Magical Spells

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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:40 am

I tried once in high school w/o much understanding and the results scared me enuf to cancel it out.  Guess one shouldn't try things they are usure of :)  The one I tried I had seen in a movie.

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Post by dhav » Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:11 pm

But where is the spell tips?

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Post by tourbi » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:26 pm

dhav wrote:But where is the spell tips?
I wrote this out in another thread.  I hope it helps.  It's what I learned from a teacher of FamTrad Wicca who I really respect. ... [quote]Sit down and think about the reason you want a spell.
Then ask for the Goddess you work with and the God you work with to be available for guidance.  Have a pad of paper and pen/pencil and start writing the intent of what you want.
Then start thinking about the energy needed to accomplish.
Think about the energies that exist at the time you want to do the spell.
Is the moon growing? new? full? decreasing in size?  You want to use the energies to help you, if possible.  
Are you able to yell, scream, jump, dance? to build energy?
You want to build into to your rite to do the spell, a way you are going to build energy to get what you are trying to create.
Are you wanting to use candles, you need to have what you want to dress the candles.  You need to gather the tools you may need and maybe make an altar.
Then as you are doing this, what do you want to say.  Doing something you can chant that rhymes is often good, if not for the Gods, definately for you.
Then keep it simple, Go over and over what you are wanting to have and what you are making for yourself.  Are you manipulating or controlling someone else?  (you really don't want to do that, double check and make sure you aren't creating a problem for yourself or someone else if you are including or making your spell about someone else.)
After you have gotten everything ready to where you are sure it's the way you want it. Start your rite and do your spell and then LET IT GO!!!! Know it is done.  

Yes, you can do ritual bathing before, if you are in a place to do that.
You can have all the bells and whistles you want and enjoy.
You can have none and it just be you in your rite with the Gods and Goddesses and elements.  That is up to you.

Have fun, even if it is serious.  Be loving.  And yes have reverence.  

Take any bit of this and use it if you want, or throw it all out.  What's important is the spell you want must be as much yours as possible, it must be within your ethics and integrity, even if you find something on the net you want to use.

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candle spells

Post by jaymierp » Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:04 pm

I find that I get more energy raised and more positive results using candle spells.  I like to inscribe the candles with my will and then cleanse and consecrate the candle with the appropriate oils and let the candle burn after I have put my energy within it.  I find that most spells happen in a positive way with this practice.  Once a year I will make my own candles and keep them in a safe place so that I always have a candle ready for a spell when I need one.

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Post by meme » Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:45 pm

I am very interested in learning spells.

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i want to learn

Post by teragram » Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:29 pm

i want to learn all that i can if youwould be willing to teach me i am willing to listen and learn

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Re: candle spells

Post by TheJedi » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:55 am

jaymierp wrote:I find that I get more energy raised and more positive results using candle spells.  I like to inscribe the candles with my will and then cleanse and consecrate the candle with the appropriate oils and let the candle burn after I have put my energy within it.  I find that most spells happen in a positive way with this practice.  Once a year I will make my own candles and keep them in a safe place so that I always have a candle ready for a spell when I need one.
I primarily use candle magick, as well.  While the candles aren't actually NECESSARY to make it work, it helps me to visualize what I am seeking.  I never thought about inscribing the candles, but it does make sense that it would infuse your energy into the candles even more.

I just posted this money spell under another topic the other day, but I will re-post it here since there seems to be a lot of interest in the topic:

I believe that one's attitudes towards money affect how much, if any, flows into your life.  I also believe that if you just want to "get rich," then you're probably drawing on greed, and negativity like that just isn't healthy.  Prosperity is here for all to obtain, but it must be approached in a moral and ethical way.

That being said, I'm on a fixed income, so I frequently need a little extra here and there to "fill in the gaps" sometimes.  Again, I only use money-attraction magick when the necessity is there, and I think that is why it continues to work for me.

