HYPNOSIS ~ tid bits

Learn and understand about Hypnosis. How it works, how to practice it etc.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:58 pm

Anxiety Relief

Breathe in... I am calm, warm, comfortable, and relaxed.  
Breathe out... no matter what happens, others say or do,  
Breathe in... I can choose to be relaxed...
Breathe deeply and be at ease.  I breathe deeply now with ease.  
I let go.  I'm fine.  All is well.

Make a dot on a piece of paper.
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  
Repeat cycles as needed.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:58 pm

Self Rejuvenation... Stop Aging

Breathe in... I imagine myself mature...
Breathe out... good, happy, strong and proud.  
I am aging youthful with full flexibility and mobility.  
Each day is new and exciting.  
Each day I am more aware of my enthusiasm for appreciation, more mentally alert and physically able.  
I feel my inner resources always open up and recharge me.

Make a dot on a piece of paper.
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:12 pm

Super Learning for Enhanced Memory Recall

Breathe in... I can read anything once... Breathe out...
and easily remember the for tests or any time I want to recall information.  I easily recall information I want to remember.  My intent to day is to have full perception of all that is going on around me, easily able to listen and recall all that I've heard, seen, or read now or at any time in the future.

Make a dot on a paper
Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:13 pm


Science Has Proven That Our Thoughts Affect Our Aura... Something Faith Healers Have Always Been Telling Us...

When We Are Into Stinking Thinking... Pinching Off Life Force...

Our Energy Aura Is Dark... Vitality Is Being Depleted.

When We Are Focused On Positive Aspects...  Our Energy Aura Has All The Colors Of The Rainbow.  
Practice Activating A Rainbow Aura.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:14 pm


GREEN...  Activate Focus For Joyous Health Aspects

Make a green dot on a paper. Focus on it for 17 seconds

Breathe in... taking in more air...  Breathe out... letting out more air.  
I acknowledge my resistance to the source of the problem.  
That was then.  This is now.  I let go.  
I can focus on any area of my body and continue to focus on gone.  
I can breathe to any area of my body and imagine a healing light and discomfort is gone.  
I imagine the flower in the center of the target is above my head, open, with perfect crystal petals of bluish white light I use to manifest the many facets of my life.  
I sift and filter my experiences.  My body knows how to align itself naturally with healing power.  All I have to do is focus my mind, acknowledge the source of the problem, and shift that thought aligning myself with my inner child.  I breathe deeply because breathing deeply nourishes my body.  I hold my breath and imagine taking all the green from the air, sending it to all parts of my body, healing, rejuvenating full life force vitality.  
Repeat 2 more times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:15 pm


YELLOW...  Activate Focus For Joyous Finances

Breathe in... taking in more air...  Breathe out... letting out more air.  
I easily release the past.  That was then.  
This is now.  I came into this dimension a worthy being capable of knowing it all.  
I am worthy.  I can do nothing to not be worthy so I might as well accept I am worthy.  
I'm open and receptive to find a solution to any problem I may have in mind.  My intent is to feel more worthy.  
Command.  I am worthy.  Execute command.  
Repeat 2 more times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

FOCUS on the yellow dot for 17 seconds

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Post by sunshinez » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:15 pm


Make an indigo dot on a piece of paper,focus on the dot for 17 seconds

INDIGO...  Activate Spirituality For Rewarding Relationships

Breathe in... taking in more air...  Breathe out... letting out more air.  
I am a matching vibration to all I experience.  I am safe.
I imagine a lotus flower above my head in the center of a pipeline of bluish white light leading to my physical body.  
My facet filter is fully open, radiating well being to all the many facets of my life.  I am loving and lovable.  
I love and approve of myself.  This is all I have to do to find a solution to any problem.  I'm open and receptive to good.  
My intent today is to be in harmony with the unfolding harmony of those in harmony with my intentions.  I imagine I am renewed.  Look at how aligned I am.  
I practice excited possibilities and those who are a matching vibration come into my experience.  I practice appreciating passionate thriving, hardy dreams eagerly anticipating my next adventure.  
I'm ready.  I'm open and receptive to appreciation.  Appreciation is fun.  

Repeat 2 more times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:57 pm

Thriving And Feeling Confident Is Increased By Deliberate Deep Breathing

Choose a space where you can stand for a few moments of privacy with a three foot clear floor space before you .  Soft eyes, take a deep breath.  Hold your hands above your head, palms facing, gather the sun between your hands, and say, "Yes."

