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Post by tourbi » Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:24 am

Has anyone had an experience working with the Merkaba?
Just curious.
Thank you

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Post by Azhar » Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:54 am

Merkaba also spelled as Merkabah is a divine light vehicle used by the divine masters to connect with  and reach those intune with  who are in higher realims. The MER- KA- BA is the vehicle of light mentioned in the Bible by Ezekiel.
"Mer" means light "KA" means spirit and "Ba" means body.
Merkaba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter rotating fields of light[wheels with in wheels], spirals of energy as in DNA which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.

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Meditation Merkabha.

Post by prasanna » Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:19 pm

Dear tourbiji, and Azarji,

          Thank u so much, through u  both, today i learn t a new  word  " Merkabha" and the meaning and importance of the same. It is fine and wonderful i can say.  The article which i pasted here was in Spanish language and its translation also i got .  May be the readers may feel , and find some Spanish words here. I tried my level best to cut Spanish , sorry if u feel hard to understand because , i could see many Spanish words in between English

Meditation  Merkabha

It is a technique Meditation Passive which in turn uses breathing techniques, visualization, sacred geometry and combines circuits (bioeléctrica )body with all these techniques as it achieves is to increase frequency to a cellular highest and so reach the most ser.Esta high of meditation is the highest of all existing Meditations that is the only one that can be used for the Healing of Uno and other personas.Las others can not achieve this by not using the techniques prealudidas.() : There are 7 Plans stocks:
. physicist, Astral, Mental, Buddhist, Nirvana Adico.Estos are of different sizes ranging from the most dense in the most sutil.Cuando man rises of more dimensions to the most dense sutiles.Utiliza Technique of the Meditation ingresandoen Astral plane which is more subtle that this plane material.En the inhabitants thereof or Basic Human only perceive objects astrales.En this plane is very different vision broader than the física.En this plane objects are all their sides at once and inside a solid object is visible as the superfície. the Astral Plane can enter otherwise and it is through the dreams. el CAMINO AL INFIERNO ESTA PLAGADO DE BUENAS INTENCIONES. So when applying the technique of meditation that we know that we do, as we do and what is the benefit of this practica.Yo diria that if one performs meditation techniques in the form Self runs a high risk of receiving influences that may hurt in their various levels d existence physical, mental, emotional and espiritual.Por that it is more advisable to have a Instructor someone who will guide you through meditative practice until he can dominate these words misma.Recuerden the road to hell is littered with good intentions . . In practice the art of meditation market has ensured the protection that nothing and no one can disturb it by creating a powerful field of protection.


     It is a Hebrew word that means rotating body of Light. . Every element of Creation has an energy field and within the same information there. It is crystal clear and we are born geométrica. our body radiates energia.El knowledge and understanding of these fields of energy will be in charge of science sacred geometries . That is the technique used in different cultures

Meditation Merkabha.

             Las eastern mention the vital energy that surrounds us things we already denominator Pran. Merkabha Meditation technique through a breathing technique that is extracted vital force .  All ancient culture to mention Centers Energy and energy channels through which vital energy circulates the call Prana, KI, CHI,. Merkabha Meditation technique uses these circuits to produce energy Sanacion.Los Mudra positions that are concentrated energy subtle. Here they are . used by man to cross barriers and in turn is a gesture responsive to the energies.  l  The centers of subtle energy or energy also called vortices are the chakras is where incoming energy in our  if you have to do for circular canals which are called
meridians or nadis.

  The man to study nature through experiments have established that the result is paradoxical and that paradox is part of it is intrinsica. idemonstrated that the light in a particle but if a change is introduced will also demonstrate what is a wave. This duality is called the complementarity particles can be waves simultaneously but not real like the sound or the wave of water but probabilidades.Estas phenomena are not things but more likely to interconexión.Se said that there was what we call things but events that may be converted into eso.El Universe is presented as a plot patterns of energy inseparables.Entonces the universe must be looked at as a whole dynamic that always includes a form that is essential to exist observa.Al this plot there is what we call part . So we are not separate parts of a whole we are a todo.Existe an order folded implicitly that does not exist in the form Is this order and is the basis where lies the reality manifiesta.Esa reality is explicitly called ORDER deployer which in this connection immediately with the other. The dynamics of these relationships depend irreducibly of the dynamics of state from around the Sistema.Para able to understand the universe and the orders made should be seen from one point of view Holográfico.Un Hologram specifies that each piece is a reprentacion entirely accurate and can be used to reconstruct the hologram completo.El Hologram was first demonstrated in the year 1971 by Dennis Gabor who received the Award Novel.La deep structure of our brain is holographic is not just for this but also for the universe. The brain uses this process for extracting information from a field that transcends holographic Space and Tiempo.La Merkabha Meditation technique uses the formation of holograms for meditation.