I'm heavily based in wicca and candleburning magick, and these are the basics of what I do to increase the flow of money:

Money is ruled by Jupiter, so these are the hours to work the spell:

Sunday - 6.00am or 1.00 and 8.00pm
Monday - 3.00 and 10.00am or 5.00 and 12.00pm
Tuesday - 7.00am or 2.00 and 9.00pm
Wednesday - 4.00 and 11.00am or 6.00pm
Thursday - 1.00 and 8.00am or 3.00 and 10.00pm
Friday - 5.00 and 12.00am or 7.00pm
Saturday - 2.00 and 9.00am or 4.00 and 11.00pm

You Will Need:
A Candle To represent yourself.  Color is your choice here.
A Green or Gold candle to represent money or finances.
A Silver or Grey candle to represent neutralization of the bad luck.
A Black candle to represent negativity.
A Magenta candle to hasten the luck-changing process.

The Spell:
This spell is best done starting on the night of a new moon, but that is not a necessity.  You need to gain money, so you need a gaining moon, as well.

Anoint the candles with a prosperity oil, and set them in sturdy fireproof holders on your altar.

Anoint the Black candle from the end to the wick, and anoint the rest from the end to the wick.

Light the candle which represents yourself and say:

"This is me, and all that represents me."

Light the Grey / Silver candle and say:

"This neutralizes any remnants of bad luck, they will dissolve into nothingness."

Light the Green or Gold candle and say:

"This represents the finances which are coming into my life, I welcome them with open arms."

Light the Magenta candle and say:

"This is the astral energy which I need to speed up the change."

Now sit for several minutes repeating the following to yourself:

"I welcome change, I welcome the incoming flow of money."

Meditate on this, and visualize the money coming in.  You have to actually see yourself with the money in your hand, paying your bills.  You have to feel the money in your hand.  Pay attention to how you feel when receiving the money, how it feels good to be able to pay off your debts.

As your building the energy, visualize it as a glowing green ball directly in front of you.  When you feel you have built up enough energy, release that ball up into the ozone, setting it free to do your will.

I usually start the spell on a Sunday (which rules finances), and then do it again each day for 7 days.  Again, though, this rule is not written in stone.

Note:  I use pillar candles and re-light them each day, rather than using new candles each time.  Also, I don't subscribe to the belief that you have to wait for the entire candle to burn down.  I do use fresh candles for each particular spell, though.

I hope everyone finds this useful.  Please post up any results, good or bad.  I would like to hear everyone's thoughts.

Good luck, all.  :)

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Post by Jynxx » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:33 am

At times I wonder if spell work is literally a metaphysical thing at all. Just becaue of the visualization and conentration it entails, it sort of seems as if it coincides with some scientific explainations. It could be a matter of, well, 'mind over matter'. The OP is right, though. It takes a lot of visualization. Chances are if you truly don't beleive something will work, then it won't. Negative convictions resulting in negative results. Positive convictions resulting in positive results. Or, it just doesn't turn out the way you expect it to. xD

Kissing spells are, in my opinion, a no-no. Anything that attempts to force the will of another gets lumped into naughty stuff, nasty karma, 3x bad to the original 'caster', etc. It brings to mind Luciferianism, and a tendancy to draw off of and/or force the will of others, rather than 'Do unto others as they would have you do unto them' or 'Any ye harm none, do what ye will". It may not seem harmful, but there's a chance it will be. Love spells focused on a particular person, for instance. It's forcing the will of another. You may get that guy/girl, but there's a big chance of it being an unhappy union, resulting in resentment. Love spells focused on finding someone who is 'right' for you and that you are 'right' for, however, is much more ambigious, and likely to turn up happy results - even if it takes longer, or it's someone you wouldn't normally, conciouslly, choose for yourself.

I'd also be glad to share an experiences I've had, if anyone would like. ^_^;

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Post by WITCHYNANNA01 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:51 am

I need some help with getting the right healing spell for my Grandaughter, who has something terribly wrong , and the doctors can't even find whats wtong with her.  She is 13 and lost all of her hair and has a few other symptomsm.  She is just getting worse. she told me that she feels it in her bones, as if it's cancer.  Please if anyone knows of a sprll, or can tell me whats wrong wiyh her and how to make it better, I would greatly appreciate it,



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Post by spygrrl007 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:07 pm

I would very much appreciate a spell to cast my soon to be ex out of my heart!
I never wanted this divorce- he gave up on us and I can not move on- been over a year now- I still look at my wedding ring sometimes and I have no idea how to trust again.... any help please pm me!!!!!!!!