Relax dropping you arms to your sides, rub the palms of your hands together, and relax.  Look down at your feet.  Notice your feet first grounds your energy.  On the floor before your feet imagine creating a circle on the floor large enough to step into.  Remember when children played with hula hoops?  Your circle is the right size.  You circle contains a positive aspect you can program for your benefit.  This may be a new skill or ability, a boost of confidence, more energy, joyous survival, or habit control.

Now make the circle your favorite color.  Say the color out loud three times.

Each time you say the color you have chosen for the circle at your feet, it  fills with that color, clear strong vibrant.  This color circle may contain a new choice for change such as a boost of confidence.  Or a boost of energy.  Joyous survival.  Habit control where you will take three deep breaths and not feel hungry until your next scheduled meal.  Release the fear of taking that next smoke feeling relaxed and free as a non smoker.  Anxiety released feeling totally safe and relaxed.

What ever you choose know that when you step into your circle you will be instantly filled with that positive aspect.  Now step into the circle, eyes defocused, open or closed doesn't matter.  Closed eyes aid inner visualization.  The moment you stepped into the circle your body began to absorb the color.  Like a giant sponge container your feet began soaking up the color filling you up with the power to find a solutions for any problem you have in mind.

The color fills your ankles with soothing relaxation flowing into your calves and shin of each leg relaxing your knees and thighs all the way to your sitz bones.  The color fills your abdomen and chest bathing your organs in warm relaxation internally and externally.  Your body draws the color into your arms, flowing relaxation all the way to your finger tips of both hands.  The color flows into your neck all the way to the top of your head connecting with your halo and opening your facet filter, forming a circular waterfall of light and color returning to your feet, locking you onto the positive message.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:58 pm


The color red is bold and confident.  Focus on a red dot or print out the Ringed Target Focus Aid and color the center red.  The purpose of using a mental trigger such as a red dot is to train your mind that you are programming desired aspects.   Soon your mind will understand that when you recall a red dot you are serious about desiring permanent change.  No matter what happens you are in control, relaxed and safe.  Remember to breathe deeply.

   Imagine a square box any size or color with a lid that easily opens and closes.  Give your box a color.  Say the color out loud three times.  Imagine opening the lid all the way until it lies on its hinges at the back of the box.  Easy, relaxed, and in control.

   Take a deep breath and when you exhale ow imagine the worry thought you have been chewing on.  Inhale gathering your power.  Send it to the box where it falls to the bottom.  No matter what it is, the box can hold it all.  The box is a door to another dimension.  Close the lid.  The lid snicks closed, perfectly.

   Whatever you put in the box, your mind has automatically begun to work upon to find a solution for you.  The answer may come to you immediately or over the next few days.  An answer will come perhaps when you are least expecting it.

   Feel comfortable drawing a big red circle, then fill it in with a big red X over the lid of the box.  Now imagine turning your back, give yourself permission to turn away, and imagine walking away from the box.  You left the box behind.  Your mind understands perfectly you want to find a solution to the problem you have in mind.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:58 pm

Use Imagination To Overcome Those Replaying Hurting Experiences

Chin tucked in, soft eyes, eyelids relaxed, eyes focused above the horizon, close your eyes.  Now imagine a color pot, in a size, color or design that pleases you.  It may be like a color pot artists use or a favorite pot of gold image.  You can see over the edge of the opening the color pot is empty.

Now imagine you are holding a color ball in your left hand about the size of a familiar soft ball.  Say the color out loud.  Put it in the pot and say out loud, 'End Program.  (white is not a color to begin with)

Repeat adding colors until you feel your color pot is near full.  Pretend to stir the colors in the pot, mixing them together.  Take a deep breath and say, 'End program.

Now focus on the source of the problem you feel is preventing you from having it all.  What color is it now?

Repeat applications as many as necessary until the original color for your problem changes the colors in your color pot into a bluish white light.  This phenomenon happens for everyone.  Restricted prior perceptions have released their self inhibiting hold over you.

Stretch your hands over your head palms facing each other.  Gather the sun between your hands forming a ball of light.  Say Yes!  Yes!  Yes!  Arms relaxed at your sides.  Rub your hands together.  Feel proud.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:58 pm


Our purpose is for you to gain benefit from the medications you decide to give your body by intending a thriving energy boost.

