
Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by dhav » Fri May 02, 2008 7:07 am

If anyone experienced kundalini rising how did it felt?Was it unintentional or after intense meditation?

Maybe yesterday I sensed it till my third eye.My throat went cold for a while.My base chakra was all tingling.That's why I need to know about it.Hpe I get some response.


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Post by Doe » Fri May 02, 2008 6:34 pm

Hi, dhav,

Whatever happened to me--Kundalini rising, psychic awakening, whatever--was spontaneous.  I'd never done any yoga or meditation or anything remotely like it before.  Honestly, I had all these "symptoms" going on, so I just Googled a few of them together, and got taken right to sites about Kundalini (which I'd never even heard of before--or if I had, I had ZERO idea what it was!).

I've had little-to-no physical discomfort, aside from some heart palpitations (closer to the beginning), a few bouts of throwing up all night, and a little dizziness sometimes.  The physical sensations were/are mostly WONDERFUL.  Most of the rest has been visual, along with the synchronicities, occasional apparent clairvoyance, and just plain everyday chatting with spirits!  :smt002

My blog talks a little bit about how it all started for me, if you want to take a look there.  Also, two sites I've mentioned elsewhere here, which have been a lot of help to me (especially at the beginning), are these:

kundalini-teacher.com  and


Good luck with it--I wouldn't give up even the most unpleasant moments of it for the world!


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Post by tourbi » Fri May 02, 2008 6:40 pm

I did.  It was unintentional.
All of a sudden, engaged in making love, a burst of energy went up through my body and out the top of my head.  I thought a hole was blown through the wall.
I had meditated earlier. (love meditation for self love, it was wonderful)
I thought I was walking about 6 inches off the ground.
We went to a healing circle and a well known psychic was doing it that day.  I didn't know what was happening so I sat in the center for energy.  He said there was no energy he could give me.  He is visual and said I looked like a fountain,  Energy rising from my root chakra going up through my chakras and out the top of my head.  I was a fountain for days.
I was walking 6 inches off the ground, for me, for several weeks.
I was in bliss.
I was ungrounded.
I was not able to focus.  Eventually I grounded again.
It was obvious that something happened.

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Post by tourbi » Fri May 02, 2008 6:57 pm

additional thinking:
I don't know if you have had a Kundalini experience.  I would imagine, with the meditating you are doing, you are opening up and cleaning out the energy channels. Keep loving yourself and meditating.  

I can still run energy up to the top of my head, to my crown chakra.  I have not had the overwhelming fountain experience since.  This was about 25 years  ago that it happened.  I can run energy most of the time, at will up all of my chakras and up and out of my crown chakra.

One other thing, the guy I was with was really working to have the experience I had.  Don't try to hard.  He was very disappointed I had it and he didn't.

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Post by dhav » Sat May 03, 2008 11:59 am

Hi Doe and Tourbi.Thank you for your reply about experiencing kundalini or awakening as you said Doe.I think the awakening starts with the rising of the Kundalini.After that you can see more clearly the spirit world.

There is this energy in me which didn't let me at peace for many years.I ahve fought it for long since a young age maybe 11 years now.I also think it got blocked at my crown chakra.For years I have been having head aches and other parts of body when it goes wild.I never understood what the energy things were until I began researching stuffs starting with angels.The search went on till soomeone told me to meditate.When I started meditate the head aches diminished considerably.The pains does come around if my chakra is blocked for a while but only for ashort time now that I know how to let it flow.

Someone told me that my energy lost it's way and got to be channeled in the right direction.I don't know how much it's true.But I continue to heal and cleanse.when I started meditating a week after I began seeing colors,lights,twinkles in the air.I then attuned myself to reiki.This also must have helped.I also could feel the movement of energy throughout my body.I also recently was able to see orbs.I also had some strong sexual urges which I had to fight with and I would cry because I was helpless about it.

Still long way to go.

Tourbi your fountain experience must have really been impressive and wonderful.I won't force myself.It will emerge on the right time.You have been able to channel it all smoothly after that it seems.