Thank you in advance!

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Post by The Phoenix » Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:05 am

Merry Meet

I would love to participate.

I am new to spells if thats ok.



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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:34 pm

I may shock MB, but........ I have been in practice since age 5. I began my studies then. My family practiced folk magick. My grandmother was from Ireland, and she had her own ways of doing things. I have been writing my own spells and helping others for many years now. I founded a coven when I lived in Iowa called The Silver Spiral. I now live in Mississippi, although a huge chunk of my life was spent in Texas. One thing I have found with any spell work is simply this, you have to have faith in anything you do. Some need props, and some simply use the power of the word. The spell begins and ends with the caster in some way, shape or form. There are tons of books out there, but I find that my own spells and the things I create work best for me. I have taught a very select few over the years, and the reason for this is simply that the law of return is real, and it always comes back to the creating person of the work. So... we must use caution. You do not have to visualize, but you do have to have faith. Example: I burn onion skins on the stove when I am cooking to bring in prosperity, and it has never failed, but this is something I was taught as a child and I know it works, however it may not work for you. As I said, I have found that my own brand of magick works for me. Nothing I have ever read in a book works. The reason for this is that your personal power is poured into what you do. If it is important to you, you will give it more energy and place more of your personal power behind it. It helps some to be very ritualistic, while others prefer to remain simple. You have to find out what type of person you are, and then you will discover what works best for you. My grandmother and aunts taught me to use a sewing needle as a pendulum. They used the person's wedding ring too if it was concerning the sex of a child. Just things like that. Simply things I learned from childhood. I do things my family didn't do as well. We are all different. So, take what you learn, use what feels correct, and leave the rest. Always be willing to take personal responsibility before you do anything. Always ask yourself, is this for myself or to help someone else. I can write a book on this, and I hope I haven't bored anyone, but actually Magick is a way of life for me, as it is for many. I'm happy to participate here and I am happy someone opened this thread.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by spygrrl007 » Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:32 pm

JewelOfTheSouth wrote:I may shock MB, but........ I have been in practice since age 5. I began my studies then. My family practiced folk magick. My grandmother was from Ireland, and she had her own ways of doing things. I have been writing my own spells and helping others for many years now. I founded a coven when I lived in Iowa called The Silver Spiral. I now live in Mississippi, although a huge chunk of my life was spent in Texas. One thing I have found with any spell work is simply this, you have to have faith in anything you do. Some need props, and some simply use the power of the word. The spell begins and ends with the caster in some way, shape or form. There are tons of books out there, but I find that my own spells and the things I create work best for me. I have taught a very select few over the years, and the reason for this is simply that the law of return is real, and it always comes back to the creating person of the work. So... we must use caution. You do not have to visualize, but you do have to have faith. Example: I burn onion skins on the stove when I am cooking to bring in prosperity, and it has never failed, but this is something I was taught as a child and I know it works, however it may not work for you. As I said, I have found that my own brand of magick works for me. Nothing I have ever read in a book works. The reason for this is that your personal power is poured into what you do. If it is important to you, you will give it more energy and place more of your personal power behind it. It helps some to be very ritualistic, while others prefer to remain simple. You have to find out what type of person you are, and then you will discover what works best for you. My grandmother and aunts taught me to use a sewing needle as a pendulum. They used the person's wedding ring too if it was concerning the sex of a child. Just things like that. Simply things I learned from childhood. I do things my family didn't do as well. We are all different. So, take what you learn, use what feels correct, and leave the rest. Always be willing to take personal responsibility before you do anything. Always ask yourself, is this for myself or to help someone else. I can write a book on this, and I hope I haven't bored anyone, but actually Magick is a way of life for me, as it is for many. I'm happy to participate here and I am happy someone opened this thread.

Gentle Hugs,

Thank you for such a thoughtful reply to this thread- I agree that personalizing your spell will make it more powerful and meaningful.

