Daily horoscopes for 22nd July, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 22nd July, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:31 pm


Sharing your dreams with other people might seem like a good way to figure out the puzzling images you saw, but you have to watch your audience carefully. Are they really interested in what you have to say? It's better to let these odd visions just stew around in your head than to bore friends with the symbolism of your inner mind. This is not a good time to talk too much about yourself -- what is important to you is not always important to the people you're talking to.


If you want some solo time today, that's fine -- but don't just drop off the face of the earth and leave people guessing about where you went! Having time to yourself is definitely important, but this is not the best time to go on any extended trips or adventures by yourself. People need you right now, and you have to give them some time. If you want to have the freedom to come and go as you please, you have to respect your responsibilities, too.


Take every opportunity you can to add some fun to your day, today. The more you focus on creative pursuits, the better! So go ahead and add a silly or whimsical note to your emails and text messages -- you're sure to make someone smile, which is always a good thing. And if you feel like doodling, go all the way. Get out some markers and make a real picture while you're at it. Stick it to your fridge and see what your family thinks of your latest creation.


Staying confident today will be simple if you ignore negative energy and embrace all the good energy that is coming your way. Walk away from the people who are pushing your buttons and making you doubt yourself. They aren't helping you find that self-assuredness that you want right now, so what good are they? You will find all the support and encouragement you need if you believe you deserve it. You have far more people in your corner than you realize -- look behind you, today, and you'll see!


Each of the issues you will have to deal with today may not be clear at first, but some will be. So deal with the crystal clear stuff right away and get it out of the way. Save the rest of your day to tackle the other stuff you can't quite get a handle on right away. The gray areas will be fun to explore, so make sure you give yourself all the time you can to enjoy them! Pushing yourself to do too much, too quickly will only end in problems. So go slow and have fun!


One of the newer people on the scene is going to be feeling extra sensitive today, so be aware that what you think is a silly joke could come off as offensive to them. And if they are doing something wrong, do your best not to be too critical about it -- let them figure things out on their own. It won't take long. The extra effort you put into being sensitive to their needs will be worth it when they relax, open up and show you what a cool person they actually are.


There will be several dramas whirling around you today, but you will probably enjoy each and every one of them! Your flexibility is the key ingredient. It will enable you to see the humor in someone's ranting to such an extent that you might have a hard time holding back a giggle fit! And it will be your flexibility that helps you find an instant solution to a problem that someone is freaking out about. You'll be quick on your feet, and ready for anything.


Like a struggling plant in the desert, your brain is eager to soak up every bit our nourishment that it can, today. At first, you might not feel like there is enough substance in the conversations you're involved in -- people seem to be too concerned with trivial matters and celebrity gossip when you really hunger for a good debate. But later on in the day, you will find the conversational partner you've been looking for. Dive right into it with them, and watch the two of you get closer than ever.


You'll see something or someone today that reminds you of an important event in your past, and you should follow your urge to wander down memory lane for a while. Reminiscing about the past is always better when someone else is remembering along with you, so find someone who was in your life then and give them a call or send them an email. This shared time in your lives might not be terribly significant, but thinking about how much you've grown will be rewarding.


Take some time today to think about what you want for your future. Go to one of your favorite places and just let your mind go. Imagine what the years ahead could bring. Thinking ahead is not only efficient, it's downright fun! The universe is waiting for you to tell it what you want so it can help put you on a path towards getting it. So let your imagination run wild today! Hope for the best and envision the perfect outcome in your latest project or conquest.


Relationship issues will come to the forefront today when a friend or partner has a problem that causes you to reevaluate your values. It's time to ask yourself the hard questions. Is this a positive partnership for you? If you are happy with who you are when you are with them, then the answer is yes. But if you feel like they always make you feel nervous, guilty, or on edge, then it is time to have a serious talk with them. It won't get better until you do.


The good news you just heard has you distracted and excited, today. But try not to let go of your grasp on reality, right now. There is still some business at hand that needs your undivided attention, so make sure you have divvied out the hours in your day correctly. And while you should definitely try out some new ideas and techniques here and there, you need to stick to the tried and true for the most part. Make sure old things are square before you start exploring new ones.


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Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:57 am
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Post by KarensMoonlight » Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:47 am

Love the daily horoscopes. I have an interest in BioRhythms.
Looking forward to seeing more from this site.

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