Doe I saw the symptoms mentioned at the website you gave.Had many of them. I read some of your posts in your blog.They are really full of info and interesting as well.Will read more of them later

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat May 03, 2008 12:52 pm

tourbi that's why you're on my list as a dream date, not the 'I was making love bit' (although it's a thought) but the honesty you put out.
As to kundalini rising yes it does and it's just as tourbi says and the orgasm goes on and on - hey I'm a bloke and it lasts so who knows what it's like for a woman - more info tourbi.
Are you reading this Suz ' cos you're and my dream date as well.

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Post by tourbi » Sat May 03, 2008 3:15 pm

To be honest with you, When the energy shot up and out of my crown chakra, I was envolped in this incredible experience and it was no longer anything I understood.
My orgasms now last a long time.  They rise up hit my crown chakra and then cascade down through me. Then it culminates at my root chakra and is very intense.  

Thank you for being my date.  It's fun dating you. Image

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Post by Doe » Sat May 03, 2008 3:28 pm

OK--I was thinking about asking this before, but I wasn't sure if the topic was out-of-bounds for MB...now that you brave people have started in on it, though. here goes...

Has anyone had "spontaneous" orgasms, with no other living (if you get my drift... :smt002 ) soul around?  The first time it happened I was absolutely astonished (and not unhappy!).  It's not like any other experiences I've ever had, though.  I've thought that it's somehow something between an orgasm and a prayer, if that makes any sense!

I can't believe I just brought that up...


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Post by tourbi » Sat May 03, 2008 4:24 pm

I'm posting this link to give those who are not familiar with Kundalini an opportunity to start understanding what it is.  

It is often referred to as the coiled serpent.  It is energy at the base of the spine waiting, like a coiled snake, to rise up thru the chakra system to the crown chakra.
It is energy that is creative, inspirational, Spiritual.  It can blow open the chakras, sometimes before a person is ready.
It happens, usually after a person has been doing meditation or even during meditation.
It can happen at key periods in a persons life.  

Altho it happened for me at a time of sex, it also came for me after several years of meditating.  I had also just completed meditating that day.  I remember the meditation vividly.  I was doing a guided meditation on love.  It had a part to be able to love myself in a way I had not been able before.  It helped me to find those things in me I hated, disliked and be able to love them.  I did that and found a joy and love I had not experienced.  Then went and shared with my partner at the time.  The Kundalini really had as much to do with the love and sharing as the sex.  
The experience was one I didn't know about.  
I can go back into it, even as I write these posts. It is not really about orgasms, altho it was part of the experience.  It transcended the orgasm and became a Spiritual transformation.  I don't know that I would be who I am without having had the experience.
I do not wish this for people who have not had preparation, meditation etc.  It is overwhelming.  From what I have read, it can be destructive for people who are not ready to have all their chakras blown open.
For those who are somewhat prepared it can be an most incredible experience beyond anything they have dreampt of.
It is allowing.  Just allowing.  To wish for it can close it down.  To try to make it happen stops it.  To allow is one of the keys.
I remember I was working with a teacher who always said "Allow allow".
To be in the moment, allowing what is to be is that point of allowing the energy to rise.  It is beyond permission, it is just an open place of allow.

Read up on it.  
I look forward to what others have to share and more info from the Prof.  Image

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Post by dhav » Sun May 04, 2008 5:51 am

Hey Tourbi thank you for your insight about this.I truely believe the act of sex and love making is a spiritual experience.This concept has been rejected by many.Mother Kali is said to be the Kundalini Goddess.The serpent which has been greatly misunderstood is actually one to be honored.It brings out a new life,new changes,transformation

During the act of sex the kundalini is more prone to wake up which it did in your case.It is the best stimulant to wake up the kundalini.Or it can be the other way round.The kundalini when rise makes you have orgasmes.

The Tantrik sex concept follows this more clearly if I am not wrong.In ancient civilisations it has been greatly practised for prayers and spiritual attainment.

dhav ;-)

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Post by starsign20002000 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:13 am

How do you know when it is time to awaken Kundalini?

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Post by dhav » Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:57 pm

Hey starsign i found soem symptoms for kundalini rising for you on teh net.Hope it helps.Best things is to trust your instinct about your body changes.