I have been studying the occult since I was 7- I was going to catholic school at the time... lol.... but for me, meditation and spells, and the occult have always been of signifacant interest, I have no idea where I got it from, but I can remember at age 8 starting to practice meditation and OBE's- and yes moving on to the Tarot etc...

I have put my life and passions on hold for years, as I tried to make my marriage work- and live a "step ford wife" life to please my husband.

I'm soo thankful to be back on a path that is ALL mine- and I believe finally I have learned some extremely tough lessons as a result of giving up that most precious part of me to a man who didn't appreciate it.

What does my reply to you have to do with this thread??? lol....

I guess I would like some opinions on casting a spell to take my husband out of my heart- As I am still so dearly inlove with him, but he has moved on romantically-intimately, our divorce will be over soon, but not without him trying to take our baby from me-  even with all this I am still at a standstill with my heart (as I still believe it belongs to him) and my trust of men in general is hardly present in my life at all...because I gave it all to him, only to be cast away as if I were a piece of trash.  

I want to personalize my spell-magic, but I also don't want to be naive and cause possible harm to myself.  Does any of this make sense?  lol

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:16 pm

Hello spygrrl007,

Your post makes perfect sense. I'm not sure you need a spell at this point but what I am sure of is this: When you are romantically inclined with someone, you form psychic attachments. There are psychic cords if you will, that attach themselves. Before one can move on, they have to be removed. There is a spell called the psychic string spell. This breaks the cords between you and the person. However, there is another way. Go in to meditation, and you will feel all of the cords that you have between yourself and him. As you feel each one, allow it to melt and turn to bright white light, and fade. Do this with each and everyone. Each time you do it, say this: I release you in love and light so that we may continue our separate journey's as we have served the purpose of the greater good in this relationship. Say Loud: I RELEASE YOU! I RELEASE YOU! I RELEASE YOU!. Do this until all of it is gone. Please sage yourself before beginning this and after. Sage is a god thing, but any cleansing resin or incense will do. I simply prefer sage. Always remember to cast a protective bubble or circle around you when you are working. If you are holding on to anything that is his, you will have to let it go too. You really have to be willing to let go and move forward. You can PM me if you need futher assistance. If it comes to the psychic string spell, which I doubt if this is done properly, you can PM me too. I will give you those details. I'm sending positive energy to help you get through this.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by spygrrl007 » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:26 am

JewelOfTheSouth wrote:Hello spygrrl007,

Your post makes perfect sense. I'm not sure you need a spell at this point but what I am sure of is this: When you are romantically inclined with someone, you form psychic attachments. There are psychic cords if you will, that attach themselves. Before one can move on, they have to be removed. There is a spell called the psychic string spell. This breaks the cords between you and the person. However, there is another way. Go in to meditation, and you will feel all of the cords that you have between yourself and him. As you feel each one, allow it to melt and turn to bright white light, and fade. Do this with each and everyone. Each time you do it, say this: I release you in love and light so that we may continue our separate journey's as we have served the purpose of the greater good in this relationship. Say Loud: I RELEASE YOU! I RELEASE YOU! I RELEASE YOU!. Do this until all of it is gone. Please sage yourself before beginning this and after. Sage is a god thing, but any cleansing resin or incense will do. I simply prefer sage. Always remember to cast a protective bubble or circle around you when you are working. If you are holding on to anything that is his, you will have to let it go too. You really have to be willing to let go and move forward. You can PM me if you need futher assistance. If it comes to the psychic string spell, which I doubt if this is done properly, you can PM me too. I will give you those details. I'm sending positive energy to help you get through this.

Gentle Hugs,


OMG- your a Goddess!!!!

I have been working this meditation  for two days now, and I can tell you my release of him is a success- I was given a vivid dream in which all the answers as to his leaving were reveled, and I finally got it... it has nothing to do with me.  His spiritual path is bankrupt- and until or if at all he finds solace and respects the spirit he will continue to wander, trapped in his ego and physical body.  This is why we are no longer together- my spiritual path does not collide with his, only long enough to have our baby.

I no longer feel the attachment to him, I feel hope that he will one day find happiness in spirit, hopefully this life time-

Thank you, your suggestion is so appreciated and used with respect and love.


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