about things, so trust them like you always do.


Starting today, you can expect the feverish pace of your life to slow down quite a bit -- and it's not a moment too soon! This throttling down is going to happen organically, and it will offer you the chance to recharge your drained batteries. So you can look forward to letting the craziness of the world pass on by you while you kick back and relax with the friends who know how to help you unwind. The forecast is for sunnier, more social times ahead.


Are you too power hungry right now? While you're busy fighting for all the control that you want, you could be losing sight of the important people around you. Your have to make your personal relationships your top priority right now. Sure, this might require you to give up something you think you really want, but is that really such a big deal? In order to find the harmony you need right now, you will have to sacrifice a little bit now. But you will get a lot more later.


A coworker or person just out of your social circle has been wondering about you for quite a while. Why not end the mystery for them today? Playing hard to get can become boring after a while, so make it easier on them. Start a conversation and you will make their day! They will probably have a lot of questions for you, but resist turning the exchange into a one-way street -- ask as many questions as they do and make sure that you get as much out of the exchange as they do.


Reminiscing about the past is a great way to learn about where to go in the future. So get together with old friends or family members and share a special memory with them. Even if you just send an email off to an old friend with the subject line 'remember when,' you'll unlock an important memory that will teach you about who you are now -- and who you want to evolve into. You are on a journey forward, but looking backward every now and again is a wise thing to do.


Your strong compassion will come into play today when you feel the urge to come to the defense of someone. This person's ideas or actions are not popular with the group right now, and some people could be giving them the cold shoulder, socially speaking. Follow your gut and show them that while other people aren't willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, you are. You always benefit when you embrace the unique qualities of the people you interact with.


Do you fear that a friend or coworker is going down a very dangerous road? Make an extra effort to get some quiet alone time with them today so you can share all your concerns with them. Be careful not to come off as preachy or like you know it all -- because you most certainly do not. Be compassionate with them and make it clear that you are not judging them -- you are just concerned about them. If they don't choose to open up to you, do not look on it as a failure. You tried.


Your mind is extremely sharp today, and it is eager to organize! Now don't go out of your way to look for chaotic situations, but you should by all means welcome new ideas, changes in plans, and new additions to the schedule. Get ready to start one of the most challenging and rewarding phases of life that you have had in a very long time. This is a powerful time for collaboration, too. So if anyone out there wants to pitch in on your projects, you should let them!


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