. Merkabha means Light Revolving body which is created by us for Ascension.Es a vehicle but where we ascend to a higher losReinos where light levels are more subtle in which vibrations are very altas.Tenemos be remembered that we and all the land we are on the physical level that is more denso.Ahora and return to the floor ascents which is also called LIGHTING in this state we have to differentiate two verbs and make the ser.No is being done but when we arrived at this one must leave the state Limiting Beliefs and we must take a stand against what is the belief not Limitantes.Es the state sought by transiting the Way Espiritual.Ese state is called the Natural State of Being in which the happiness and Ecstasy are the state of everyday consciousness day by day in our lives where we are harmonized.
Now deepen relationship with the concepts discharges by my relationship with losverbos to Make and Do Ser.El verb is related to our soul that if our person and is manifested in our body personalidad.Nuestro born with the soul in which the lal doing things that we are entering nosotros.Al To say the verb is the work that we do along our vida.El Being verb is our spirit which is the breath of Creates dor, the vital principle, the principle of life conscious.

To us this is a bit of its esencia.A through the encouragement they gave us the vida.Es the divine spark that is housed in our heart that has the wisdom, power and love Divino.Esta essence making by the Creator is so that was a Divino.Por also be that our spirit is with this I mean that the Spirit is synonymous with SER.Es say to Create the Body of light through the MERKABHA we went to the presence Divina.YO SOY, WHICHEVER ME us and nurtured by his immense love, power, wisdom.
. Place this where the energies more sublimes.Al cite more subtle levels above I want to give more information in relation to the airwaves and vibrational states of consciousness elevados.Esas more dimensions to which he referred are limited by frequency ranges vibratory and nature its forms and these absences.
. In Merkabah Meditation technique is used holograms of the Flower of Vida.Es representation in the creation of a vibration, a symbol, is a form of holography to represent the energy that resonates in the center of the planet to the ends of Universe, but never changed so lose the essence of containing the essence of vida.Se agree to the scientific concept implicit and explicit order of physics cuantica.La prime of life has to do with the ancient cultures knew that this was found in the Egyptian pyramids as well as in temples and japan and china in the Temple of Herod.

By creating a powerful field of Energy practicing this expands the consciousness and makes us be more creativos.Produce Healing with the use of Energias Subtle more Elevadas.Con practice aimed at the Healing produces the Clean Corps negative energy. Clean Emotional Body, The Body Causal, produces the opening of the heart to receive the cosmic energy and communicates with us the source of creative energy.
. Important MEDITATION Merkabah's teacher has to be very prepared for teaching esta.Pienso that must have a very extensive prior knowledge of the Spirituality for the quantity of items it touched by the student but who do not have the necessary answers for raise their awareness and learning.
. Remember this (Not the disciples above Maestro.Al disciples will be just like his teacher. And also remember that there is nothing hidden that were not discovered. Nothing covert not divulgue.Lo said that someone born in Nazareth 2000 years ago and I think that something wise.

Thanks for reading these articles humble and I hope to learn the techniques one of the most exciting MEDITATION Merkabah.



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You Tube video on Merkabha.

Post by prasanna » Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:29 pm

Dear friends,

   I wish the readers of this article to  watch this wonderful video  On Merkabha Meditaion.  Thank u all.  I request u all to share your views with me here.


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Post by tourbi » Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:46 am

Thank you both.  I'm curious here if anyone here has had experience with the Merkaba.  
I have known about it for years.  I don't currently know anyone who has experience with it.

Thank you for the link.

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Post by Seraph » Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:39 am

tourbi, I know you post this in 2008 regarding the merkaba.  Just out of curiosity.  Is your merkaba activated yet?  If yes, are you able to see your merkaba?  
My merkaba was activated last month.  I don't know how wide is my merkaba right now.

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