   * Begin by holding your medication between the palms of both hands for 17 seconds of pure thought.
   * For those experiencing extreme discomfort, focus on the pills in your hands, and imagine a laser beam of bluish white light is passing from your right hand to your left.
   * The laser bean passes through each pill or capsule filling the substance with the power of sunlight.  The power of sunlight is JOY.
   * Repeat out loud, eyes open or closed doesn't matter 17 seconds of pure thought.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:59 pm

Heart & Blood Pressure Self Medication

Make a dot on a piece of paper. Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

Hands warm joy. Hands warm joy.  Hands warm.  Hands warm.

After I swallow this self medication my system will carry it through my blood to every cell in my body.  As it enters each cell it cleanses away any impurities, and restores normal function.

My intent is for this self medication to improve my performance each and every day, I am getting better, better and better.

I want the cells in my body to be satisfied in what they are asking for.  I want to know what my cells are asking for so that I am inspired to assimilate all that I need providing me strength in a dominant way.  I easily eliminate all tension, toxins and substances that I do not need.

An unknown strength envelops me.  This strength will automatically improve my health, improving my performance.

In a very short time the universe is going to line up for me information confirming I will know I have mastered my superiority for joyous survival.  I will know I am in alignment with my superiority, out performing all others.  My superior abilities will continue into my future.

I easily let go.  All is well.  All is well.  I am well.  I am fine.

You have energized your medication with joy power.  This works for pain killers, cold relief, vitamins or prescribed medication.  Now self medicate.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:59 pm

Diabetic Self Medication

Hold your medication between the palms of your hands for 17 seconds of pure warm thought.  Imagine sending energy from your right hand through the pills to your left hand in the form of bluish white energy.  Feel the pulsing between your hands.  You will notice a stronger pulsing that fades indicating you have completed a healing cycle.

Make a dot on a piece of paper. Focus on the dot for 17 seconds, hand write speaking each word out loud as it is copied... or look in a mirror, relax the eyes, soft eyes, without blinking on any of word, repeat out loud 7 times as one cycle.  Repeat cycles as needed.

Repeat out loud. My intent today is to be safe.  

Hands warm. Hands warm. Hands warm.  

After I swallow this medication my system will carry it through my blood to every cell in my body.  As it enters each cell it cleanses away any impurities, and restores normal function.

This medicine improves my performance each and every day, I am getting better, better and better.  An unknown strength envelops me, uplifting, regenerating, rejuvenating my immune system for joyous survival.

In a very short time, I will notice ways I have mastered my superiority for joyous survival.  I will know I am in alignment with my superiority, out performing all others.  I will continue my superior abilities into my future.

All is well. All is well. I am well.

You have energized your medication with joy power.  This works for pain killers, cold relief, vitamins or prescribed medication.  Now self medicate.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:00 pm


1) Locate The Thymus Gland...  
The thymus gland is below the breastplate about one and one half inches.  
Begin by gently sticking the index finger in the soft hollow at the front of the neck and drag the finger a short distance below it.  
Feel where the breastplate meets the soft tissue of the neck.  
Just below th is, begin tapping the thymus to stimulate it.  
It is important when we do this exercise we are not thinking about that bad thing that happened to make us angry, fearful, guilty or ashamed.

2) Use Imagination To Activate Immune System...  
Imagine the cells the body creates in the long bones of the leg.  
These rejuvenation and renewing cells are sent to the liver where they mature and are sent to the thymus gland, the Immune System Command General for marching orders to maintain balance in the body.

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Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:00 pm

Use Three Finger Vibration...  

By gently tapping the thymus, the thymus gland may be stimulated to balance the systems it controls.  
This in turns gives us more mental clarity and freedom to find solutions.

For best results place the tips of three fingers of one hand together and tap with the three fingers held together.  
Increase the tapping to a vibration so they tap at about ten times per second.

Remember to smile, soft eyes, chin tucked in, eyes above the horizon, eyelids partly relaxed and closed, vision, eyesight and hearing improve every time this exercise is performed.  
If smiling is too much effort, chuck each cheek between the thumb and index finger pinching the soft skin between the two fingers.  
This triggers the immune system into thinking we smiled anyway.

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