The following are common manifestations of the risen Kundalini:

   * Muscle twitches, cramps or spasms.
   * Energy rushes or immense electricity circulating the body
   * Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations
   * Intense heat or cold
   * Involuntary bodily movements (occur more often during meditation, rest or sleep): jerking, tremors, shaking; feeling an inner force pushing one into postures or moving one's body in unusual ways.  (May be misdiagnosed as epilepsy, restless legs syndrome (RLS), or PLMD.)
   * Alterations in eating and sleeping patterns
   * Episodes of extreme hyperactivity or, conversely, overwhelming fatigue (some CFS victims are experiencing Kundalini awakening)
   * Intensified or diminished sexual desires
   * Headaches, pressures within the skull
   * Racing heartbeat, pains in the chest
   * Digestive system problems
   * Numbness or pain in the limbs (particularly the left foot and leg)
   * Pains and blockages anywhere; often in the back and neck (Many cases of FMS are Kundalini-related.)
   * Emotional outbursts; rapid mood shifts; seemingly unprovoked or excessive episodes of grief, fear, rage, depression
   * Spontaneous vocalizations (including laughing and weeping) -- are as unintentional and uncontrollable as hiccoughs
   * Hearing an inner sound or sounds, classically described as a flute, drum, waterfall, birds singing, bees buzzing but which may also sound like roaring, whooshing, or thunderous noises or like ringing in the ears.
   * Mental confusion; difficulty concentrating
   * Altered states of consciousness: heightened awareness; spontaneous trance states; mystical experiences (if the individual's prior belief system is too threatened by these, they can lead to bouts of psychosis or self-grandiosity)
   * Heat, strange activity, and/or blissful sensations in the head, particularly in the crown area.
   * Ecstasy, bliss and intervals of tremendous joy, love, peace and compassion
   * Psychic experiences: extrasensory perception; out-of-body experiences; pastlife memories; astral travel; direct awareness of auras and chakras; contact with spirit guides through inner voices, dreams or visions; healing powers
   * Increased creativity: new interests in self-expression and spiritual communication through music, art, poetry, etc.
   * Intensified understanding and sensitivity: insight into one's own essence; deeper understanding of spiritual truths; exquisite awareness of one's environment (including "vibes" from others)

   * Enlightenment experiences: direct Knowing of a more expansive reality; transcendent awareness

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Post by starsign20002000 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:16 am

Thanks for the info Dhav.  I have had some of those happen already, but not sure if they are related to Kundalini.  I will PM you.

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Post by TuomasT » Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:42 am

Here is a very good website about yogic practices for kundalini:
It's the best I know. The person (Yogani) who's created the website knows what he's talking about. He presents his knowledge in a simple, down to earth, safe and practical way.

My yoga teacher says that there are actually various kinds of kundalini. Based on my experience I tend to agree with him. I would rather say that there are different techniques to wake up and raise up the energy, and these can lead to different kind of goals. There is female kundalini, male kundalini (Snake), middle pillar, front energy (staff yoga) and raising energy in 144 channels (whole body) at once. I have more or less practical experience with all of these. And based on this experience I've come to a conclusion that everything else but the Snake (male kundalini) are something that eventually wakes up if a person is seeking a complete divine enlightenment.
In that case it doesn't matter which technique you begin with they all lead to a same goal. Only thing that should be understood though is that it's wise to begin from gentle stimulation of energy (especially if you're a beginner). For example front energy or female kundalini are good beginning techiques. Ayp website teaches an efficient method of female kundalini awakening. The front energy meditation goes like this: Feel a thin bar of matter that starts in your genital area and runs up the front of your body to the area between your slightly raised eyebrows (life chakra). Each time you feel this thin matter bar in its entirety from sex to life, you will activate all three front chakras and all the other chakras in the body. (grounding tip: feel the bottoms of your feet and/or perineum/tailbone region. Doing this activates the energy in your whole body so please be gentle)

PS. If you allow God's loving presence to live and grow within you, everything will wake up. This is my core meditation along with giving loving hugs to Jesus in Heaven and allowing Holy Spirit flow into me and become one with God's presence within me.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:21 am

            Thanks for posting the website.  There is lots of information on the website looks interesting.  Thanks for you post.

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