I finally worked up the nerve...

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I finally worked up the nerve...

Post by Doe » Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:45 pm

Hi, everyone,

For the longest time I've wanted to tell my son (he's 9) about my, um, experiences.  Somehow yesterday I got my courage together.  Just thought I'd share the results here!

From my journal:

So yesterday I worked up the nerve to tell Sandro a little bit about my seeing/talking to spirits, etc.  David said he thought it was a good idea, and said that T. (another wonderful spirit who volunteered to look out for my son) did too—they just suggested doing it little by little, just seeing where Sandro went with it, and not pushing too hard.

In the car on the way to St. Augustine, with butterflies doing the Macarena in my stomach, I took a deep breath and said, “OK, I have something I want to tell you, but please just keep it between us because other people might think it’s kind of weird, even though it’s really not.”  (One thing I know and love about Sandro is that I know that, if I ask him to do something like keep a secret, he will.  I just didn’t want him to think it was a secret because there’s something “wrong” with it”).  And then I told him that the reason that I like to watch “Ghost Whisperer”, etc., is because I can sort of do that stuff.

“Um, no offense,” he said, “but WHY are you telling me this?  It doesn’t really have any effect on MY life?”  HUH?

I was prepared for him to be weirded out, or at least a little curious.  “Well,” I babbled, “you’re my son, and I just thought you’d be interested in knowing that about me.”

He seemed completely nonplussed, and kept insisting that he doesn’t believe in “ghosts” (even while we were taking a really lame ghost tour in St. Augustine).  So I pretty much let it go, but I still thought his reaction was strange, and worried that his non-reaction was actually due to his being upset about what I said.

As we were getting ready to go to sleep, though, he said, “OK, I still don’t really believe in ghosts, but if there are ghosts, do you think they’re protecting us from bad things that could happen to us?”

Whoa.  I told him yes, and that they particularly liked to look out for him (which they do).

“Well, if there ARE ghosts, I’d want them to know that I don’t mean them any harm.”  I told him that that was exactly the right attitude.

I told him that sometimes they tell me things about what will happen in the future, and that I also have dreams that do the same thing, and he wanted me to tell him all about them.

And then he started talking about the lizard that I accidentally killed the day before, saying that maybe he was a lizard spirit now, and that the other spirits would tell him that I hadn’t meant to kill him at all, and that I was only trying to help him.  He said something about how the lizard might ask God to tell me that he understood that I didn’t try to hurt him.

Talk about a gift from God…


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Post by tourbi » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:02 pm

Good for you!! Congratulations!!Image

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Post by kybunker » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:10 pm

I just love your posts!
Thanks for sharing!

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Post by Doe » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:21 pm

Thanks, guys!  It IS a relief to have it out in the open at least...I just thought he'd be a little more--I don't know, impressed or something (at least as impressed as a 9-year-old gets about something his mother tells him!  :smt003 ).  But when he started talking about it again last night I was just amazed--I hadn't said anything about being "protected" or anything.  I don't know--he just seems to understand stuff (which is good, because that means he can explain it to me!).

I'm just going to leave it alone now, and only talk to him about it more if he brings it up himself.  This should be interesting!


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Post by Marion » Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:07 am

Thanks for sharing Doe, that was great.  I really enjoyed
reading it.


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Post by Psychic Chef » Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:38 am

Hi Doe
Well now isnt he an a old soul :) .
You have a cool son.
I told my boys as soon as they could understand, (2/3 years) slowly at first and let them incorparate it into there lives,
Its a wieght off your mind when you tell them and then you wonder why you knocked your self around so much to tell them in the first place :smt005 .

Cheers Pete

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Post by tourbi » Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:37 pm

Our granddaughter is 21/2.  She had started getting scared in her room.  So, her parents now give her permission to tell the bad guys to leave.  She can be heard in her room telling the bad guys to leave when she gets scared.

She has seen other beings in the room for a while now.  Her mother just asks her who she sees, she always see several more than mom.  Her mom doesn't say anything and allows her to keep talking about the entities Mom can't see.

The cat died a couple of months ago, she now sees the cat in the house.  We told her Snoopy would be gone to her new home but she might visit here.  Snoopy does and our granddaughter sees her. She also sees my grandmother and says some things that are directly from my grandmother.  It is cool.
We plan on continuing to support her abilities as a natural part of her life.

I doubt we will call them ghosts tho.

I think it is really cool you have shared your abilities with your son and that he is accepting it so well.  It will be interesting to see if he also has the abilities.

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Post by Doe » Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:57 pm


Pete--Yes--if there is such a thing as an "old soul", Sandro is ancient!  It would have been nice, and easier, to start talking to him about things when he was the age of your children when you told them, except that  I didn't have any "things" to tell him about until a little over a year ago!  At least I didn't have to wait until he reached the age where he won't believe a thing his parents tell him!  How old are your children now?

Tourbi--It's so great that you're teaching your grandchild to "deal" with spirits at such a young age, and in such an open, compassionate way.

I don't use the word "ghost" much either (unless I'm actually talking about a ghost--just learning the difference).  He started off with that word, but I didn't want to push things too far right off the bat with explanations about the difference.  I just keep using the word "spirits", and he started using that word too.

He hasn't brought it up again yet, so I'll just wait and let him think about things and ask when and if he's ready...


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Post by starsign20002000 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:58 am

That's great.  Thanks for sharing.  It was a great read.

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Post by Cali4niaGirlz » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:56 am

That you for posting this! I enjoyed your story!  :)

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Post by psychiclaura » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:58 pm

That was a great post, thanks for sharing! :smt003 Love hearing about peoples experiences when they tell there families about there gifts. :)

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