Composite chart reading please :)

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Composite chart reading please :)

Post by jeremy30 » Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:10 am

this is the woman i feel very strongly about, I think she could be the "one" ya know.

Can you tell me please if this chart shows a romantic compatibility?

Tahk you very much for your time


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Post by Youdah » Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:08 am

Sheesh!  I don't see many of these.  By that I mean that this is very good.  You already know that.  Why do you want someone to tell you want you already know?  There is great compatibility of mind and intellect, there's good compatibility sexually and romantically.  One thing I see is a square between the moon and saturn.  You will find that you two will tend to be pessimistic, for no apparent reason, throw in a little depression and you two will believe that the world is flat when you know that things are really quite good.  I'd suggest that when this hits either of you, or both of you, that you try to convert this "energy" into a seriousness and commitment toward each's the same energy, but a better use of it.  You'll have to make a conscious effort to do that, though.  And watch for those sudden fights.  Get a handle on that right now.  Turn that energy into a definite conscious effort to keep your romance alive, exciting and interesting.  Instead of blowing up at each other, go run naked through the park.  Or engage in some kind of sport together that you both find interesting and exciting.  Take a bicycle ride together on the Appalachian trail, for example.  It will use that same energy for something more beneficial and fun.  When you experience a sudden blow up, it's time to turn that same energy into something more positive...better not to ever let it happen at all, but it will.  You two also challenge each others' ego quite a bit.  Don't get defensive, but listen and learn from each other.  As much as it feels that you two are the same, you are both individuals.  Respect that and remember to value each others opinions and viewpoint.  Find compromises whenever possible.  Compromise means that you have to give something up in order to get something you want more...a strong relationship, respect, and love for each other.  You can make this one work.  But, heed the cautions that I'm  seeing here so they don't tear up something that is very good.  This relationship will definitely change you and her.  And if you don't let your ego run things (and her, too), you'll find this a very wonderful thing.

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